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7 Ways to Persuade People to Volunteer for Your Event

7 Ways to Persuade People to Volunteer for Your Event
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Updated - 11/29/2023

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Today’s volunteers look for great experiences and meaningful engagement when they give away their time. So make it clear from the moment you launch your online recruiting campaigns that those are benefits your volunteers will find. Below we’ve provided seven specific ways to persuade people to volunteer for your event. And if you follow even some of these suggestions, you’ll be able to attract a top-notch pool of highly motivated and dedicated volunteers.

1. Offer wearable swag that inspires

Provide inexpensive items for your volunteers to use during the event. Logo-bearing wearables with inspiring slogans, such as T-shirts, key chains, baseball caps, or phone cases can help identify a fellow volunteer, promote solidarity, and get everyone into the team spirit as they work towards a common goal.

2. Provide experience with real-life relevance

Match candidates with roles that suit their interests and skill sets. During the recruitment phase, highlight any well-established experts donating their time to train or mentor new volunteers. In addition, reach out to school departments with students looking to add experience to their resumes. And at the end, give excellent references to the volunteers who’ve earned them.

3.  Foster a digital tribe

Provide an online discussion forum for volunteers to exchange ideas throughout the event’s recruitment, training, execution, and post-evaluation phases. And don’t forget to encourage staff and “alumni” volunteers to chime in with online advice. Let people know that volunteering with you makes them part of a supportive community.

4. Emphasize on-site engagement

Ensure that every volunteer has the opportunity to socialize with fellow team members and actively contribute to a successful event. Remember to take photos of the best and brightest moments so your volunteers can share their success stories on social media.

5. Hold a sustainable event

Communicate from the start that your event uses sustainable processes and procedures such as recycling and paperless communications. Also, think about ways to offer part of the event’s proceeds to an environmentally friendly cause, and announce that intention during your recruitment campaigns.

6. Run an incentive program

Design a contest and explain ways to earn points for exceptional volunteer service. Include awards such as outstanding performance, perfect attendance, and multiple years of service. Then set aside time at the end of the event to recognize your volunteers and announce the winners.

7. If you feed them, they will come

Finally, make it part of your event brand to have healthy, delicious meals for volunteers during scheduled breaks so they can recharge. During the event, keep fresh water and healthy snacks on hand to keep energy and comfort levels up.

Get the word out with Bloomerang Volunteer. With this all-in-one event management and communication tool, you can let everyone know exactly how volunteering for your event provides fun, food, and memorable experiences which your volunteers will keep coming back for year after year.

For more information on creating amazing events through exceptional volunteer management, check out our resource page!

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  • Professor Ndlovu

    Very useful information and some light being shared
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