Volun-Telligence Test: How Effective Is Your Volunteer Program?

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There are lots of reasons to measure the impact of your volunteers.
For starters, it can help you raise money.
How? By showing your donors and funders not just how immensely resourceful you are, but how deeply invested the community is in your program.
It also helps you deepen your relationships with your volunteers, who are ten times more likely to give to you than a non-volunteer.
Would you believe almost half of nonprofits don’t do anything to measure their volunteer programs?
But not you. You’re smarter than that!
1. How regularly does your organization survey your volunteers on their satisfaction?
2. Do you track the number of volunteers engaged with your organization?
3. Do you track the number of hours volunteers work for you?
4. Do you track the monetary value of the number of hours volunteers work for you?
5. Do you share the number of volunteer hours and their monetary value with donors and funders?
6. Do you track the number of actions your volunteers took (like the number of meals served) or the number of stakeholders/clients/beneficiaries they reached (like the number of hungry people served)?
7. How do you measure volunteer retention in your organization?
8. How often do you assess the effectiveness of training you give to volunteers?
9. Do you use wealth screening tools to identify high-net-worth volunteers?
10. Do you invite volunteers to donate to your organization?
11. Do you track the giving behavior of volunteers?
12. If you track volunteer giving behavior, what percentage of your volunteers also donate?
13. How often do you review and adjust your volunteer program based on feedback and data?
14. How often do you praise, celebrate, recognize, or reward your volunteers?
Extra Credit Question:
Where do you get your most loyal and dedicated volunteers?
For each time you answered A, give yourself 3 points.
For each time you answered B, give yourself 2 points.
For each time you answered C, give yourself 1 point.
For each time you answered D, give yourself 0 points.
If you answered the extra credit question, congrats on knowing where you get your best volunteers. That’s the first step to recruiting more!
How’d I do?
Mostly A’s: Congratulations, superstar! Your volunteer program is soaring higher than a rocket-powered unicorn! You’re making waves, turning heads, and leaving glitter trails of impact everywhere you go. Keep shining bright like a diamond because you’re doing an A-mazing job!
Mostly B’s: Hey there, go-getter! You’re doing pretty darn well, but there’s room for a sprinkle of stardust to take things up a notch. You’re like a superhero in training; with a bit more practice, you’ll be saving the world in style. Just boosting your volunteer actions from “occasionally” to “on the regular” will turn you into the volunteer superstar you’re meant to be!
Mostly C’s: Alright, let’s get down to business, champ! It’s time to roll up those sleeves and dive headfirst into the magic potion of improvement. You’ve got potential brewing like a cauldron of creativity, but it needs a little stirring. Fear not—with a dash of determination and a pinch of perseverance, you can turn your volunteer program into the success it’s destined for!
Mostly D’s: You may be missing out on a great opportunity! Your volunteer program might be taking a nap, but don’t worry. We’re here to give it a gentle prod. Dust off those cobwebs, summon your inner dynamo, and let’s turn those “we don’t do that” answers into “oh yes, we do!” victories! Remember, every journey begins with a single step. You’ve got this!