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Web Changelog


Kindful has the following change:

  • There is a new icon to start a chat with Support.
  • When you start a chat, Flora, our new chatbot, will let you know your queue position and notify you when a Support Agent is ready to help. While you wait, feel free to add notes or questions so the Support Team can better assist you.



Email Enhancements

Enhancements to the email builder make it faster and easier for you to design, draft, build, and test engaging emails.

  • Write engaging emails faster by using the AI content assistant in Title, Paragraph, List, and Button content blocks. Ask the AI content assistant for help with:
    • Getting started
    • Changing tone, grammar, or capitalization
    • Proofreading and spell checking
    • Shortening or summarizing text
    • Switching between active or passive voice
    • And more!
  • More easily brand, personalize, and collaborate on emails:
    • Choose from new, professionally designed email templates that include sample content. Templates are rooted in donor psychology and fundraising best practices to help with inspiration.
    • Add a background image to your design.
    • New content blocks provide more options for creating visually engaging emails: Title, Paragraph, List, Menu, Icons, Stickers, GIFs.
    • Collaborate with colleagues directly within the email builder by adding comments to discuss changes, approvals, and ideas.
    • A green border and new name style help you identify and read descriptive merge fields.
    • Style rows with backgrounds and borders.
    • Adjust column background, padding, and borders.
    • Align content position to top, middle, or bottom of the row.
    • Ten new web-safe fonts give you more design options.
    • Edit the Contact Us block with contact information and location-specific details. The email builder helps you ensure emails are legitimate, transparent, and maintain compliance with industry guidelines and CAN-SPAM.
  • Preview how your emails look on devices that have dark mode enabled.
Security Enhancement

The Bloomerang web app now has a shorter session timeout. You are now prompted to log in again:

  • After you’ve been idle for 40 minutes.
  • If you’ve been logged in for 12 hours, even if you’ve been active in the last 40 minutes.


Bloomerang Volunteer

You can now create recurring shifts to save time, streamline your scheduling operations, and create reliable schedules.

  • When you create or edit a shift and select Action > Copy Shift, the To a Recurring Frequency option now appears. After you specify the frequency and duration, Bloomerang Volunteer bulk creates the individual shifts for you.
  • On the Schedules page, indicators appear that tell you the number of recurring shifts being created and the estimated time remaining.
  • After Bloomerang Volunteer creates all of your shifts shifts, you see a bell notification and receive an email. A message also appears above the shift list that tells you the number of shifts created.

Bloomerang Volunteer also has these updates:

  • When you create new opportunities, you can now select a date in the past so you can build historical opportunities and templates.
  • Volunteers now see an Are You Sure? message if they try to advance in the signup process with an empty shift cart.
  • Newly-created shifts now default to today’s date instead of the opportunity’s start date.
  • Password entry is now removed on the Attendance Kiosk to help streamline onsite check-in workflows.


Create emails efficiently with an intuitive workflow:

  • When you create a new email, you can now select a template category or view all Bloomerang templates.
  • If you have a Mailchimp integration, a New Mailchimp Email button now appears next to the New Email button.
  • Email settings are now reorganized on the Header, Design, Recipients, and Tracking tabs.
  • For quick access, the Name, Purpose, and Type settings now appear at the top of the email builder.
  • A green border and new name style help you identify and read descriptive merge fields.

Manage emails effectively on the redesigned Emails page:

  • The improved design and new columns help you easily find and manage emails.
  • For quick access, the Scheduled and Sent filters now appear next to the Active and Inactive filters.
  • You can now enter search terms when you select the Types, Purposes, Email Interests, and Users filters.
  • You can now sort the email list by columns: Name, Frequency, Type, Purpose, Last Modified, and Last Sent. Bloomerang remembers your sort preference after you leave this page.
  • Hover over the frequency to see when a scheduled mail will send.
  • Select the Action button to manage an email. This menu now includes a Delete option for unsent emails.
  • When you copy an email, you can now make changes before you save.
  • When you open a sent email, the Tracking tab now appears first.
  • Engagement Surveys now appear on a dedicated page on the Communications menu.

If your Bloomerang subscription includes the Membership Management add-on:

  • You can now convert recurring donation schedules to membership schedules. Donation schedules must be yearly, processed by Bloomerang Payments (or have the None payment method), and match a membership level amount.
  • Memberships no longer appear on Household profiles.

On online giving forms:

  • Donors can now select “every six months” as a recurring donation frequency.


QuickBooks Online

You can now enable a one-way sync from QuickBooks Online to Bloomerang. When you set up this integration:

  • Bloomerang actively monitors QuickBooks Online accounts that you select for new or changed sales receipts.
  • If a single-line sales receipt matches a rule that you configure, the sales receipt automatically syncs to Bloomerang as a donation.
  • Bloomerang creates a new constituent for synced donations unless a constituent already exists.
  • You can pause and resume syncs.
  • QuickBooks remains the system of record (the authoritative source of data), which means you can edit synced donations only in QuickBooks Online.
  • Click a link in synced Bloomerang donations to quickly view or edit the sales receipt in QuickBooks Online. You must be logged in to QuickBooks Online.
  • Bloomerang now supports two one-way QuickBooks Online integrations: QuickBooks Online to Bloomerang and Bloomerang to QuickBooks Online. You can enable either or both integrations, which work separately but in harmony to maintain the system of record.
Membership Management

If your Bloomerang subscription includes the membership management add-on:

  • Tax summaries now include membership dues.
  • To a open membership form on an unsecured web page, supporters now click a Join button instead of a Donate button.
  • On membership forms, the page title is now Secure Payment instead of Secure Donation.
  • If a membership lapses, the renewal date now remains the same.
  • Added “every six months” payment frequency when entering recurring gifts and pledges into the Bloomerang web app.


The Kindful Events feature has several enhancements.

In the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang:

  • On the Order Summary, you can now click Mark as Refunded for a ticket or additional donation that you refunded in Bloomerang. Mark as Refunded doesn’t refund the ticket or donation; you must still refund the ticket or donation in Bloomerang.

In Kindful, and in the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang:

  • After you refund an event ticket or additional donation on an event order in Kindful (or after you click Mark as Refunded in the Kindful Fundraising add-on):
    • On the Orders list for the event, the Ticket Amount and Donation Amount now show the refund amount. To help you identify refunds in the order list, refunds are now styled yellow with parentheses.
    • On the Order Summary, refund amounts now appear and are styled yellow with parentheses.
    • The number of available tickets changes to reflect refunded tickets.
    • Attendees associated with refunded tickets no longer appear on the Attendees page or in the Attendees .CSV file.

In addition, KFT has this change:

  • For notifications, Kindful Fundraising now uses the organization email address that you enter in Bloomerang.


Bloomerang Volunteer has the following change:

  • Bloomerang Volunteer now notifies Organization Managers by email and in Bloomerang Volunteer if there is a problem with the API key that connects Bloomerang Volunteer to Bloomerang.


Bloomerang Volunteer has the following changes:

  • Replaced terms PeoplePersonMemberUser, and Staff with VolunteerVolunteers, or Volunteer(s) throughout all of Bloomerang Volunteer (including mobile apps) to improve clarity and consistency.
  • Bloomerang / Bloomerang Volunteer integration setup is now completely self-serve. Previously, there was a step where Bloomerang Support had to enable access to integration setup.


Events in Kindful and the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang have these enhancements.

On the Orders page:

  • The Donation Amount now includes only the additional donation and optional donation processing fee.
  • The Actions button is now named Details.
  • The Attendees and Ticket Quantity columns are now removed.



Raise more funds, increase the predictability of your revenue, and inspire donor engagement with memberships. With the new membership management add-on for Bloomerang:

  • Create membership programs and levels.
  • Create membership forms:
    • Insert a Bloomerang-hosted form on your website or send supporters a link to that form.
    • Members use the form to join online.
    • Edit membership forms in Bloomerang.
  • Members choose whether to autorenew yearly (optional).
  • Quickly identify your members:
    • Bloomerang automatically creates and manages groups for each membership level.
    • View membership details on constituent profiles.
  • The membership status and renewal date and calculate automatically.
  • Include membership-related filters, columns, and groups in reports.
  • Insert membership merge fields in emails and letters, and add membership filters and groups to build your recipient list.
  • Membership management is now built right into Bloomerang—no custom fields required.


Kindful Fundraising has these changes:

  • Donation and event forms can now be configured to send an email notification to staff at your organization any time a donor submits a form. This option is configured in each form’s settings.

Kindful, and the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang, have these changes:

  • CAPTCHA protection on Kindful forms is now upgraded to reCAPTCHA v3. Donors can now submit forms without solving a reCAPTCHA puzzle, unless reCAPTCHA questions whether the person is a real donor. This upgrade increases fraud protection and helps improve conversion rates on donation forms.
  • On the Fundraising Settings page in the Kindful Fundraising add-on, the CAPTCHA payment attempts setting is now removed.
  • On the General Settings page in Kindful, the CAPTCHA payment attempts setting is now removed.


Bloomerang has this change:

  • Changes to Gmail and Yahoo require one-click unsubscribe options for non-transactional emails. Bloomerang Donor now includes a one-click unsubscribe link and follows other changes to one-click unsubscribe guidelines, ensuring your emails comply with these requirements.


Bloomerang Volunteer has the following updates.

Google and Yahoo require bulk senders to follow new requirements meant to increase email security and reduce spam. To use a From Sender address from your organization’s domain, you must now authenticate the domain.

In Bloomerang Volunteer, you can now manage the domain authentication process yourself. On the new Email Communications > Authenticate Domains page:

  • Download a DKIM key, which you must add to your domain account settings outside of Bloomerang Volunteer.
  • Monitor the domain authentication status. When the status is Authenticated, you can verify and use a From Sender email address from that domain.

On the Email Communications tab, the Verify Addresses page is now named Manage Senders. On this page, verified email addresses now have one of these new statuses:

  • Fully Verified — Email addresses from authenticated domains
  • Partially Verified — Email addresses from a mailbox provider (Google, Yahoo, or others), email addresses from unauthenticated domains, or email addresses from authenticated domains if you haven’t yet clicked the email verification link

In Bloomerang Volunteer email templates:

  • From Sender must now be a Fully Verified email address.
  • Reply-To can be a Partially Verified or Fully Verified email address.
  • You can now select a Reply-To address different from the From Sender address.
  • From Sender now changes automatically to [email protected] in these cases:
    • The From Sender address is from an authenticated domain, and you remove that domain.
    • The From Sender address has the status Partially Verified.
    • The From Sender address has the status Fully Verified, and you remove that address from Bloomerang Volunteer.
    • In the first two cases, the Reply-To address changes automatically to the Partially Verified email address. For example, if your organization uses a @gmail address as the From Sender address, that address is now the Reply-To address.


Kindful and Kindful Fundraising now support Google Analytics 4 (GA4). You can now enter a GA4 tag ID in Kindful and Kindful Fundraising to track how donors interact with your public pages.


Bloomerang has this change:

  • You can now view details for each PayPal and Venmo payout to assist with reconciling payouts.


Bloomerang Volunteer has these changes:

  • All non-transactional emails include a one-click unsubscribe. This helps ensure your emails meet new industry email compliance requirements.
  • Administrators now have visibility into who is unsubscribed from email communications, making it easier for administrators to manage how they communicate with Staff:
    • See subscription status and unsubscribed date from the Staff list by adding or filtering by these new columns.
    • Email bounce lists now include information about people who met the send criteria but were unsubscribed and thus were not sent the communication.
    • When sending an email to a specific person or to an email list, if anyone in the recipient list has unsubscribed from email communications, you’ll receive a prompt that lists which email addresses won’t be sent the message. You can then choose to contact them via a different method.
    • If a person has unsubscribed from emails, their email history page displays a banner indicating this.
  • Staff can now manage their email preferences from their profile.


Bloomerang and Kindful Fundraising have these changes:

  • Minor update to the steps for connecting a QuickBooks Online account to Bloomerang. Subsequent setup steps remain the same.
  • Donors can now save payment information in their Donor Portal account to speed up checkout for future donations.


Bloomerang has this change:

  • The Fundraising Platform Fee no longer applies to monthly invoices with less than $500 in revenue processed by third-party processors. This change applies to invoices starting in March 2024.


The QuickBooks Online integration has these enhancements:

  • The QuickBooks Online Integration page is redesigned so you can more easily view and manage transactions.
  • The Unsynced status is now named To Be Synced.
  • On the new To Be Synced page:
    • Preview a list of transactions included in the next sync to QuickBooks Online.
    • See when syncs are in progress.
    • For each transaction that fails to sync, read an error message that explains the issue. Some error messages include next steps or even solutions you can try on your own.
    • Before a sync even starts, Bloomerang now shows an error message for transactions that match a rule with an inactive QuickBooks value.
    • Rule and Location columns now appear on the To Be Synced page.
    • While the To Be Synced page loads transactions, you can open other pages in Bloomerang and run reports.
    • Dismiss sync errors that aren’t relevant.

Bloomerang also has this update:

  • The Loyal Donors report template now uses the calendar years 2019 through 2023.


Bloomerang has this update:

  • To connect the PayPal & Venmo add-on, you must now enter the last four digits of the Social Security Number (SSN) if your Stripe account doesn’t include an SSN.



Bloomerang now integrates directly with Constant Contact:

  • Send emails in Constant Contact and sync email interaction data to constituent timelines in Bloomerang.
  • Sync Bloomerang constituents and groups to Constant Contact.
  • Sync Constant Contact contacts and lists to Bloomerang.
  • Gain insights that help you understand engagement, optimize content for delivery and impact, and deliver targeted campaigns.

Bloomerang Volunteer

Download 60 new reports to measure volunteer engagement, monetary value of volunteer hours, and recruitment efforts. Filter reports by date range or opportunity, and slice reports by total, year, month, week, or day.

  • Active Status deep-level logs — Which volunteers became re-engaged, lapsed, or retained during the period defined in the Active Status setting. Download from the Organization settings.
  • Active Status History log — Complete history of each time a certain volunteer became active and inactive. Download from the volunteer’s profile.
  • Hours Worked Across Organization report — Hours worked for an organization during the selected period. Download in the Organization settings.
  • Value of Hours Across Organization report — Monetary value of hours during the selected period. Download from the Organization settings.
  • Value of Hours Worked by Opportunity report — Monetary value of hours for each opportunity during the selected period. Download from the Organization settings.
  • Value of Hours Worked within Opportunity report — Monetary value of hours worked by each volunteer in an opportunity during the selected period. Download from the Opportunity settings.
  • Total Number of Contributions report — Number of contributions (number of times a volunteer donated time) for an organization or opportunity during the selected period. Download from the Organization or Opportunity settings.
  • Total Number of First-Time Contributions report — Number of first-time contributions for an organization or opportunity during the selected period. Download from the Organization or Opportunity settings.
  • Average Contribution Time report — Average contribution time for an organization or opportunity during the selected period. Download from the Organization or Opportunity settings.


Bloomerang and Kindful Fundraising

Modernize your fundraising and attract new donors with the new PayPal & Venmo add-on. After you enable the add-on:

  • In Bloomerang, PayPal and Venmo buttons appear on online giving forms. In Kindful Fundraising, PayPal and Venmo buttons appear on donation pages, crowdfunding pages, and event pages, and in the donor portal.
  • Your donors can make one-time donations and pay with any payment method saved in their PayPal or Venmo account.
  • Bloomerang manages the connection to PayPal for you, which means you don’t have to create or manage a PayPal or Venmo account for your organization.
  • In Bloomerang, receive daily payouts, view and refund transactions, and run reports.

This add-on is available exclusively for customers who use Bloomerang Payments.

Bloomerang Volunteer

To help you understand engagement, quantify how volunteers impact your organization, and communicate with volunteers segmented by Active/Inactive status, Bloomerang Volunteer has these enhancements:

Time Contributions

  • You can now see the number of times a volunteer contributed time to an organization or opportunity, how many hours they gave (total and average), and when they first and last gave.
  • See Time Contributions data in the Staff List (columns, filters, and .CSV exports), dashboard analytics, and volunteer profiles.

Active Contribution Status

  • Bloomerang Volunteer now automatically assigns an Active or Inactive status to volunteers based on a time period that you enter. At the Organization level, you can see this status in the Staff List (columns, filters, and .CSV exports), reports, dashboard analytics, and volunteer profiles.

Value of Hours

  • You can now set the monetary value of one volunteer hour.
  • Add historical values, and values for special dates like holidays, to understand how the monetary value of one volunteer hour changes over time.
  • See Value of Hours data in the Staff List (columns, filters, and .CSV exports), reports, dashboard analytics, and volunteer profiles.

Giving Summary

  • In each volunteer profile, the new Giving Summary page shows you a contribution history. See how many contributions and hours this volunteer gave to an organization or opportunity, and see the monetary value of that time.

Bloomerang Volunteer also has these changes:

  • In volunteer profiles, the Details tab is renamed to Profile Details and appears after the new Giving Summary tab. The Profile Details page is newly redesigned.
  • In the Organization settings:
    • Recruitment Settings is renamed to Signup Workflow Settings.
    • In the Signup Workflow Settings, Public Registration is renamed to Signup Button State.
    • Language Settings moved to the new General Settings tab.
    • On the Overview page, the Staff in Organization chart is renamed to Recruitment into Organization.


Bloomerang Volunteer has these enhancements:

  • You can now create an automation to email volunteers when they sign up or complete a specific signup step.
  • The template library now includes new signup workflow templates: Opportunity Signup Complete, Organization Signup Complete, and Shift Selection Summary.


In Kindful, and in the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang, Text to Donate has this enhancement:

  • If the carrier rejects your phone number registration, you can now see why in Kindful. In the Text to Donate settings, the Business Information form shows rejected fields and the reason.


In Kindful, and in the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang, Text to Donate has these enhancements:

  • We now email you when the carrier approves or rejects your phone number registration.
  • In the Text to Donate settings, the status Setup Incomplete now appears if you submit business information but don’t select a phone number.


In Bloomerang Volunteer, you can now import historical hours worked from another database.


In Kindful, and in the Kindful Fundraising add-on for Bloomerang:

  • When you set up Text to Donate for the first time, you must now enter business information to start an FCC-required registration process. The Text to Donate page shows you the registration status.



If your transaction processor is Bloomerang Payments:

  • You can now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay on your online giving forms.
  • You can now select saved Apple Pay or Google Pay payment methods to process one-time donations, recurring donations, and pledges. These payment methods appear if the constituent created a recurring donation through your online giving form and paid with Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Saved credit cards, EFT, Apple Pay, and Google Pay payment methods now appear in the Method > Saved Payment list.

Kindful Fundraising

If your transaction processor is Bloomerang Payments:

  • You can now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay on donation pages, crowdfunding pages, and event registration forms. Apple Pay and Google Pay are not available for donation plug-ins.
  • In Bloomerang, you can now select saved Apple Pay or Google Pay payment methods to process one-time donations, recurring donations, and pledges. These payment methods appear if the constituent created a recurring donation through your Kindful Fundraising page or form and paid with Apple Pay or Google Pay.


  • If your transaction processor is Bloomerang Payments, you can now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay on event forms.


Bloomerang Volunteer has these enhancements:

  • You can now create venues without locations.
  • You can now create shifts without venues.
  • If you create a shift without a venue or location, staff do not see a venue or location when they view the opportunity.
  • The Venues & Locations shift-based filter now includes the No Venue and No Location options.


Bloomerang donor management has these updates:

  • To easily find and manage reports, you can now create report folders. Add reports to folders from your reports list or when you create new reports.
  • You can now import to the built-in Volunteer Activity and Volunteer Hours fields. Use this type of import for volunteer interactions unless you use Bloomerang Volunteer.
  • On the Home dashboard, the Tasks widget now remembers your tab selection after you view another page or log out.
  • Social Hub feature was discontinued and removed.

Bloomerang Volunteer has this update:

  • Our enhanced staff import tool now guides you through each step of the import. View the import history and download an error file to efficiently resolve import issues.


Bloomerang Volunteer

In the settings for each opportunity, the Availability feature has these enhancements:

  • In the Signup Workflow Settings, you can now select an Availability option. With this setting on, staff and volunteers are asked to enter their availability when they sign up for an opportunity.
  • You can now select whether to collect general (day of the week) or date-based availability information. Date-based availability is available for opportunities that span fourteen days or fewer.
  • In the Shift & Schedule Settings, turn on the new Consider Availability When Rostering option to identify staff who are available to work. With this setting on, staff with availability conflicts are not labeled as Best Matches in Roster Mode.
  • General Weekly Availability filters are now available on the Staff List page.

If you add a waiver to the opportunity signup form:

  • You can now customize the agreement text.
  • You can now select an e-signature option.

You can now change the time zone setting for existing opportunities.

Bloomerang donor management

You can now give a standard user these permissions:

  • No access to view and edit transactions
  • View and edit only transactions created by this user

The former Transactions permission, which controlled transaction edit permissions, is now two permissions: View and edit all and View only, which appear at the top of the permissions list.

Connect to vital Bloomerang tools more quickly with a redesigned navigation menu:

  • Expand the Settings menu to find Organization, Users, Custom Data, Integrations, Payments, and Website Tracking.
  • These settings moved to the Settings > Custom Data page:
    • Custom fields for constituents, transactions, interactions, and notes
    • Relationship roles, funds, campaigns, and appeals
  • Integration settings for QuickBooks, Aplos, Mailchimp, and NCOA moved to Settings > Integrations.
  • Payment processor settings, automatic email receipt settings, and payout details moved to Settings > Payments.
  • You can now connect to the Payment Failures page from Settings > Payments > Payment Failures.
  • API Keys v1.0 now appear on the Settings > Integrations page.

Kindful Fundraising

In Kindful Fundraising, campaigns are now known as donation pages:

  • In the main navigation, and on the Dashboard page, Campaigns is renamed to Donation Pages.
  • On your main donation page, donors now choose an initiative (a specific donation page) from the new Select an Initiative list.
  • When you add a crowdfunding cause or Text to Donate keyword, you now select a donation page.
  • When you create an event or donation plugin, you no longer select a Kindful campaign.

On donation pages and forms, donors can now select Designate Your Donation to choose from a list of Bloomerang funds. When you create a donation page or plugin, you can enable this option and select which funds appear in the list.


InitLive is now Bloomerang Volunteer! Our robust volunteer management system has these brand updates:

  • The new name appears in apps, automated system emails, communication to staff, and email templates.
  • The new logo includes a green clover and the name Bloomerang Volunteer.
  • Some app pages and elements have updated colors.
  • All email addresses now use the domain.
  • There are new profiles in the Apple Store, Google Play Store, and Salesforce AppExchange.


Kindful Fundraising has these updates:

  • The Settings > Funds page is now removed.
  • In the Campaign settings:
    • The Default Fund field is now removed. You must still map a Bloomerang fund to the campaign.
    • Several other fields and settings are removed: Short Name, Subcampaigns, Enable Transactions for Subcampaigns Only, External id1 and id2, and Disable Transaction Failure Emails.


Bloomerang Volunteer has these enhancements:

  • Staff and volunteers can now permanently delete their own accounts.
  • Bloomerang donor management integration:
    • If you change a constituent’s status from Inactive or Deceased to Active, the constituent now remaps to the sync between Bloomerang Volunteer and Bloomerang donor management.
    • If you remove yourself from the organization, you can now remap your account to the sync between Bloomerang Volunteer and Bloomerang donor management.
    • When you start a manual sync, that sync now automatically restarts until all pending records sync.
    • In the integration log file, some columns are renamed and reorganized for clarity.
  • Salesforce integration:
  • You can now view a log summary and download a log for Salesforce synchronization activities.


Connect to vital Bloomerang tools more quickly with a redesigned navigation menu:

  • Dashboard is now named Home.
  • Expand the new Communications menu to find Emails, Letters, Social Hub, Forms, and Tributes.
  • Expand the Data Tools menu to find Import, Bulk Update (formerly Update Transactions/Mass Update), Bulk Delete (formerly Mass Delete), and Merge Duplicates.

Bloomerang has these user permission updates:

  • Standard Users have these new access permissions: Home, Reports, and Communications. These permissions are enabled by default.
  • If you remove the Home permission, standard users do not see Home in the navigation menu.
  • If you remove the Reports permission:
    • Standard users do not see Reports in the navigation menu, and the Recent Reports widget does not show reports.
    • Standard users receive scheduled report emails but cannot view reports in Bloomerang.
  • If you remove the Communications permission, standard users do not see Communications in the navigation menu and cannot access Emails, Letters, Social Hub, Tributes, or Forms.
  • If you enable access to Communications, you can enable or remove access to Emails or Letters. If you remove access to Emails and Letters, standard users can still see Social Hub, Tributes, and Forms.
  • Bloomerang has these payments-related updates:
    • Payment methods now appear in a drop-down list named Method.
    • To account for donations processed outside of Bloomerang, you can now select Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or Venmo from the Method list.
    • When you enable automatic email receipts:
      • The Processed Via field in the Bloomerang Default email receipt can now refer to Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or Venmo.
      • The Generated Email field in automatic email receipt interactions uses this format: Email: Bloomerang Default – [M/DD/YYYY sent]


Bloomerang Volunteer has these integration-related enhancements:

  • You can now select whether to sync all new staff to Bloomerang donor management as constituents. Bloomerang Volunteer no longer syncs new staff to Bloomerang donor management by default.
  • You can now include or exclude individual staff in syncs.
  • On the staff list, you can now view sync-related information for staff, such as sync statuses and dates. You can select additional sync-related filters.
  • On staff profiles, you can now view the sync status.
  • When you export a staff list, you can now include sync information for staff in the exported file.
  • For staff who are no longer mapped to syncs because of certain account changes, you can now remap staff to syncs in most cases.

Kindful Fundraising has this update:

  • Kindful Fundraising now uses the organization name that you enter in Bloomerang. The Settings > General Settings page is removed.


You can now import a list of constituents to new groups or to existing groups that you manage.


Bloomerang Volunteer is now available as a paid add-on or standalone solution. This robust volunteer management system integrates with Bloomerang and supports all types of volunteer opportunities. Contact us to discuss adding Bloomerang Volunteer to your subscription.


  • When you add a new pledge payment or recurring donation payment, you can now select an email receipt other than the default email receipt.
  • Donors now see your organization’s name on their bank statements for ACH/EFT transactions.


Kindful Fundraising has these enhancements:

  • The Settings menu is now reorganized, and some settings are renamed or have moved.
  • The Fiscal Year End Date and Time Zone settings are removed.
  • The contact link no longer appears on the donation page footer if you do not enter a Custom Contact Link URL.


When you create a new split payment, you can now select a different email receipt for each donation in the split payment if you have automatic receipts enabled.


Bloomerang has these enhancements:

  • The Dashboard now includes a Month Over Month Revenue chart for the three most recent years, giving you more insight into revenue trends. The Dashboard is also reorganized to show the most relevant information first.
  • The “1st Time” badge for first-time donors no longer appears in the constituent header.

Events in Kindful Fundraising have these enhancements:

  • Attendees automatically sync to Bloomerang as constituents if the ticket buyer enters the constituent’s first name, last name, and email address.
  • If an attendee registers and syncs to Bloomerang as a constituent, an interaction for the event registration appears on the constituent’s timeline.
  • If an attendee checks in, an interaction is added automatically to the constituent’s Bloomerang timeline.
  • If you edit an attendee’s contact information, those changes appear automatically in the constituent’s Bloomerang profile.
  • In the event configuration, some attendee information is selected as required, by default.
  • The Attended checkbox is now named Checked In.


You can now resolve potential duplicate constituents more efficiently:

  • Select or deselect all potential duplicates on the Duplicate Constituents page.
  • Mark all selected constituents as Not Duplicates.


If you have the Kindful Fundraising add-on, your donors can now create and manage a donor account. Donors can sign in to review their donation history, update profile information, add and manage donations, request a refund, and download a tax summary.


For enhanced security, Bloomerang user accounts have these updates:

  • If your username is an email address, we’ll prompt you to change it to a username that isn’t an email address.
  • If your email address is associated with another user account in your database, we’ll prompt you to change it.
  • You can now use the same email address for user accounts in different Bloomerang databases. For example, consultants can use their email address for different Bloomerang customers.


  • You can now merge multiple pairs of duplicate constituents at the same time.
  • The Loyal Donors report template now uses the calendar years 2018 through 2022.


  • To increase donor engagement, giving, and retention, you can now create groups to segment your database. You can also view group analytics, and add group filters in reports, emails, and letters.
  • You can now enable automatic receipts for one-time donation payments.
  • You can now collapse and expand the side navigation menu.


  • You can now use built-in interaction fields to track volunteer activity and hours.
  • To find constituents even more quickly and easily, you can now select a Phone Number search filter.


  • To find constituents even more quickly and easily, you can now select from several constituent search filters.
  • In the Bloomerang Payments Payouts List, you can now see the total amount of fees for each payout in the new Payout Fees Total column.


To save time and practice good donor stewardship, you can now enable automatic receipts for autoprocessed pledge payments and recurring donation payments.


You can now engage mobile donors quickly and easily with Text to Donate, a paid add-on for Kindful Fundraising.


We resolved an issue that affected a small number of Tax Summary emails. Tax Summary links in those emails now work correctly. You do not have to resend affected Tax Summary emails.


You can now use the Mass Delete tool to permanently delete multiple transactions, interactions, tasks, and notes from your database at the same time.


You can now use the Mass Delete tool to permanently delete multiple constituents from your database at the same time.


You can now send a mass email to constituents that includes a link to their tax summary. You can also download a tax summary PDF from a constituent’s profile.


You can now filter the list on your Constituent Dashboard by employer, search within name and employer, as well as filter if contact information is valid or invalid.


Added “Video Call” and “Webinar” as interaction channels.


  • Customers can now enable Location syncing into QuickBook Online.
  • We adjusted the alignment of some of the grid columns to match the intended design.
  • We resolved an issue we were seeing where fonts were not sizing correctly in multiline addresses.
  • We updated the DonorSearch logo to reflect their new branding.
  • Fix an issue where the validation was not triggering properly for invalid payout dates.
  • Fix an issue where the validation messages were inaccurate if a bad date was entered.


  • Specific payout details can be exported to an xlsx file by filtering for a range of payout dates before exporting.
  • Users will be able to download envelopes for the letters they create.
  • Users will be able to download labels for the letters they create.


  • We added Latest Transaction, Latest Transaction Date, and Status (Inactive, Deceased) to the constituent list on the Constituent Dashboard.
  • We fixed an issue with how the donor calls widget loads in Conversion databases that was causing the dashboard to fail to load.


  • We have updated the Constituent area of Bloomerang to display all of your constituents in one place and provide access to recently viewed constituents.
  • We added the ability to add a new Tribute while you create a new donation.
  • We fixed a bug with Bloomerang Payments and online giving forms.
  • We fixed another bug affecting EFTs during gift entry.
  • We fixed an issue where Kindful Fundraising Tools were seeing errors when working with Bloomerang constituents.


  • We have improved our Kindful Fundraising Tools in two ways — Crowdfunding details sync to Bloomerang as a note, so you can keep track of your Crowdfunding Causes by reporting in Bloomerang, and the data used to create the dashboard graph in Kindful is now supplied directly from Bloomerang, so it’s always accurate and in sync with your Bloomerang database.
  • We also fixed a bug with our QuickBooks Online integration page and added the ability to remove the 24 hour hold on syncing transactions to QuickBooks if desired.


  • We have refreshed the dashboard in Kindful Fundraising Tools to provide a better experience while using the add-on.
  • Recurring donations from Kindful Fundraising Tools are now managed in Bloomerang.
  • We fixed some bugs with Events in Kindful Fundraising Tools.


  • We made some adjustments to improve the Mass Updates Tool visually.
  • We fixed a bug for report column headers so that they align correctly whenever the report is resized.
  • We added a loading indicator for the Amount Raised widget on the dashboard that displays when those totals are being updated.


  • We have streamlined the donor portal for Kindful Fundraising Tools to focus on Crowdfunding.
  • Event registration email receipts now sync to Bloomerang from Kindful Fundraising as interactions.
  • We have added state and province dropdown menus for Kindful Fundraising events, to help Kindful Fundraising customers enjoy a smoother experience when purchasing tickets.
  • We fixed an error message bug when syncing non-deductible tax amounts from Kindful Fundraising to Bloomerang.


  • We fixed a bug where attachments weren’t being saved with the create interaction modal on the Donor Calls widget.
  • We adjusted the billing page display to not show invoices sent for “$0,” and we’re sorting the invoices so that the most recent invoice is at the top of the list.
  • We fixed a bug with how we filled in custom fields when users tried to import multiple rows for the same constituent in the same file.


  • Kindful Fundraising Transactions will now sync to Bloomerang as interactions, so you can keep track and report on your Kindful Fundraising Tools’ activity in Bloomerang.
  • We also improved the Settings experience in Kindful Fundraising Tools to ensure you have access to pertinent items as a Kindful Fundraising add-on customer.
  • We fixed some bugs around transactions and non-deductible amounts when they are synced from Kindful Fundraising to Bloomerang and around events.


Dashboard Update

The Bloomerang dashboard has been refreshed with modern, responsive styles and new functionality to help you get the most at a glance and fast! Current customers can log in and see for yourself and read more in our knowledge base.

Other Updates

        • We fixed a bug where users couldn’t import information into currency custom fields if the file was formatted with a $ symbol.


Donor Badges

Quickly identify when a constituent is a new donor so you can take action and cultivate a relationship with them, right from their constituent account.

Bloomerang Payments Payouts Frequency

Adjust your payout frequency with Bloomerang Payments so you control how often deposits are made to your bank.

Other Updates

        • If a Generosity Scan finishes while user is still on the constituent summary, the results will now display without needing to refresh the page.
        • Mass Updates Tool
          • If more than 50 mass updates have been run in your database, pagination will appear.
          • We’ve improved the functionality for screen readers while using the mass updates tool.
          • We display the exact number of transactions that will be updated while running the tool.


        • We have added additional ACH validation tools behind the scenes for Kindful Fundraising Tools. This ensures transactions coming in through these tools are valid and will help prevent fraud.


Mass Updates Tool

Save time and quickly update the Fund, Campaign, and Appeal of existing gifts with our new Mass Update Tool. If you are a current customer, you can click here to learn more in our knowledge base.

Other Updates

        • We have updated the looks of the Payout List page for Bloomerang Payments users.
        • Updated the new user email with our new branding.


        • Events in Kindful Fundraising Tools will now notify purchasers that there are a limited number of tickets remaining on the public event page, so they will be better informed about making their purchase.
        • We have added the ability to change the “reply to” field in transactions receipts from Kindful Fundraising Tools.
        • We have fixed a bug around Kindful Fundraising Tools Donation Plugins and internal errors.


        • Events in Kindful Fundraising Tools can now have a maximum ticket quantity set and a ticket availability time window. No need to rush to close an event when your capacity has been met, Kindful Fundraising Tools will stop selling tickets automatically based on your needs.


        • Fixed a bug with subscription renewal dates on the billing page.
        • Fixed an issue with Standard User edit permissions.
        • Fixed an issue with DonorSearch queries and constituent profiles.


        • We have updated the Billing Portal to allow users to see their billing information, view current and previous invoices, and take action around payments.
        • Campaigns have received some standard date range options to make setting a date faster and easier.


        • We’ve fixed a bug where users who are not logged into Bloomerang and try
          to navigate to a non-existent URL will be redirected to the login screen
          instead of getting a 404 error.
        • We’ve addressed some issues where duplicate Ordway Contacts were being
          created instead of having the user account link to the existing Ordway
        • We have made various updates to email styling to match our new brand.
        • Bugfix for scheduled reports and emails sometimes getting into a state
          where the report, email, or associated schedule could not be edited or
          deleted after it was sent.
        • Clarified the message explaining why a constituent doesn’t have
          DonorSearch scan – specifically the case where they’re in a 3 person
          household and their relationship with the head of household isn’t
          ‘husband’, ‘wife’, or ‘spouse’.
        • We have updated the logo on the Sustainability Scorecard page.


        • We have fixed an issue where certain emails from Bloomerang were not
          sending as expected.


        • Improved Oauth error handling so partners know when they have
          encountered an error.
        • Fixed an issue with the card update webhook for Bloomerang Payments.
        • Fixed a bug where a transaction report couldn’t be set to “Export
          Household” and have child aggregate columns (like “has pledge payments”
          or “has recurring payments”).
        • Updated to display a generic error message when there are problems with
          the EditSubscription page.
        • Bloomerang hosted online giving and event registration forms have been
          updated to match our new brand styles.


        • Fixed an issue with the Bloomerang Payouts List and the data it used to display payout dates.


        • Fixed an issue where importing data into currency pick-one custom fields
          was not working as expected.


        • We fixed a bug where unnecessary text was displaying on the login page.
        • We’ve added some in-app communication to notify users if a custom field is
          being used in a Self-Hosted Form when it’s deleted.
        • We’ve also added communication for why certain custom fields may not be
        • Users will now be able to delete interaction custom fields.
        • We’ve added Monthly as a recurring email frequency to scheduled emails.


        • We’ve added clarifications for when a user deletes a custom field, and made
          updates to gracefully remove that field when it is in use in different parts
          of the database.
        • We’ve made it easier to deactivate Bloomerang Payments if a user opts out of
          using Kindful Fundraising.
        • Users can now view and download the default email that was sent to a
          constituent after they donate to a form.
        • We’ve fixed a bug associated with duplicate constituent notifications.



        • Fixed a visual bug with reports that was causing columns to display
          incorrectly in some areas of the database.
        • Fixed an issue with constituent merging. When one of the constituents has
          batch entry data, the correct DonorSearch profile will be on the merged
          constituent profile.


        • To help improve Bloomerang’s accessibility for all users, we’ve improved
          button labeling for screen readers on the Constituent page. The page should
          now provide more accurate button descriptions for users that rely on screen
          readers to navigate the web.
        • We have removed the search bar from the Payment Failures page.


        • Added Generated Email to mass email interactions. Now you can view and
          download the specific email that was generated for a constituent via a mass
          email. Head to the cosntituent’s timeline and click on the interaction, then
          click on the email in the Generated Email section.
        • Updated all references to email addresses in app to


        • We’ve fixed an issue for customers with automatic syncs turned on with our
          QuickBooks Online integration. Customers are now able to navigate to the QBO
          Settings page.


        • Fixed a bug where split transactions were not viewable in databases that
          have Aplos enabled.
        • Added a daily, weekly, and frequency for scheduled emails so users can set
          an email to be sent automatically every day at a specified time to whomever
          meets the filters.
        • Added a weekly frequency for scheduled emails so users can set an email to
          be sent automatically every week on a specified day/time to whomever meets
          the filters. Restructured one-time scheduled emails in prep for adding
          recurring scheduled email frequencies.
        • Moved unsynced QBO transactions that did not sync in the most recent push
          attempt due to a duplicate document number to Do Not Sync.
        • Updated GivingTuesday email starter templates to reflect 2021.
        • Because QBO does not allow duplicate document numbers, we will now prepend
          “Bloom” to the beginning of all QBO document number syncs moving forward.


Kindful Fundraising

Kindful Fundraising Beta is now available as a paid add-on for new and
existing Bloomerang customers. Click below to discuss adding it to your
Bloomerang database!

Contact us


        • We’ve updated our Import icon to make it more understandable and unique in
          the database.


        • Bloomerang’s Zapier app has a new Action: Create a Task. If you’re using
          Zapier, add this Action to your workflow and automate Task creation!


        • We have updated how we handle successful transaction messaging that comes
          from BluePay.


        • Updates for how we handle user information in QuickBooks Online
        • Fixed an issue where zip codes were not being updated on old Stripe tokens.
        • Fixed an issue with Household Engagement scores.


        • We’ve overhauled OAuth for our API v3. This update also allows us to scale
          new versions of the API into the future. Note: all v2 Oauth users will need
          to reauthenticate as part of this release.


        • Connecting to Bloomerang Payments will now automatically update existing
          transaction forms, excluding self-hosted forms, to use Bloomerang Payments.


        • New User Permissions options have been added to the Letter feature. Admin
          users can set a standard user’s permissions to include/restrict letter
        • Fixed an issue for Households and their engagement score whenever a
          constituent is removed from the household.


Bloomerang Payments

Introducting Bloomerang Payments! Bloomerang Payments is a simple,
straightforward transaction processor that accepts both credit card and EFT

Learn more


User Permissions

Do you need to fine tune the permissions you give to standard users in your
database? If so, we’ve made some upgrades you might find useful!

Learn more

        • Updated import permission feature from “coming soon” to active
        • Updated new standard user creation to enable permissions by default
        • Added on hover text to DonorSearch Constituent view-only
        • Updated Report viewing for view-only user
        • Updated Email feature for view-only user permission
        • Updated the constituent relationships tab for Constituent view-only
        • Updated the constituent profile tab for Constituent view-only permission


        • Updated New User Creation for a la carte Standard User view-only


        • We’ve updated the approach for saving/revoking tokens, and we’ve added some
          additional logging in case this doesn’t fix the problem entirely.


        • Updated the scheduler to better handle errors when encountered internally.


        • When a user disconnects Bloomerang from QuickBooks within QuickBooks,
          display a “Connect to QuickBooks” button so users can reconnect when needed.
        • When a user disconnects the Bloomerang integration from within QuickBooks,
          they’ll be redirected to a public page we host with additional information.
        • Added more logging to help diagnose the source of OAuth errors with
        • Display optional arguments for commands run through admin.
        • Fixed an issue with interactions and Mailchimp.


        • Fixed a bug preventing users from loading DonorSearch profile pages.


        • Fixed a bug wherein a new Benevon interaction carries over the most recent
          interaction fields but the Team Leader is blank.
        • Updated how data is sent to Spreedly to meet new requirements and ensure
          transactions are processed.
        • Lowered timeout for DonorSearch Prospect View and Batch Screen commands so
          the scans don’t fail.
        • Increased the default timeout to address failures in scheduled jobs that
          push information to Pendo.


        • Updated obsolete “Connect to QuickBooks” button to QuickBooks-approved
        • Hid the Settings icon from Standard users’ view to provide a cleaner
        • Created a command to refresh QBO tokens before they expire, so customers
          don’t experience interruption.


        • We updated our Imports feature to allow up to 10,000 rows in one import
        • Upgraded a portion of our customer’s SQL databases to a newer version.
        • Created new and updated existing commands and scripts to improve engineering


        • Updated routing to avoid additional deploys when we migrate databases.
        • Added additional error logging for Zapier errors.


        • Made updates to database backup commands so that databases backed up on
          MySQL 5.7 can be restored properly.


        • The Recurring Donation endpoint for API v2 has been updated so that a
          schedule amount can be changed via API.
        • When a Recurring Donation Schedule is updated via API v2, any existing
          payment failures will maintain the old recurring donation amount from before
          the update.
        • Added additional commands for internal Bloomerang admin users. A backup is
          created and audit logs saved when these commands are run.
        • Updated a script to help automate steps during a deploy.
        • Improved internal exception handling.


        • Fixed a bug with our Mailchimp integration to better handle Groups that have
          commas in the name
        • Fixed a bug that caused an error in our nightly job if a Mailchimp campaign
          had been deleted
        • Fixed a false positive error message when stopping Bloomerang services
        • Updated how we store custom field data in report columns
        • Fixed an issue on the tribute list page where data was being loaded without
          a database connection
        • Fixed an issue where we were loading information about users without a
          proper database connection
        • Fixed an issue where we weren’t opening a database connection when creating
          a new user
        • Updated internal logging to better identify connection issues
        • Fix to our deploy process allows us to deploy only administrative changes if
        • API users can now create and modify pledges via the API (See our
          API documentation)


        • Updated QuickBooks Online dropdown lists so they’ll now fully populate for
          customers with lots of Service Item, Class, and Account values.
        • QuickBooks Online integration will longer load list categories in the
          dropdown. This will resolve sync errors where customers mapped to these
        • QuickBooks Online List values could sometimes have the same name, and we’ll
          now load up their respective category name in the value when they are
          identical. This should
        • help customers distinguish between the two when setting up mappings.
        • We also made a number of smaller changes to the QuickBooks Online
          integration to bring the feature in line with the requirements for
          submission on the QBO app store.
        • We now keep a list of the most used (i.e., vulnerable) passwords and will
          check new or changed passwords against that list. These passwords cannot be
        • We’ve created a script/command to determine whether conversions or commands
          are running and make it part of the deploy process.


        • Trimmed log messages to help engineers quickly understand a problem
        • Cleaned up transactions that were in a bad state in customer databases and
          couldn’t be deleted
        • Created automated recovery tasks when our servers scale into an error state
        • Added logging to detect deprecated legacy code
        • Fixed an ElasticSearch error that prevented constituents from seeing the
          correct page after changing their email address via the Manage Preferences


        • Two-Factor Authentication has been added to Bloomerang! Optionally add an
          additional layer of security to your database by turning it on today. Learn
          more here.


        • We reworked Quickbooks Online syncs to be interruptible and self-recovering
        • Increased the timeout when creating a tag in MailChimp to help alleviate
          large pushes causing a tag to not be created
        • Improved how our dropdowns interact with screen readers
        • Fixed a bug in a development cleanup command that cleans up old user


        • Updated the report description and dates in the Loyal Donors report template
          to reflect the last 5 years


        • Updated our login page


        • Fixed an SQL bug that came up when cleaning up merged account data


        • Improvements to mass delete code
        • Change to the v2/campaign endpoints for Zapier
        • The field “Planned Gift Likelihood” was removed from Generosity Details
        • Fixed a performance problem with Reporting that affected orgs with a large
          number of pledges
        • Fix for editing recurring donation payments without an appeal or campaign in
          the v1 API
        • Improvement to merged account history


        • Renewal emails will now send from the domain for better
        • Improved logging around long running requests


        • Added ability to shut off specific parts of Bloomerang in case of
          performance issues, as well as adding messages in the UI to notify customers
          if they are attempting to use disabled features
        • Fixed an issue with timeouts when editing email subscriptions
        • Updated the error message when trying to access Batch Entry without an
          active license


        • Changes to improve login functionality
        • Fixed console error on payment failures page
        • Updated FTD interaction/task Donation Details section to match our new
          container styles


        • We are changing the way we run database backups to make them more stable
        • Adding a new license section in admin and OAuth check based on license


        • More efficient select statement for custom transaction fields in the v1 API
        • Updated Run-Deploy to use the correct argument


        • Fixed an issue with RefreshMailchimpCampaignActivity configured date range
          being ignored
        • Filtering Gmail bots to prevent false opens from Google emails
        • Updated authorization method for SendGrid subuser API requests


        • Updated legacy paper section styling to match our new containers
        • Updated the background color to a more muted tone, updated color and styling
          of header bar, updated top-right icons, and updated color of left-side
          navigation icons
        • Modifications to make the scheduler a little more resilient to database load
        • Added extra logging when a category parsing issue happens with Mailchimp
        • Added rate limiting for endpoints frequently used by TrueGivers to reduce
          system load
        • Fixed bug with grouping a report by the Relationships column
        • Fixed an issue where managing email preferences would give an error due to
          timing out
        • Removed unused assemblies and references from projects


          • Restored natural wording in managed value filters like Fund
          • Removed old usages of Intercom system in Web files
          • Fixed an issue with clicking through to the database in Admin BiffZone
          • Fixed instances of Processing gif not appearing over some transaction

elements and fixed “Saved” notification on Home screen not appearing over some

        • Fixed an issue with mass emails sent to deleted accounts
        • Fixed bug with Assigned Letter filter removing selected values on save


        • Added an update to database usage metrics
        • Fixed cursor showing as pointer on disabled “Generate letter on save”
          checkbox in transactions without a letter selected
        • Fixed an issue that would sometimes result in Fusebill subscription
          information not being updated in admin
        • Fixed for syncing Aplos transactions through the UI
        • Added Home and End keyboard shortcuts to our common dropdown


        • Made changes to keep the scheduler running when it encounters an exception
          trying to connect to the database
        • Re-enable db connection pooling for service calls
        • Fixed a bug where conversion Biff files would be uploaded twice, causing
          automated tests to fail
        • Fixed an issue that was allowing 2 character search suggestions which were
          not properly filtered. The fix was to restrict suggestions to 3 characters
          or more.
        • Updated body text of Donor Retention wheel custom settings warning modal for
        • Changed cancel button on New Reports to navigate directly back to Reports
        • Removed unnecessary browser checks for isIE() on specific functionality


        • Fixed 2 bugs that were causing Rapid Gift Entry to return errors
        • Fixed an issue when authenticating to QuickBooks Online in production vs.
          sandbox accounts
        • Changed logging for scheduled tasks to make it easier to track down
          QuickBooks Online issues


        • Rapid Gift Entry—users can now save and load default values for
          donations for speedy donation entry
        • Fixed an issue where merged accounts cause Mailchimp Activity update to fail
        • Fixed an issue that was creating Mailchimp interactions for accounts even
          when the account was filtered out on the Mailchimp side
        • Fixed an issue with large Mailchimp pushes


        • Adding new email verification
        • Added new email templates for Giving Tuesday
        • Improved performance when importing Accounts into large databases
        • Services will now connect to our database more efficiently
        • Updated the Config default for QBO to 1 hour
        • Fixed cache data information for internal command
        • Update to more easily remove local databases


        • Fixed a bug with the Assigned Letter filter and column in reporting which
          was causing issues with the Mailchimp integration settings page


        • Users will be able to run batches of letters based on the letter template
          assigned on the transaction


        • Users will be able to assign an acknowledgement letter template when
          entering a transaction and download a one-off acknowledgement letter without
          going to the letter template.


        • Added additional log statements to track down Fusebill renewal emails sent
          to customers.
        • Made a change to the API to support Google Sheets Batch Entry.


        • Improved performance of Campaign Progress Dashboard tile for CRM.
        • Fixed issue with some Mailchimp campaigns not getting parsed.
        • File reorganization to help with dependency issues.
        • Better logging for overnight commands.
        • Updated the dev email address in the codebase.


        • Fixed an issue with customer database exports.
        • Fixed audit display issue in email templates after save.


        • Created a transaction acknowledgment letter for a donation that has a soft
          credit, and then delete it.
        • Fixed an issue in certain email clients where links without http or https
          are broken.


        • Fixed an issue where Canadian donations came in with a US state
        • Updated login page to show a warning when a user is using Internet Explorer,
          which is no longer one of our supported browsers. The browser warning will
          now replace Internet Explorer with Microsoft Edge as a supported browser
        • Fixed a bug where Edit Refund page didn’t load when Aplos was configured
        • API V1 Accepts extra payments on recurring donations now


        • The constituent’s timeline page has been updated to show campaign and appeal
        • We added support for decimal places in Aplos income account numbers
        • We fixed a bug where users who were deleted in the app would still show up
          in admin user search
        • We’ve given users the option to opt out of scheduled report emails when the
          report contains 0 results, but include copy in the email if the report does
          have 0 results


        • Fund, QB Account, Campaign, Appeal, and pick-one custom fields use a newer
          select component with search capability.
        • Across browsers the search fields that are within areas like constituent
          profiles, soft credits, and tributes have different glow styles. We’ve made
          these consistent.
        • Some input fields did now show green glow when selected and they do now.
        • Our field labels now use upper- and lowercase/sentence case instead of all
        • Text no longer has a dated shadow
        • Boxes no longer have a dated shadow
        • The glow that happens when a field is focused is now modernized
        • Instead of using two different fonts depending on a user’s system
          constraints, we now use a single beautiful font.
        • Body font is now a standard color.
        • Containers and headers now have a more modern flat background instead of a
          dated gradient.
        • We now use two on-brand greens instead of multiple varying shades of green.
        • Links and buttons have been standardized


QuickBooks Online

Do you use QuickBooks Online for your accounting needs? Now you can connect
your database to QuickBooks Online and sync transactions from Bloomerang into

Learn more

        • We also organized and standardized styles for our common dropdown components


        • Various bug fixes for Pendo
        • Fixed an issue where existing emails in Mailchimp failed to sync with
        • Fixed an issue with rescheduling weekly or monthly scheduled reports that
          could sometimes cause multiple copies of the report to be run and sent.
        • Added support for pushing database info to Pendo even if the DatabaseName
          has characters that are not valid in the default character encoding.


        • We’ve updated soft credits functionality— soft credits can now have a
          separate acknowledgement status from the original transaction


        • DonorSearch batch screens are no longer updated after they expire
        • Fixed an issue that was preventing mass deletes with processed transactions
        • Made an Integration service change that increases app availability during a
        • The import used to create Notes, Interactions, and Donations can now be
        • Refactored logic for showing deactivated items in dropdowns to be more
        • Moved the AploseConfigurationCheck to increase stability during deploys
        • Minor styling changes to our common checkbox field component
        • Moving some common colors to a new file for reusability with styling


        • Emails and biffs are now encrypted
        • Fixed an issue with logging out too much info when the Fusebill integration
          encountered errors
        • Fixed an issue where mass emails with a trailing space were failing SPF
          validation, even if the domain had a valid SPF record
        • Removed unused IsQuickBooksEnabled database field
        • Added POST/PUT endpoints for Fund/Campaign/Appeal
        • Updated FEP export so databases can be tracked after switching database
        • Altered overnight jobs to make them more reliable


        • Added additional UserAgent information for SendGrid events
        • Fixed an error where “Has Email Preferences Second Factor Guids” field
          showed in reporting
        • Disabled the international address warning email temporarily
        • Moved the TrackEmailUnsubscribe method out of the Data Service to where it
          can be called directly from Web and API, and changed the length of timeout
        • Added metadata fields to Pendo for RenewalDate, ActiveTransactionForms,
          Zapier, AccountingIntegration


        • Added additional logging to push notification code so it’s easier to
          troubleshoot notificaiton issues
        • Added an automated backup for our authentication database
        • Added SASS to help manage CSS in UI development
        • Created a command to allow data services users to easily identify custom
          fields that are still in use and delete them if desired
        • Added logging for City, State, and Provice changes on donation and
          interaction forms


        • Added the ability for Administrator and Standard Users, with access to add,
          edit, or delete transactions, to unlink a processed transaction in
          Bloomerang from the transaction processor
        • Upgraded to use v3 of the BEE Plugin for our email editor
        • Updated API v2 to return more survey-related data on Interactions
        • Added a search endpoint for tributes in API v2


        • Added a check that automatically replaces the “from” address on Bloomerang
          mass emails, if the from address’s domain does not have the correct SPF
          record. This increases the likelihood of emails landing into their
          recipients’ inboxes.


        • Added a quickfix for walletItem filtering via the API V2 endpoint
        • Fixed errors in the scheduler when scheduled tasks are deleted
        • Made API Rate Limit adjustments
        • Added improved logging for some BluePay Payment Processing errors
        • Added a fix to prevent errors when saving transactions with large


        • Updates to help reduce deadlocks in re-scheduling reports
        • API v2 users can now create and update recurring donation schedules
        • Fixed an issue where engagement levels were not being calculated for
          databases that had just been converted.
        • Added documentation for the AttachmentIds property on the Notes endpoints.
        • Renamed some internal deprecated methods in the code.
        • Fixed internal log messaging
        • Cleaned up logs to identify a CA address issue.


        • Improved error code handling for email preference changes
        • Obfuscated email preference links for added security


        • If a user deletes a mapped group in Mailchimp, it will now be recreated when
          pushing a template from Bloomerang
        • Fixed an issue where pushing a large amount of constituents to Mailchimp can
          cause a timeout
        • Updated API documentation regarding updating attachments and profile pics
          via API


        • Fixed a time zone bug where picking a date would occasionally display the
          previous or next date
        • Removed confusion with the Arizona time zone display name
        • Set iframe rules to be more strict, in order to prevent ClickJacking attacks
        • Fixed Lapsed Reason column for survey response interactions in reporting
        • Fixed an issue with a Mailchimp cleanup command


        • Fixed an issue with how we detect auto reply emails
        • Fixed an issue with Scheduled Reports not properly rescheduling themselves


        • Fixed a display bug in the Timeline view of refunded split transactions
        • Sample data can now only be applied to demo databases in production
        • Changed the “Cancel” button on a scheduled report to refresh the previous
          page to reflect changes
        • Fixed an issue with sending Fusebill renewal emails when a database has
          multiple users with the same email address
        • Fixed a bug where the date picker will return the wrong time on the day of a
          daylight savings time transition
        • Fixed an issue with OAuth not requiring a required parameter in certain
        • Added steps to prevent some accidental re-submits of imports
        • Fixed a bug where the lapsed reason was causing a failure in reports


        • Improved error handling on some OAuth communications
        • Added additional logging to help track down errors when a credit card charge
        • We now regenerate Transaction Processor Gateway Tokens when switching to or
          from “test mode”
        • Screen reader accessible label added to the dropdown button on the
          constituent page for new timeline items
        • Fixed a config issue with running Bloomerang on developers’ local machines
        • Fixed an issue when building the solution in Rider (dev only)
        • Solution files moved (developer change only)
        • Internal, Dev-only fix for parsing Mailchimp api requests


        • Removed the preview for the online form success page and simplified the
          workflow for the online form builder.
        • Fixed a bug that caused the Duplicate Report to crash when phone numbers did
          not match exactly.
        • Made some updates to prevent users from authenticating with inactive API
        • Changed the way we calculate Recurring Donation Schedule status to better
          handle prepayments.


        • Added some additional error logging to track down a Mailchimp issue
        • Fixed an issue where support would get notified about scheduled emails
          failing to send when users had deleted the email template
        • Fixed an issue where Scheduled Reports emails may not be sent when customers
          do not have SendGrid subuser accounts
        • Tributes can now be created / edited via the V2 API
        • Added logging to track down a database specific issue
        • Fixed an issue involving updating the Email interest logs
        • Created a command to add interactions that were missed in Mailchimp
        • Fixed an issue with the DeleteAccounts command
        • Fixed an issue that could occur when mass deleting accounts with attachments


Scheduled Reports

Bloomerang now offers the ability to schedule reports in the database. If you
have reports that you need to run often, but don’t need to update very often,
scheduling reports is a great way to get those reports deliverd to your inbox
on a regular basis.

Learn more

We also fixed a few bugs:

        • Added Constituent Merge to API v2
        • Fixed an issue with the Dev team getting multiple confirmation emails for
          overnight jobs


        • Created a utility to allow Developers to create users on the new database
        • Fixed an issue with the system not ignoring blank lines when running
          commands against a list of databases.
        • Added a command to allow the disabling of user alerts.
        • Overnight job confirmation emails now list databases in alphabetical order
        • Infrastructure change to allow for better cancelling of our database
        • Added additional data to the email confirmations set to Development for our
          overnight jobs, to support multiple database servers
        • Added additional logging for database backups
        • Fixed an issue where our connection to the search client was leaking
        • Removed old code for email open and click tracking that is no longer used
        • Updated the database to make querying the Email Interest Log faster
        • Extended AplosCommands to support getpurposes which outputs a csv of
        • Update Freshdesk entries for our customers to include the database server as
          well as the database name (now that we have more than one DB server)
        • Added better error handling when people hit our hosted online donation pages
          with invalid parameters


        • We’ve updatd billing procedures and will now send renewal reminders 60 days
          prior to a customer’s renewal date.
        • We created a new API endpoint to refresh campaign progress.
        • We made some rate limit modifications for internal systems.



Bloomerang has a new API! If you’ve been looking to create a new integration
with your Bloomerang database, now is the time. If you have an existing
integration with Bloomerang, the previous API will still work, but will no
longer be receiving updates.

Learn more

We also fixed a few bugs:

        • Running customer databases locally no longer pushes database usage data to
        • Fixed some error handling scenarios in OAuth


        • Fixed an issue that was causing Mailchimp integration deactivation to time


        • We made an update to handle a bug in Mailchimp
        • We have added the ability to do a 2 character constituent search in app
        • Replaced navigation icons in the app with new style


        • We made an update to make sure webhooks are created properly with Mailchimp.
        • We adjusted how often Alert updates occur to help with database performance.


        • Updated how we store Mailchimp Groups on the backend.
        • Sped up mass account and transaction delete services.


        • Fixed an issue that was preventing large databases from being backed up.
        • Changed how often email addresses are scanned.
        • Fixed issues with OAuth when invalid or incomplete information is provided
          to the Authorize operation.
        • Added validation for favorite constituent deletion to ensure the user
          deleting the favorite is the user who created the favorite.


        • We added a fix that speeds up the overnight database backup job so that it
          will no longer interfere with other overnight jobs.


        • Expand logging for headers when parsing BCC emails. Made some updates that
          we hope will help resolve issues with auto-reply responses looking like BCC
          or Task Emails.
        • Re-enable alerts from the dashboard page. We disabled user alerts on
          #GivingTuesdayNow to help reduce system load. This update turns them back
          on, but only on the Dashboard page.
        • Change “Expires On” to “Disabled Starting” on the admin app licenses page.
          Updated wording for admin licenses page.
        • Overnight job performance improvements. Made several performance
          improvements to our overnight jobs.
        • Keep scheduler running for known exceptions. Swallow some harmless Scheduler
          errors that were causing extra dev effort.
        • Merge Field Website Link in Outlook. Fixed an issue where some Organization
          Website links would not work in Outlook Live.
        • Fix mass emails failing to send due to merged/deleted account. Fixed an
          error that could occur if a user deleted or merged an account while a mass
          email was in the process of being sent.


        • Prevent email interests from being updated via a push to Mailchimp if a
          member is no longer in Mailchimp
        • Only push successfully synced emails to a Tag in Mailchimp
        • Fixed an issue where custom email interests were not being sent to Mailchimp


        • Added a backend command to resubmit emails to TowerData for
        • Added columns to the MergedAccount table to keep track of both the new
          account number and merged account number


        • Fixed an issue that was causing an error in reports.
        • Fixed a bug where pushing to Mailchimp would fail when a constituent had
          customized their email interests and one of the assigned interests was
        • Fixed an issue that was causing errors in the Customer Information Export.


Mailchimp Integration

Users can link their MailChimp account to Bloomerang and will then be able to
push data from Bloomerang to MailChimp (email addresses, data fields/values).
Once an email is manually sent to that group in MailChimp, the interactions
and tracking information will populate in Bloomerang. MailChimp will only be
used for constituent-based emails.

Learn more</a >


        • Mass/Scheduled Email Failed to Send emails now go directly to support.
          Scheduled Email Failed to Send email now includes Email Template Id
        • Fixed an issue that allowed people to have required, deactivated custom
        • Added the total $ amount the donor will pay on Stripe Connect, Bluepay ACH,
          and ACH transaction forms to the “Donate” and “Register”


        • Added three GivingTuesdayNow templates to the COVID-19 email template


        • Added more informative errors when a Mass Delete fails
        • We no longer allow database names to be reused after a database has been
        • The “View in DonorSearch” button retries up to 2 more times if the first
          attempt fails
        • Added rate limits on requests per IP address (5 requests allowed per
          clock-hour) for sign-up forms
        • We removed the Konami code from Bloomerang


        • Fixed an issue in the Spreedly API that was stopping the creation of new


        • Added 6 new report templates to the “Start from a template” report section
          to match those we are building during our COVID-19 webinars
        • Added additional logging to help with debugging DonorSearch integration


        • Fixed a typo in “Refer a Friend” in navigation.
        • Cleaned up line endings for our codebase.
        • Fixed a bug to make the Note column required in Note type imports.
        • Added an option to run a DonorSearch Generosity Scan from a specific
        • Fixed an error on the Constituent Giving Summary table where the
          First/Latest/Largest Transaction amounts were incorrect when filtering to
          only show soft credits.
        • ProspectView now uses the DonorSearch API Key rather than the DonorSearch
          account credentials, allowing users to change their DonorSearch password
          without breaking ProspectView.


        • Added Apple-itunes-app Meta Tag. Users logging into CRM on an iOS device
          will now be prompted to download the app.
        • Fixed sample data that contained blank notes, which was causing the mobile
          app to crash.
        • We now trim primary admin emails in FuseBill to 255 characters.
        • The RecurringDonation endpoint on API V1 now supports setting the EndDate,
          and returns the EndDate when one has been set. Note that it does NOT support
          clearing the EndDate. Once an EndDate has been set, it needs to be cleared
          from the CRM app.


        • Added 8 new email templates on their own page to help with communicating to
          donors during COVID-19.
        • Fixed an issue where imports would not work if there was a line break in the
        • Duplicate account numbers no longer cause exceptions when running the
          DeleteFraudulentAccounts command
        • Giving a more helpful error message if a user tries to import something
          other than a number in the Account Number column
        • Made some changes to better handle database connections which should
          hopefully prevent some bugs in the future.
        • Fixed an issue where the Manage Email Preferences page’s submit button
          didn’t indicate that a change was made when clicking Submit.
        • We will now only auto-send Transactions over to Aplos automatically if the
          Date of the transaction is on or after the Aplos Start Date (whenever the
          Aplos integration is enabled). Manually sending older Transactions will
          still work.
        • Auto-reply emails will no longer complete tasks.
        • Internal fix for development performance


        • Updated login page to include links to our status page, blog, changelog, and
          refer a friend page. We also added links in top navigation and the billing
          page to the refer a friend page.


        • Fixed an issue where creating a recurring donation could result in multiple
          First Time Donation records (one for the schedule and one for the payment).
        • Changed the logic of the dashboard to hide any accounts with an older
          donation than the First Time Donation. This would affect any accounts that
          had been merged, as well as accounts with backdated transactions.


        • Added a component to our Dashboard that lists the top five first-time donors
          that organizations should call. From here, they will also be able to enter a
          follow up interaction, create a follow-up task, or view a full list of new
          donors in the last seven days.


        • Updated the mass delete service commands so they work with the new Dapper
          code changes.


        • Fixed how we load data to display on the timeline pages to prevent
          connection issues.


        • Updated communication restrictions so that they are only applied to the
          household if all members have the same restriction. Restrictions can now be
          easily applied to all members in a household as well.


        • DonorSearch Generosity Scans should work more reliably.
        • Fixed our Alerts to not leak database connections.
        • Fixed an issue with adding script tags to BEE emails.
        • Added customer country code to FEP export.
        • Fixed an error where the Timeline page would fail if there was a refund but
          the transaction being refunded was not shown on the Timeline due to being
          too old.


        • Fixed a bug that was causing connection errors on the Timeline List page.


        • Changed the system to delete timeline entries via Dapper so that we can do
          that via the V2 API.


        • Fixed a bug wherein Retention Wheel reports were saved as inactive. Reports
          created via the retention wheel now save as active.
        • Implemented a safeguard to check the average dollar amount before refunding
          and deleting fraudulent transactions.
        • Changde Web to use Redis instead of MySql for session state. This is to
          increase our web performance and reduce the load on our database servers.


        • Fixed a bug that was causing household sort names to be reset when running a
          household import.
        • Fixed an issue with scanning people with invalid names for DonorSearch.


        • Added the ability to search, filter, and sort the report list, and
          deactivate report templates.
        • Comma was removed after the state in org’s address in BEE footers.


        • Fixed an issue that prevented the duplicate constituent scan from working on
          extremely large databases.


        • Updated the email in the contact us link on the self hosted form publish
        • Fixed a bug so that custom fields will be updated in BEE emails when renamed
          through the API.
        • Infrastructure update to make the duplicate report page faster.


        • Users can now use Household Account Numbers to import transactions,
          interactions, and notes to Heads of Household and update Household name


        • Fixed a bug where the Acknowledgement Status Date was being erased when
          other information was updated on a transaction.
        • Created a tool for faster troubleshooting with the DonorSearch integration.
        • Added a Pendo field for account overage.


        • Added BEE plugin as Bloomerang’s mass email editor to be used for new
        • Fixed a bug so that the name in the To field will match the names that are
          populated in the merge fields in the body of the email if multiple
          constituents have the same email address.


        • Fixed an issue with Recurring Donation processing for non-Connect Stripe
          processors using non-Spreedly tokens.


        • Fixed a bug where a Stripe account using test keys could be connected to a
          live Stripe account.
        • Fixed a bug that was causing the Edit Pledge/Recurring Donation page to
          throw an error when CC/EFT is selected but it doesn’t have a wallet item.


        • Fixed a bug that allowed saving pledges and recurring donations with EFT
          selected but no EFT processor in the database.


        • Fixed a bug that was causing an error on the Edit Transaction Processor page
          when certain kinds of auto-processed pledge/recurring donation data exist.


        • A new way to connect Stripe and Bloomerang provides customers with
          additional security and offers new features like automatic credit card


        • Icon and link added to an accounts page to easily see if they’re part of a
        • Better tracking for DonorSearch license status.


        • Changed priority of UpdateDuplicateConstituentAlertAsync to help with search
        • Added timestamp check to UpdateDuplicateConstituentAlertAsync.
        • Fixed a bug where Fusebill was still sending invoice emails to users who had
          been deleted from Bloomerang.
        • Fixed Twitter Listening Hub Hashtag validation.
        • Removed unused DonorSearch infrastructure.
        • Fixed several unit tests around frequencies to account for environment.


        • Orgs will be notified that they will need to enable Re-CAPTCHA to continue
          using form snippets on their website.


        • Improve schedule creation when entering a new pledge, make modifying
          existing pledge schedules easier.
        • Pledges have an installment limit to prevent too many installments from
          crashing the webserver.
        • Set frequency on all converted pledges.
        • Standardize functionality and styles across in-app dropdowns.


        • When saving a split payment, the current tab will stay selected if invalid.
          If valid, the first invalid tab will be selected.
        • Household relationships now display according to their relationship to the
          head of household with a description of their relationship.


        • Fixed the Twitter Interaction column that causes it to overlap other parts
          of the interface.
        • Can clear a selected number input by hitting space, any other invalid
          character, or by pasting value into the selected input.
        • Fixed an issue that was causing organizations with over 150K licensed
          constituents to get a bounceback email when they send a BCC email including
          file attachments.
        • Improved responsive styles for React modals.


        • Intercom is removed.
        • Text-shadowing from the dashboard is removed for a more modern feel.
        • Fixed issue with long reporting title that caused buttons to wrap.
        • Made some tweaks to help the DonorSearch weekly scan run faster.
        • Allow users to deactivate custom fields if they’re only used on inactive


        • Legacy custom forms have been deprecated. Users must now use the Self-Hosted
          option if they want to customize online forms.
        • Released form enhancements to help prevent fraud.


        • Update React and other JavaScript libraries to newer versions.


        • Migrating to new ElasticSearch cluster to fix the conversions loading
        • Inactive tributes no longer appear in search results.


        • Created a command to remove non-Active accounts from the reports we gave
          customers listing the accounts reactivated by True Givers.
        • Created a data service command to mark accounts as Inactive that were
          incorrectly reactivated by TrueGivers.
        • Fixed an error where creating a DB, deleting the DB, and creating a new DB
          with the same name throws an error when trying to set up a Fusebill account.
        • Fixed an issue where an account could sometimes be flagged as a potential
          duplicate against its own household.
        • Truncated the error emails we get when a DonorSearch batch screen fails so
          that the emails are a manageable size.


        • Changed our Fusebill integration to no longer bill for overages when a DB is
          deactivated in Bloomerang.
        • Any admin accounts in a customer database with an overage will receive an
          email with the invoice information.
        • Modified the data service command that creates a report based on account
          numbers to output data.


        • Fixed an issue with conflicting date/time formats that we were sending to
        • Update to suspended databases in Pendo.


        • Updated cachebusters in emails/letters to fix an issue with unique name
        • Fixed a conversion error that was caused by leftover indexes.
        • If two constituents are in the same household, we are no longer showing them
          in the duplicate list.
        • Fixed an issue where an import could map a column like “Home Email Address”
          to the Home Street Address column.
        • Fixed a couple of commands to avoid performance issues.


        • Fix a couple of issues that were causing new databases not to get duplicate
        • Constituent Type Filters have been changed to only have Individual and
          Organization options. Already created filters have had Household removed.
        • Added code to the login page to deter negative SEO on terms like “bloomerang


        • Fixed bug with pressing Enter in Name field on emails and letters.


        • [email protected] emails now go to [email protected]
        • Fixed unique name validation for existing emails and letters.
        • Created a command that will be used for reporting on accounts that were
          inadvertently reactivated by TrueGivers.


        • The columns User and Status are now added by default to “Task Report from
          Scratch” report.
        • Fixed a bug that was causing empty zip codes to be filled in as 00000 in
        • Batch Screens via Admin should now complete before the weekly Generosity
        • 1 infrastructure update for bcc emails.
        • 1 infrastructure update for country codes.


        • Updated a redirect link in form settings for self-hosted forms.
        • 1 infrastructure update for customer analytics.


        • Real-Time Duplicate Constituent Management. Improve and maintain the quality
          of your data by cleaning up duplicate accounts! This allows administrators

          • Receive notifications when Bloomerang detects possible duplicates.
          • Compare matched accounts side by side.
          • Merge true duplicates or dismiss mismatched accounts.
        • Reworked indexing and searching for performance.
        • Fixed an issue where constituents could not be merged if they had a Task
          with a file attachment that was converted to an Interaction.


        • Fixed an error that could occur when all recipients to a mass email were
          opted out.
        • Fixed a bug so that in mass emails, when we swap out the “from” email
          address to use a Bloomerang one, we now also set the original “from” address
          as the “reply-to” address.
        • 1 infrastructure update to billing.


        • Fixed a command for data services to delete custom transaction fields with
          empty values.
        • Account status changes in Fusebill should now immediately affect users’
          ability to log into the system, rather than taking up to 24 hours to take
        • Introduced monthly billing for constituent and email overages.
        • 1 minor enhancement in customer analytics.


        • Fixed a bug that was causing deleted constituents/interactions to not show
          up in email tracking. Improved tracking tab load time for templates with 50+
        • Updated the case to lower case for the Transaction Type merge field, but it
          will remain upper case in a data table.
        • Added a reference to customer’s current license count, max license allowed,
          and the difference between them in the Billing portal.
        • Rolled out an in-app notification for users to notify them about the billing
          changes for overages are coming soon.


        • Reporting filter fix allows numbers above 2,147,483,647 to be processed
          inside of filters.
        • Fixed an issue where a TowerData server error would cause an email to be
          marked as invalid
        • Reporting columns now show primary email, address, and phone numbers first.


        • Infrastructure changes to set up version 2 of our API.


        • Fixed a bug with the recently released Batch Screen in Admin.
        • Removed Full Name as an import field from individuals. Full Name is still
          available (and required) for organizations.
        • Fixed an issue that kept household timelines from showing the listview
          button at the end of a timeline.


        • Fixed an issue with unsubscribe links in default confirmation emails for
          existing constituents.
        • Batch Screens are now performed via Bloomerang’s Admin app.
        • Cleaned up constituents who were linking to incorrect DonorSearch profiles.
        • 1 infrastructure update: Reorganized files under common/views.


        • Fixed a bug where a scheduled email by a new user could prevent access to
          the email list page.
        • Added an API endpoint to allow task deletion.
        • Improved performance of data service command to write off pledges in bulk.


        • Support for org-wide Facebook IDs that aren’t vanity URLs.


        • Fixed an issue where engagement scores were not always “cooling off” over
          time as they should.
        • Fixed a database leak that was causing reports, letters, and emails to fail
          to load for some customers.
        • Added Refund Date column and filter to Transaction Reports.


        • Performance improvement for loading custom values for large databases.


        • Allowed API requests to get constituents by last modified date to reduce
          TrueGivers load on our system.
        • Made significant performance improvements to the TrueGivers data pull.
        • Fixed an issue where AccountId was required to edit an email or phone number
          via the API.
        • Fixed constituent last modified information so it gets updated when
          addresses, emails, and phones are created, updated, or deleted.
        • Fixed an error that was causing issues with saving email templates.


        • Fixed a bug wherein images with special characters in the filename cause an


        • Save time with this update to the Dashboard! With one click, you can
          easily see reports with transaction details for what you’ve raised:</span >

          • This Week
          • This Month
          • This Fiscal Year


        • Fixed a bug wherein making a payment on a recurring donation that hasn’t
          started yet is considered overdue.
        • Image gallery load times have been improved with image paging.
        • Resolved an issue with older email template sending dates.
        • Fixed an issue where scheduled overdue task emails were not getting cleaned
          up properly.


        • Spark joy by organizing your email list! Deactivate older emails to keep
          your list clean and manageable. Filter or sort to find emails with ease. No
          more scrolling through a long list of email templates!

          • View your email templates by audience or whether it’s been sent or
          • Search by email details like what it’s called or the last person who
            used it.</span >
          • Sort your list by date or alphabetically by name.</span >
          • Display only emails you’re currently working on or revisit inactive
            emails.</span >


        • Gave Support/Admin the ability to mass delete Accounts using
          Fraudulent-specific deletion.
        • Fixed an error that could prevent reports/letters/emails with the Last
          Recurring Donation Payment Status filter from running.
        • Custom Interaction Field Values can be deleted using the same way we delete
          custom account field values.
        • Added the ability for Data Services to see the contents of mass emails we


        • You can now receive email notifications when tasks are assigned, updated,
          or overdue! Manage tasks with ease by viewing task details – and
          completing them – from the convenience of your email. Stay on top of your
          tasks by:</span >

          • Receiving details on newly assigned, updated or overdue tasks right
            in your inbox.</span >
          • Viewing important task details via email, including any attachments
            and associated constituent information.</span >
          • Completing tasks by simply replying to email notifications.</span >
        • Fixed a bug that prevented people from deleting Tasks that had attachments.
        • Fixed a bug where the “Completed Date” field displays as “1/1/0001” in
          reports for any task that has not yet been marked as complete.
        • Fixed a bug where the ” Completed Date” field displays as “1/1/0001” if the
          task was reactivated or the interaction for that task was deleted.
        • Fixed an issue with sanitizing the HTML contents of the email before we
          display it.


        • Bloomerang has partnered with TrueGivers to offer you nightly NCOA updates
          as part of your Bloomerang subscription! Better data means better
          fundraising results. By activating NCOA processing in your Bloomerang
          database, you can:

          • Say goodbye to manual updates – addresses are standardized and updated
          • Save time and money by only sending mail to mailable addresses.
          • Navigate a sensitive situation with information on deceased donors or
            household members.


        • We no longer serve the hosted form for self-hosted forms.
        • Added Income Account, Bank Account, and Receivables Account as columns for
          transactions reports.
        • Redid how our private API keys are generated.
        • Fixed a bug where users couldn’t view survey response interactions when the
          recipient email address was on multiple accounts.


        • Fixed an issue where forms with leading and trailing spaces would have an
          error instead of trimming leading and trailing spaces. The Duplicates,
          Merge, Address, Constituent, Interaction, and Phone endpoints now trim
          leading and trailing whitespace.
        • Fixed an issue that forced users to have to clear their browser cache before
          they could use buttons in the merge field and data table modals.
        • Biff generator can now generate the new frequencies for pledges/recurring
        • LYBUNT, SYBUNT, Downgrades, and Pledge Details report templates have been
          updated to better align with customer needs.
        • Users can now delete images with special characters in the filename.


        • Updated country list to rename Swaziland to Eswantini.
        • Removed periods from military abbreviations from the Title selection while
          creating/updating a Constituent.
        • Fixed an issue where invalid database names could be created in the admin
          tool by copying and pasting names from word processors / emails, which
          caused a Blossom error and issues syncing with Fusebill.
        • We fixed an issue where saving a constituent’s profile with an invalid
          website didn’t always show error.
        • We fixed an issue where custom values wouldn’t import of they weren’t an
          exact match down to the casing.


        • Recurring donations and pledges will now also have every other week, twice a
          month, and every other month as frequency options.
        • Fixed an issue where version 73 of Google Chrome broke some of our existing


        • Fixed an error where deleted scheduled emails weren’t being deleted
        • Removed checkbox option to set stripe processor to test mode.
        • Fixed an issue where engagement scores were not being updated correctly
          after performing an import.
        • The interaction created by the default Bloomerang email will appear as a
          Receipt and will not flip the Acknowledgment flag on online donations.
        • Fixed an issue so that we are now passing the constituent’s IP address to
        • Cleaned up databases that had multiple primary addresses.


        • Changed the Address API endpoint to update the associated Constituent’s Last
          Modified information when an Address is added or changed.


        • Fixed a bug relating to Conversion Appends, and made more of the conversion
          process faster as well.


        • Fixed timeline item names that were too long sometimes sending the date to a
          new line
        • Added the TrueGivers integration for beta-testers, which performs automatic
          NCOA updates nightly once set up for specific customers.
        • Fixed a bug that showed the incorrect username on login fail if username
          contained plus sign and also displays correct url with encoding now.
        • Fixed pending email address in User Settings page where long emails were
          displaying in one long line. Also fixed Timeline Notes where a very long
          word or URL would display in one long line instead of going to the next
        • Customer database export now uses UTF-8 encoding.
        • Fixed an error that was occurring when a file was uploaded containing empty
          lines for mass delete of accounts.
        • Fixed an error that was occurring when a file was uploaded containing
          repeated account numbers for mass delete of accounts.
        • Made a code change that lets the implementation engineers override BIFFs.


        • Fixed a couple of issues that were preventing contact emails from being
          updated in Fusebill.
        • Fixed an issue wherein deactivated processors weren’t showing as deactivated
          in online forms. Additionally, we have created a modal to alert the user to
          update their online form processors prior to deactivation.
        • Fixed a memory leak where we weren’t disposing connections to S3 when we
          were done with them.
        • We now include household account numbers in DonorSearch batch screening.
        • Created the option to allow users to include Constituents with bad,
          incomplete, and no addresses in letters.


        • Fixed an issue with our Mass Delete Tool in the admin app pertaining to the
          preservation of Constituent’s timeline entries after their Household has
          been deleted via the Tool. We’ve also applied these behavior changes to our
        • Fixed a bug in the edit constituent API that was incorrectly adding an audit
          log entry for email interests even when they weren’t changed.
        • Fixed a couple of billing-related issues that prevented customers from
          logging into their databases.


        • Databases are now automatically changed between Active and Suspended
          statuses based on Fusebill.
        • Fixed some errors caused by Fusebill and Bloomerang becoming out-of-sync.
        • Initiated the process of deprecating legacy custom forms. With this release,
          the following changes were made:

          • Converted “custom” forms to self-hosted forms if the last submission
            received from the custom form included a Spreedly token.
          • Updated custom forms not converted to self-hosted forms with a message
            that the form will be deactivated as of 8/5/2019.
          • Sent email notification to the organization/additional contacts with a
            message that the form will be deactivated as of 8/5/2019.


        • Updated confirmation email recipients when someone runs the admin Delete
          Accounts utility.
        • Fusebill now checks the status daily instead of once every 24 days.


        • Fixed an issue where the bottom of Fusebill’s pages would be cut off.
        • Fixed the tribute field values for recurring donation payments in reports.
        • Duplicate EFT accounts are collapsed to one when creating a new transaction.


        • Cleaned up a processor error message. Customers used to see
          PaymentProcessingException, but now see the actual message from the
        • Performance improvements to some overnight jobs.


        • Added more validation around creating custom fields via the API.
        • Invoice number in the billing area now matches the Quickbooks PDF.
        • Fixed a bug where a report could be deleted even if it was referenced by an
          email, letter, or the QuickBooks export. Also fixed emails, letters, and
          QuickBooks export that reference a report not counting toward the reference
          count in the “In report” filter UI.
        • When a sent/scheduled email fails to send, an email will be sent to
          development with details of the fail.


        • There will now be the option of using zipped biff files within the Biff Zone
        • Fixed timestamps in reports exported to Excel to show timestamps in user
          time zone instead of UTC.
        • Various fixes for the DonorSearch weekly scan.
        • Constituent’s addresses that are added without a Country via the API will be
          populated with the value of “US.”
        • Fixed an issue where we weren’t showing that a credit card was expired and
          fixed an issue when an account has two stored credit cards with the same
          number and processor, but one is expired, where it would try to charge the
          expired card.


        • Made CVV optional when making in-app donations.
        • Fixed a performance issue that was causing large conversions to time out.


        • The license expiration date field will now be available upon creating a new
        • When scanning people for DonorSearch, the code now gives preference to
          “Primary” addresses.
        • We fixed a bug that was causing the app to not shutdown cleanly.


        • Improved performance when online form rate limiting takes effect.
        • Tracking user permission level (admin/standard) in Intercom.
        • Updated a few internal unit tests.
        • Data Services team can now export file attachments that the user has
          uploaded (that aren’t profile pics).
        • Changed email interests and opt-outs so they apply to all constituents with
          that email address as their primary.


        • 5 minor enhancements.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 3 minor enhancements.


        • 4 bug fixes.
        • 1 minor enhancements.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 5 bug fixes.
        • 4 minor enhancements.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 4 bug fixes.
        • 2 minor enhancements.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 7 bug fixes.
        • 6 infrastructure updates.
        • 3 minor enhancements.


        • Customers can now view billing information right in Bloomerang. With this
          new Billing portal, administrators can add or update payment information,
          view Bloomerang invoices beginning January 1st, and receive email and in-app
          notifications on billing activity.
        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 2 bug fixes.
        • 2 minor enhancements.


        • 4 bug fixes.
        • 2 minor enhancements.


        • 6 bug fixes.
        • 3 minor enhancements.


        • 5 bug fixes.


        • 7 bug fixes.


        • Customers may choose to skip constituents who have blank merge fields in
          letters or emails.
        • 1 bug fix.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 4 bug fixes.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • You can now enter split payments in Bloomerang! This allows you to create
          new or convert existing gifts into split payments, apply payments to
          different funds, campaigns, tributes, and more. Also add payments on pledges
          and recurring donations, plus enter an additional donation.


        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 2 bug fixes.


        • 1 bug fix.


        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 3 minor enhancements.
        • 2 bug fixes.


        • 3 minor enhancements.


        • Engagement Surveys are here! Based on the research of Dr. Adrian Sargeant,
          Bloomerang’s Engagement Surveys give your donors a voice and give you
          valuable insight into how donors see your organizations. Measure
          satisfaction, commitment, intimacy, and trust among new, and existing
          donors, and find out why donors stopped giving.


        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 3 bug fixes.
        • 2 minor improvements.


        • 4 minor improvements.
        • 3 bug fixes.


        • 2 bug fixes.
        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 1 minor improvement.


        • Projected Revenue reporting is here! This provides users with the ability to
          calculate cash flow projections based on pledge and recurring donation
          installments projected during a specific timeframe.
        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 1 minor improvement.


        • 2 bug fixes.


        • 1 bug fix.


        • 1 minor improvement.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • 3 minor improvements.
        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • Released email deliverability improvements wherein emails in Bloomerang
          databases are scanned and marked with a “bad” badge when they are invalid,
          spam traps, or other types that would hurt customers’ email reputations.
        • We made some improvements to the way contact information is presented on
          households. Specifically, only one primary address, email, and phone number
          is displayed, and each address, email, and phone number is only listed once,
          and the members who share it will be listed.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 1 minor improvements.
        • 2 bug fixes.


        • Released a new and improved Features Portal accessible directly within
          Bloomerang to streamline feature suggestions and feedback.
        • 3 infrastructure updates.
        • 2 minor improvements.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • Released improvements that help obtain and track consent to communicate with
          EU constituents to help with GDPR compliance.
        • 2 infrastructure updates.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • 2 infrastructure updates.
        • 3 minor improvements.
        • 3 bug fixes.


        • 2 infrastructure updates.
        • 1 minor improvement.
        • 2 bug fixes.


        • 2 bug fixes.


        • Released a deeper integration with DonorSearch wherein every constituent in
          the database now has a Generosity Score that shows their philanthropic
          giving potential.
        • 2 bug fixes.


        • Released an integration with Intercom that enables users to receive in-app
          prompts with links to resources, get a status update on Bloomerang’s system,
          and receive email updates with organization milestones.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • 3 bug fixes.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 2 bug fixes.


        • 1 bug fix.


        • 1 bug fix.


        • 3 bug fixes.


        • 1 bug fix.


        • An Account Number column is now automatically included when a report is
          exported to Excel.
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • 1 infrastructure update.
        • 5 bug fixes.


        • We’ve made some changes to recurring donation payment dates. With this
          release, prepaying the next installment date will not force the date of the
          payment to the next payment date. This change allows customers to accurately
          date the payment when it’s received and not have inaccurate, future-dated
        • 1 infrastructure update.


        • Released a new user permission that will allow only certain users to add,
          edit, and delete transactions.
        • Fixed a bug wherein copying a form removed the additional notification
          emails from the original form.
        • 1 bug fix.


        • “Conversion in progress” is displayed in-app if a database is still in
        • 2 bug fixes.


        • Fine-tuned the Donor Retention wheel calculations, and added the ability to
          customize the filters to exclude certain transactions or add soft credits,
          select rolling, fiscal, or calendar year, and added click-through reports
          from the Dashboard.


        • 1 bug fix


        • Customers can now send online form notifications to multiple email
          addresses! This is an option within the form builder.
        • 1 infrastructure update


        • 3 bug fixes
        • 6 infrastructure updates


        • 2 infrastructure updates


        • Fund name is now sent to new transaction processors connected with
          Bloomerang via Spreedly.
        • 2 infrastructure updates
        • 1 bug fix


        • Bloomerang customers in the “Grow” level will now have access to the
          Sustainability Scorecard
        • New username requirements enforced. If a user tries to log in with an
          invalid username, they’ll be directed to make changes before continuing into
          the app.
        • 1 infrastructure update


        • Added ability to update Fund, Campaign, Appeal, and QuickBooks Account on
          Recurring Donations

          • Recurring donation payments can now be modified to be recorded against
            different Fund/Campaign/Appeal
          • Changes to the Recurring Donation Schedule will affect only future
        • State field no longer populates with US states when creating a constituent
          in Canadian and Bermudian databases
        • Fixed an error in Task reports for when constituent information was included
          in columns but the task wasn’t assigned to a constituent


        • Updated TrueImpact calculation to use Stripe’s Nonprofit Rate (2.2%)
        • Corrected email footer for Canadian organizations to correctly display city,
          province, and postal code
        • Removed “Find Constituent” merge field from letters and emails
        • Mass emails sent from will be sent from to
          improve delivery rates
        • Added link to our
          status page</a >
          and a button to chat support from the application error page


        • Auto-processed pledge payment failures now included in “Credit Card Payment
          Failure” alert


        • Corrected letter and email data table to allow formatting text font and size


        • Fixed an error with the arrears filter and column


        • 1 infrastructure update


        • Corrected an issue where website visits were not being tracked properly for
          merged constituents
        • Updated the task dashboard count to include Benevon follow-up tasks
        • Updated the failure message on the Payment Failures Page for Aplos syncing
        • 1 infrastructure update


        • The duplicate matching logic for identifying duplicate organizations was
          improved to factor in additional, standard USPS business abbreviations (e.g.
          almost identical organization names with “&” vs “and” will now be
          identified as matches)
        • The #10 letter size option was removed from the letter designing tools (this
          is an envelope size, not a letter size)
        • 7 infrastructure updates


        • Validation was added when creating subject lines with invalid characters in
          the mass email module
        • Fixed a reporting bug where the “Is a Specific Soft Credit” filter was
          filtering on multiple types of transactions, not just soft credits
        • Fixed a bug introduced in a recent release where using the Send a Test Email
          option in the email designer was sending the test email multiple times
        • Fixed a bug introduced in a recent release where the most clicked link in
          the email tracking metrics was not displaying the correct URL
        • 1 internal update


        • Added the Find Constituents filter to reports, letters, and emails; this
          allows users to include or exclude specific constituents to their reports,
          letters, and emails
        • Fixed a visual bug in Firefox where the “Save And” button in reporting
          wasn’t aligned with the “Cancel” and “Delete” buttons
        • Added new API endpoints for the Private Key API to allow users to request a
          list of custom fields, get the type of custom field, and load the values for
          the custom field (if pick one or multi-select)


        • 3 infrastructure updates


        • Squashed an import bug where special characters in custom field names were
          not allowing the custom field to be mapped
        • 1 internal improvement for reports created during the conversions process


        • Added the ability to upload a custom profile picture to the Constituent
        • Improved the mobile responsiveness of large images in mass emails generated
          from Bloomerang
        • Fixed a bug with refreshing the Engagement Level when a Task is saved as an
        • Fixed a bug where an accent mark in the username was preventing users from
          accessing the knowledge base
        • Fixed a bug with selecting the Raised, Revenue, and Soft Credit filters on
          the Constituent Summary Graph on mobile devices
        • Updated how addresses with more than three lines are displayed in the
          Constituent Header; an ellipsis is displayed in the third address line and
          the full address is displayed when placing the cursor over any line of the
        • 3 infrastructure improvements


        • Fixed a bug with resetting Google reCAPTCHA on online donation forms. Donors
          sometimes make mistakes when submitting online donation forms. Bloomerang
          displays error messages to help them to understand what went wrong (example:
          credit card declined). When donors attempted to make corrections and
          resubmit forms, they couldn’t because reCAPTCHA wasn’t resetting properly.
          We made an update to reset the reCAPTCHA, allowing donors to resubmit forms
        • 2 performance improvements: Interactions with lots of custom fields values
          and constituent profile pages are now faster


        • Added
          Moolah, an
 transaction processor for credit card and eft payments


        • Squashed a bug presented on 11/08/2017 where some links inserted into mass
          emails were not working correctly when clicking on them


        • In order to improve email deliverability, customers attempting to send
          Bloomerang mass emails from non-domain specific email addresses (i.e.
,, etc.) will have their “mailed by” address replaced
          with [email protected] (it used to be “.co”)
        • Updated the mass email tracking tools to use SendGrid’s
          open/click/unsubscribe tracking tools


        • Squashed a bug with event registration forms where the “Cannot attend”
          option was not triggering a confirmation email
        • Updated the mass duplicate merge process to better determine which records
          to keep/skip when merging


        • API fix for merging values in pick-multiple fields when using the private
          key API
        • 2 infrastructure improvements


        • Infrastructure improvement that makes transaction pages faster
        • Fixed a bug with the year filters on the timeline view


        • Updated the default sort order for letters and labels created by the letter
          generator to sort by country then postal code (this accommodates
          requirements for bulk postage mailing rates)
        • 5 minor reporting improvements
        • 1 infrastructure update


        • Updated the Envelope Name field on households to accept multiple-line
          envelope names instead of just single line envelope names
        • 1 infrastructure update


        • Fixed an issue with the font displayed for long date and text fields on
          Bloomerang-hosted online forms
        • Fixed an issue with sending online form confirmation emails
        • Fixed an issue with the margins for checkboxes and radio buttons on online


        • 4 infrastructure updates


        • Added the Engagement Level Meter to household records (household engagement
          is calculated based on activity for all constituents in the household)
        • Updated how engagement levels are refreshed
        • Updated the command that imports DonorSearch batch screenings
        • 2 infrastructure updates


        • Improved performance (speed) when loading constituent summary, timeline, and
          transaction pages for constituents with lots and lots of entries
        • 5 infrastructure updates


        • Activated Google reCAPTCHA on all Bloomerang-hosted online forms to help
          with fraud prevention
        • 5 infrastructure updates


        • Constituent Summary Page update: Ability to filter on raised, revenue, and
          soft credit transactions on the giving summary graph
        • Fixed 2 display issues with soft credits:
          • $0 soft credits will now display correctly in Internet Explorer
          • Soft credit badge is no longer cut off
        • Removed unnecessary chevron and drop down options from the import list page
        • Fixed an issue with the pledge days in arrears filter
        • Made an update so the From Name will be displayed in email recipient inboxes
          (instead of the organization name) even when sending from non-domain email
          addresses (i.e. gmail email address). Additionally, a DMARC warning will be
          displayed when a user create a new email template with a non-domain email
        • 3 infrastructure updates


        • Ability to add additional, non-scheduled payments to recurring donation
        • Reporting update for recurring donation schedule status: The “Overdue”
          status is defined as any schedule without a payment on or after the most
          recent installment date
        • Ability to enter an end date on recurring donation schedules with expired
          credit cards
        • 2 infrastructure updates


        • Added the ability to support credit card processors using Canadian currency


        • ElasticSearch infrastructure update


        • Infrastructure update


        • Added an option to setup an autoprocessing payment method for pledges
          (credit card or EFT)

          • Bloomerang will automatically process payments for pledges with an
            autoprocessing payment method of credit card or EFT data according to
            the pledge installment schedule. Bloomerang will track any failed credit
            card payments so we can build a way to resolve them using a payment
            failure notification.


        • Sustainability Scorecard
          • Measure your organization’s sustainability based on quarterly
            assessments and data from Bloomerang
        • Created a data service command to update pledge schedules
        • Added built-in fields for DonorSearch Batch Screenings
          • Added the overall DonorSearch score, “Generosity Score”, on the
            Constituent Summary page
          • Donor Search batch screening details are stored in Bloomerang fields
            with the ability to report on them
        • Updated the DonorSearch Batch Screening export
        • Updated Task reports for Households
        • Added a “Coming Soon” Household engagement section on the Constituent
          Summary page for Households


        • 2 reporting performance improvements (this will make reporting over 247x
        • Updated the column filters on the Household Average report template
        • Different households with the same household name will no longer be grouped
          together in reporting
        • Added new page sizes to letters (#10,Half-Letter,Executive,B5)
        • 2 infrastructure improvements


        • Update to country list
        • Added “Mx.” as a name prefix
        • Bug fix to new line character with export to excel and address label exports
        • Improvement to validation on Constituent and Volunteer online forms
        • Removing comma in amount field in online forms
        • Improvement to handling “$” character in the amount field for online
          donation forms


        • Updated criteria for SPF and DKIM checking for BCC to Bloomerang
        • 4 updates in preparation for an upcoming feature release



        • Updated duplicate matching for international phone numbers to exclude
          non-numeric values
        • Disabled automatic running of reports for customers with larger record


        • Added new merge fields to letters and emails for pledges and recurring
        • Updated the name of the “Address” merger field to “Street”
        • Updated empty data tables in letters and emails to include an “Add Column”
        • 2 infrastructure updates


        • Changed the “Donate” button on online forms to “Enter Payment” when the
          credit card payment option is selected
        • Clicking the “Cancel” button in the online form builder will redirect the
          user to the form list instead of taking the user to the previous page
        • 1 infrastructure update for reporting


        • Added an option to deactivate online forms
        • Updated reporting for deceased constituents
        • Import tool will recognize “M” and “F” as Male and Female when importing


        • 14 minor improvements


        • 5 minor improvements


        • Mass Email Scheduling
          • Schedule the emails in your drip campaign, including the follow-ups
            based on constituent responses.
          • Design your monthly newsletter today and schedule it to send next week.
          • Schedule emails to send when constituents are the most likely to open


        • Fixed 2 reporting bugs
        • 5 minor improvements


        • Recurring donation credit card payment failures feature
          • Allow Bloomerang to help you resolve your payment failures to recapture
            lost revenue and retain donors


        • Personalize and edit letters after they are generated using Bloomerang’s
          letter tools

          • Add a personal note or fix an issue before sending the letter
          • Make all your changes in Bloomerang to preserve formatting and retain
            the final version of the letter in Bloomerang (no need to export to
            Microsoft Word)


        • Dashboard Update: Change “Raised this Year” to “Raised This Fiscal Year”


        • Improved the export for DonorSearch batch screenings
        • Squashed a few bugs:
          • Error when deleting a constituent with an attachment
          • Fixed a race condition when processing CC and EFT transactions at the
            same time


        • Fixed the error when attempting to delete a recent mailing


        • Fixed an issue with editing the date on a processed transaction


        • File Attachments
          • Store or link your fundraising documents and images on any timeline
            entry in Bloomerang. Now you can upload planned giving proposals to
            interactions, signed pledge cards to those pledges, or link out to
            meeting notes stored on other online services (Google Docs, Dropbox, or


        • Bloomerang for Benevon:
          • Track your Benevon workflows including point of entries, follow-ups,
            asks, and ongoing cultivation using features Bloomerang created
            specifically for Benevon customers!


        • Sorting by a custom field now:
          • Sorts all values as expected
          • Blank (null) values show up first (in ascending)


        • Improved application responsiveness
        • Squashed a few bugs:
          • Phone extension containing letters causing reports to fail
          • Error in grouped and collapsed report with a “pick one” date custom
            field column
          • Dashboard including transactions dated last week in “Raised This Week”
          • Long column headers cause import summary to hang


        • Fixed an issue with First and Last transaction sorting


        • Fixed a few items:
          • Cannot edit a fund when in use by an online form
          • Error when reporting on Tasks’s “User” field
          • Pledge Amount field totaling both Pledge and Pledge Payments


        • Updated the Pledge Details template to use “Date” as a column rather than
          “Pledge Date”
        • Fixed an issue with editing email interests


        • A few improvements for how Online Forms work with Funds, Campaigns, Appeals,
          and Custom Fields:

          • Warn users when attempting to deactivate a field or value that is used
            on a form
          • Re-save when fields or value are added or edited (prevents errors with
            forms being “out of sync” with these values)
        • Fixed a reporting error when another user changes data pulled in the report


        • Added “Deductible Amount” filter to reporting


        • Corrected the letter preview so that it shows the first five letters being
          generated (instead of the first five items in the report)


        • Fixed a reporting bug where certain modified pledges were displaying the
          wrong information for First/Next/Final Installment fields


        • Data tables in letters and emails are not sorted by the entered date, not
          Created Date
        • Page focus is now correctly set on Prefix/Title field when creating a new
        • Fixed a few problems:
          • Custom fields could not be deleted
          • Error with Last Website Visit filter


        • Corrected a problem with totaling pledge & recurring donation payments
          in letters


        • Fixed two issues:
          • Campaign progress bar on summary page not displaying the first campaign
            by default
          • Multiselect values not respecting list sort when adding to filter


        • Give donors the choice to pay for bank processing fees with their online
          donation by enabling True Impact when configuring forms
        • Formal Transaction Date (i.e. November 21, 2016 merge field for letters
          & emails)
        • Removed leading zero from Today’s Date merge field
        • Fixed getting HTML of an email


        • Online form improvements prior to Giving Tuesday
          • Fixed some issues with auto-fill when donating
          • Auto-resize window on mobile devices
          • Facebook Share button now shares the online form link (rather than the
            Organization’s Facebook page)
          • Support for Bermudian addresses


        • Added incomplete validation for Canadian addresses
        • Use donor’s browser date as donation date (+/- 1 day) instead of
          organization date
        • Fixed a few email issues:
          • White blocks when editing email sections
          • Deliverability counts not correct
          • Unable to save or send email without Email Interests


        • Fixed an issue with letters where an image was split between pages


        • Constituent letters that use the “One Letter per Household” option now
          correctly create interactions on the head of household account


        • Another day of making nonprofits more awesome via fixes:
          • Household account status incorrectly displaying as “inactive”
          • Day of the month filter not working
          • Transaction, interaction, and note reports & letters set to “Export
            Households” not showing household addresses


        • For the third consecutive day (NICE, right?), we released some fixes:
          • Error with filtering on Tribute Type
          • Email separators not displaying after save
          • Migrated “giving history” filter incorrectly finding people who never


        • Fixed a few issues, practically in real time!
          • Email templates not showing correct font on edit page
          • Error when editing non-primary address/email/phone columns
          • “Today’s Date” merge field not using long format (November 1, 2016)
          • QuickBooks export not displaying correct Income Account and Classes
          • Exported Account Number and Transaction Number contain commas
          • Email template blocks being “lost” when moving and then previewing
          • Email footer missing City, State, and ZIP code


        • Fixed a few issues:
          • Acknowledgement type letters/emails not flipping Acknowledged flag to
          • Moving and grouping column issues
          • Email styles not saving
          • Email tracking events not updating
          • Dashboard calculations not refreshing overnight



        • Fixed an issue with sending names containing commas, apostrophes, and


        • Fix for handling non-latin characters in email subject line
        • Unread notifications now correctly display upon every login


        • Constituent header now correctly displays primary non-U.S. addresses


        • Real-time fund accounting
          integration with Aplos</a >
        • Fixed a few issues:
          • Canadian Province, Nunavut, spelled incorrectly
          • Recurring Schedules set as “Do Not Process” show default transaction


        • Improved the performance of the constituent Summary page


        • Updated how Bermudian addresses are handled


        • Refunds of non-processed (not CC or ACH) transactions can be deleted
        • Added “$” symbol to make Amount fields more distinguishable when creating
          Event Forms
        • Created a specific error message if Notifications fail to load
        • New user welcome email text tweaked


        • All Bloomerang generated forms now accept international donations
        • Added International address & phone number handling in-app
        • Changed the “Postal Code” address field to “ZIP Code”


        • Only “Active” items are displayed by default in list pages (Funds, Appeals,
          Custom Fields, Online Forms, ect)
        • Changed references of “SSL Certificate” to “security certificate”
        • Fixed two items:
          • Add Organization icon now a briefcase
          • Formal Name construction was inconsistent (fixe is {Title} {LastName} or
            {FirstName} {LastName} depending on if Title is present)


        • Fixed a few issues:
          • Launched email time not displaying in user timezone
          • “View Code” option for old email sign-up forms not working


        • Email templates using Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft or AOL email for the “from”
          addresses will now be sent using [email protected]

        • Fixed a few issues with email tracking
          • Online form confirmation emails not showing deliverability detail past
            the “launched” stage
          • Screen jumps when opening an additional mailing deliverability detail


        • Fixed an issue with imports page erroring for users that had deleted a
          template used in one of the five “recently processed imports”


        • Two updates to import:
          • Use pipe (|) as a delimiter between values for multi-select fields –
            this ensures consistency even if field values contain commas
          • Import details now show the number of donations, notes, and interactions
        • Reporting now exports multi-select field values delimited by a pipe for
          consistency with the import change above
        • Interaction based online forms for logging volunteer activity and capturing
          constituent information


        • Refined the EmailInterestType Constituent API endpoint to be consistent with
          how interests are merged in-app



        • We made the following enhancements to our
          Constituent API endpoint</span ></a >:

          • Added EmailInterestType to properly record email optouts from other
          • Added the created/modified by user and created/modified datetime to the


        • When importing, the preview step now shows the number of interactions and
          notes that will be created
        • The arrow indicating the direction of a constituent merge is now clickable
          to switch direction
        • New validation message to prevent users from creating pledges with unusual
          number of installments (>1000)
        • Fixed a few things:
          • Constituent Search button doesn’t have a right-hand border
          • Checkboxes in filters have unexpected behavior


        • Tribute type (“In Honor/Memory of”) merge field now lower cased for more
          correctly formatted letters/emails
        • Set constituent country to United States if imported address has no country
        • Added two new
          API methods</a >:

          • Transaction Refund: to post refunds for transactions not processed in
          • Constituent Merge: accepts constituent information and returns either a
            found constituent (with merged data) or a new account if no duplicate is
        • Fixed a few issues:
          • Primary Contact for primary record not being retained when merging
            Organization records
          • Invalid EFT account information causing forms to not submit
          • Non-deductible amount not correctly displaying in IE when converting
            donations to payments


        • Fixed an issue where single-select fields (checkboxes) didn’t show the
          correct state


        • New feature to easily move donations to pledge or recurring gift payments
        • Improved email template editor for more consistency between edit, preview,
          and send


        • Online Form fraud prevention tools
          • CAPTCHA support
          • Rate Limiting
        • A few minor tweaks & bugfixes:
          • Tribute page now reloads the current page when deactivating a tribute
          • Email interests of the kept account are preserved if the duplicate
            account is opted in to all.
          • Fixed an issue when accessing old letter batches that are more than 5
            mailings old


        • Fix for an issue with viewing individual letters after the original letter
          template was deleted


        • Event Registrations</a >
          have been added as a new online form type

          • Set up multiple ticket levels
          • Registrants select ticket type and quantity
          • Automatic total calculation
        • Fixed two issues:
          • Clicking a multi-select custom field in Firefox opens a new tab
          • Multiple online forms on one page sometimes caused custom fields fields
            to not record correctly


        • Improved duplicate constituent identification by trimming extra spaces in
          names before saving and comparing


        • Improved email delivery tracking! For
          new emails sent out after today:

          • More insight into why messages aren’t delivered (deferred, dropped, and
            bounced) with help on how to resolve the issue
          • Click on a delivery status to see the specific list of email addresses,
            then click again to drill right down into the constituent’s interaction


        • Fixed a few issues:
          • Engagement score not refreshing on some accounts
          • Year only custom field having issues with leap years


        • Households will pull the primary address, email, or phone number of the
          secondary household member if the Head of Household doesn’t have one (only
          works for households with two members
        • Added “Text Message” as preferred channel on the profile and an interaction
        • Made speed improvements on the Tributes, Email Interests, Relationship
          Roles, Appeals, Campaigns, Credit Card Processors, Funds, and QuickBooks
          Accounts pages
        • Improved email editor to allow for adding hyperlinks without prefixes (i.e.
        • Import changes
          • Text on final step of imports will more clearly differentiate number of
            constituents added and updated
          • Periods in Organization Names will not be stripped out to identify
            matching records
        • Fixed the database export failing if it contains pledges without installment


        • Improved duplicate matching criteria for online forms submitted with two
          first names (i.e. John & Mary Jones will match John Jones and Mary


        • Improved Fundly integration by adding support for refunds (from the peer to
          peer solution)
        • Fixed an issue with displaying more than 1,000 images in the image gallery
          for letter/email editing


        • Corrected an error when updating expired credit cards on recurring donations


        • Fixed a few issues with forms:
          • Not submitting for organizations whose name included an apostrophe
          • Not loading if the donor had visited the page before the 3/2 update
          • Sometimes not loading when two forms were on the same page
        • Fixed two errors in the app:
          • When adding credit card to existing recurring donation schedule
          • Viewing the Website Visits setup page


        • Improved credit card security through payment modal on online forms
          • CVV Codes now required (both in-app and online forms)
        • Disabled editing of Advanced Forms (customized forms can now be self-hosted
          directly on your site)
        • Fixed an issue where transactions cannot be saved if the user entered credit
          card info but picked “do not process”


        • Transactions on the tribute page are now sorted by date
        • Improved import matching for files containing account number
          • Only rows with account numbers are imported
          • Account number is used exclusively for matching criteria


        • Fixed two issues:
          • Letter generation crashes when very large images are used
          • Error when saving online donation or email signup forms with social
            media options


        • Updated online forms to allow for EFT payment option when an EFT capable
          processor is selected
        • Re-instituted a way to download an individual letter from the interaction it


        • Released a fix to improve search speed efficiency


        • Made UI improvements to the donation level fields in Online Forms
        • Fixed a few things:
          • Separator lines in email disappear when moving them into a thin column
          • Searching using quotation marks now returning unexpected results


        • Fixed an issue with the letter editor where pressing arrow keys would cause
          the letter to no longer display


        • Added in-app Notifications
        • Improvements to duplicate matching
          • Improved address standardization
          • Constituents with the same email must also share a name to be merged
        • Added a favicon to the hosted donation form
        • Clicking save after editing a pledge schedule takes the user back to the
        • Some fixes:
          • Changing pledge frequency with blank installment dates caused Amount to
            not display
          • Test emails don’t include Bloomerang tracking parameters (URLs are the
            same now for both test and the emails actually sent to constituents)
          • Tribute search doesn’t display results unless entire name is typed or a
            wildcard is used
          • Issue with images in emails not resolving width tag correctly
          • 10 other bug fixes and minor improvements


        • Fixed a bug with image quality in letters


        • Upgraded letter generation efficiency. Individual letters are now saved as
          HTML on the interaction with a link to PDF of the entire batch in which they
          were generated.


        • Added missing Canadian provinces, eh?
        • Fixed an issue where states would sometimes not display in alphabetical
        • Fixed a bug where the First/Latest/Largest transaction merge field would be
          incorrect in emails


        • Added a confirmation when generating over 1,000 letters
        • Changed the wording on the letter confirmation page to indicate the count of
          letters without a valid address includes those with no address
        • Fixed a bug that prevented acknowledgement and notification emails from
          being sent when a donor made a recurring donation via an Online Giving Form
        • Removed the ability to set the country of a user (Bloomerang is supported in
          the U.S. only)


        • Fixed an error for new organizations sending an email for the first time
        • Made the tooltips in previewing letters consistent with the rest of the


        • Released a new feature for customers to download their entire database


        • Increased size limit for custom online forms
        • Improved error handling with online forms if the card is successful but
          something on the form is not
        • Fixed a performance issue with updating engagement scores


        • Updated the Unsubscribe/Email Preferences page:
          • to obfuscate the recipient’s email address for security
          • so the cancel button takes the visitor to the organization’s web page,
            to the last visited page, or close the window (in that order)
        • Fixed an issue with donation forms on Edge


        • Dates can now be entered using a two digit year and will autocorrect to the
          most likely century
        • Fixed Facebook Like & Share buttons that stopped functioning due to a
          recent Facebook update
        • When an online form is shared on Facebook, the Organization logo is now
          specified to be the share thumbnail image
        • New warning message when entering advanced code “mode” when editing online
        • Changed system generated (from Bloomerang to users) emails to come from
 to improve deliverability


        • Updated online form success pages to scroll to the top on load so they
          success message is visible every time



        • Updated error page with a more accurate depiction of Bloomerang


        • Refined how transactions are counted for the Constituent Summary and


        • Fixed a few issues with image borders in letter and email editor


        • Updated logic for Engagement Scores to degrade properly if there is no
          activity on the constituent
        • Added username to the New User, Organization, and Email Validation emails


        • Find constituents based on email addresses without using quotation marks
        • Faster imports
        • Fixed a few bugs:
          • Relationship page cancel button takes two clicks
          • Formal Name not including prefix when adding a new constituent
          • Twitter message on donation forms allowing one too many characters if a
            URL was included
          • Twitter buttons not displaying correctly on the success page in IE 10
          • Email separator line not working when editing in Firefox
          • Image borders not displaying in the editor
          • Problem with deleting images with special characters in their name from
            the gallery


        • Added Pledge support to the API
        • Fixed a bug that was preventing login when using IE 10


        • Disabled an old version of the API so that all customers are in compliance
          with PCI-DSS. Insecure donations will no longer process, and organizations
          will be notified via email. If you have received one such email,
          click here.
        • Fixed a few more bugs:
          • When, in a modal window, the second page of search results wouldn’t
          • Recurring donations entered late in the day would not process that day
          • Importing files with more than 2,000 rows could cause an error


        • Customizable Success Page for Online Donation & Email Sign-up Forms
          • Create custom text for each online form
          • Enable donors to share/tweet their donation and like/follow your
            organization on Facebook & Twitter
          • If needed, redirect to a success page designed outside of Bloomerang
        • Added buttons to Email editor to easily add your organization’s follow &
          like buttons to your emails
        • Enhanced Engagement Score to more accurately reflect donors that are cooling
        • Fixed a few bugs
          • “Username not found” when changing a user’s email address or password
            within the app
          • Broken image link if a constituent’s Facebook profile picture can’t be
            shown due to a lack of permission
          • Paging when there are more than 500 Reports, Users, or Widgets
          • Campaign totals on Dashboard not including overpaid amount on pledges


        • Tasks update, including ability to assign tasks to other Bloomerang Users.
          Read more about it
          here</a >
        • Dashboard totals now include donations that are less than $1
        • Fixed a bug with paging more than 500 email templates


        • Added the following state values for military addresses:
          • AA: Armed Forces Americas (except Canada)
          • AE: Armed Forces Africa, Canada, Europe, Middle East
          • AP: Armed Forces Pacific


        • Made addresses on the profile page clickable links to Google Maps (replaces
          previous “Map” button in the edit screen of an address
        • Fixed a bug where employer and job title were not being merged</span >


        • Fixed a bug that was leaving some users without email addresses if they
          completed the new user validation twice
        • Made text on Website Integration page more consistent
        • Added help links to the CAN SPAM information page to help with setting up
          SPF records and understanding how DMARC affects deliverability
        • Fixed a bug in the API timeline endpoint


        • Added NTEE designation to My Organization page
        • New button on constituent profile page for email, address, and phone is only
          blue if no values exist
        • Added a cancel button to Edit Relationship Role page for consistency


        • Added read, create, and update for Notes via the API
        • Decreased the chance for “no response received” error message when searching
        • Fixed a bug in imports that caused the UI to hang when importing a file with
          an invalid row that matched in a constituent followed by a valid row (which
          matched the invalid row)
        • Fixed a bug where email addresses without a top-level domain (n.b.
          ““) would be valid in the UI but were causing
          errors when sending
        • Fixed a bug where the logged-in administrator would assume another user’s
          session after editing that user’s profile


        • Faster performance on letters page when recent mailings contains thousands
          of letters
        • Fixed a bug when making donations in the application on constituents with
          Unicode characters in the name


        • Improvements to donation forms
          • Optical credit card scanning from iOS devices
          • Responsive design updates for better use on mobile devices
          • Donation level clickable modified to reduce selection error
        • When getting HTML of an email, the footer is no longer included
        • New warning message when exiting Advanced Code for online forms confirming
          loss of customized code


        • Constituent website visit tracking is now integrated with mass email out of
          Bloomerang, allowing you to identify visitors to your website when they
          click through links in your emails
        • Added “Country” to the donation API
        • Improved page load performance for email templates with hundreds of mailings
        • Fixed the display color of the Refresh button on the dashboard when viewing
          in Internet Explorer
        • In-app help links now point to the correct article in the new help portal


        • New help and ticket tracking system. Users can now have insight into current
          status of issues & suggestions.
        • Made it more clear that email recipients are changing their primary email
          address when updating via the recipient portal
        • Added titles for Rabbi and Sister
        • New iOS icon to clearly identify Bloomerang when bookmarked to your home


        • Additional speed improvements for letter generation


        • User email addresses are now validated as part of the creation process
        • Administrators can no longer set passwords for users – all passwords are
          created directly by the user


        • Fixed a bug with multi-select custom fields not displaying properly in


        • Speed improvements for setup pages of pick type custom fields


        • Changed our API endpoint to ignore blank address information (we no longer
          create an address with no values)


        • Updated the “Run” and “Test” buttons when generating a batch of letters to
          show that the button has been clicked and that the system is generating the


        • Fundly sync improvements


        • Speed improvements for searching
        • Fixed a bug with deleting recent mailings that had all interactions manually


        • Speed improvement for PDF generation


        • Unused custom field categories, fields, and values can now be deleted
        • Fixed importing websites that contained subdirectories
        • Fixed a bug where links to Bloomerang Securely Hosted Online Forms wouldn’t
          work in emails
        • Fixed an issue with uploading images with capital letters in the file name
          in the letters & emails


        • Improved text scaling in PDFs in letters with large margins


        • Significant changes to how PDFs are generated in the application. Kerning
          (letter spacing) and leading (line height) are much improved and more
          closely match the letter preview
        • Updates to both the letter and email TinyMCE editor to fix a number of bugs
        • Added a new ability to “Get Full HTML” from the email design page to more
          easily archive newsletters on your website
        • “Save & Continue” is now an option when working on letters and emails
        • Eliminated pasting errors coming from Word documents by pasting as text
        • Backspace no longer navigates away from the edit page if the user has
          accidentally clicked out of an editable area


        • Fixed an issue where “Ln” was not matching “Lane” for address street matches
        • Fixed an issue with Campaigns and Appeals not being set properly for
          submissions of online forms customized using the advanced code editor
        • Mass email confirmations now show in the user’s time zone



        • Widgets are now Online Giving Forms & Email Sign-up forms and can be
          accessed from the Settings fly-out menu
        • Detection and free encrypted hosting of Online Giving Forms for
          organizations that do not have an SSL certificate. Instead of the form,
          visitors will see a button to “Donate securely via Bloomerang” that, when
          clicked, will take them to the giving form hosted at
 For more information about this security
          improvement, see
          this FAQ</a ></span >.
        • Enhanced integration with BluePay to solve an error where a donor’s computer
          could not connect to the processor


        • When deleting a letter template, any Recent Mailings using that template now
          remain in the database


        • Fixed an error when creating recurring donation schedules without payment
          information via the API


        • Better handling when multiple widgets are on one page
          • Organizations can have a donation and an email sign up widget on the
            same webpage (e.g. – email sign up in sidebar navigation, donation form
            in body of email)
          • If two widgets of the same type are on one page, only the first will
            load. Depending on the type, the second form would display “Only one
            Donation form can be used on each page” or “Only one Email Sign-Up form
            can be used on each page.”



        • Added the capability for website URLs to contain more than the root domain
          on constituent & organization records (i.e. you can now save
 as a valid website)
        • Added an API method to record non-processed recurring donation payments


        • Made an enhancement to donation & email sign-up widgets to perform
          better on older versions of Internet Explorer (IE8 & 9)


        • Improved how imports auto-detect middle name
        • Fixed an error with reports when the transaction type is changed
        • Fixed a display issue with the selected payment method button displaying
          over Check Date calendar selector
        • Fixed default date for recurring donations on widgets so it is a valid
        • Updated text in recurring donation confirmation emails to differentiate
          between a one time donation and recurring donation


        • Ability to move custom fields from one category to another
        • Fixed a bug where commas in donation amounts wouldn’t process
        • Fixed a bug where primary email wasn’t updated from form submissions in some


        • Fixed an issue with DonorSearch not matching on constituents that had ZIP+4
        • Fixed an issue with the Fundly sync
        • Made improvements to how Bloomerang interacts with Stripe when Address
          Verification System (AVS) is enabled


        • Changes to the standard organization online donation confirmation email:
          • Differentiates between a one-time and a recurring donation (if
            recurring, also displays the frequency)
          • Correctly formats donation amount in U.S. Dollars
          • Added Fund and Widget Name to the email
          • Added a link to view the donation in Bloomerang
        • Changes to the standard donor online confirmation email:
          • Differentiates between a one-time and a recurring donation (if recurring
            also displays the frequency
          • Correctly formats donation amount in U.S. Dollars
        • Improved speed when navigating between pages of large report results
        • Added the ability to search for constituents that have periods in the name
        • Corrected the Before Today & After Today filters to not include today
        • Fixed a bug where some failed online donations created constituent records


        • Improved speed and download for large letter batches
        • Made a slight change to the DonorSearch integration to use key
          authentication on searches
        • Removed the “Save and Run” option from the second step of the report
          workflow for usability improvement


        • Fixed a bug where online donation and email registration widgets weren’t
          loading on IE 8 & 9
        • Fixed a bug where the Gift Method wasn’t being set correctly on imports that
          specified In Kind value and type


        • Made it easier to add a Stripe API key in the database without including
          unwanted “RollKey” character


        • Added the ability to filter on interactions in letters and emails
        • Reconfigured the letter and email creation workflow to be more intuitive
        • 3 new email templates added


        • Fixed an error when quotations were submitted in widget comments
        • Security updates


        • Added error handling to import files that contain currency or number pick
          one/multiple custom fields
        • Reports now sort by constituent sort name by default


        • Added “Donor Name” as an available field on data tables. This allows for
          data tables to be used with soft credit transactions to show the donor’s
          name for notification purposes
        • Fixed a bug where non-latin characters were not displaying properly in
          generated letters


        • Fixed an issue where Channel & Purpose were not being set correctly
          using the API


        • Fixed a bug in label generation with multi-line addresses
        • Fixed a bug with grouped reports that had multiple pages
        • Fixed a bug with data tables in custom widget confirmation emails


        • Added the option to download addresses for letters at the end of letter
          generation. This allows users to create mailing labels that are sorted to
          match the letter PDFs


        • Fixed handling of bad import files
        • Changed search to be more consistent and show more results by default


        • Data tables are now available in emails
        • Report caching to improve speed performance when paging through results and
          returning to a recently run report


        • Data tables in letters are now sorted chronologically


        • List of managed values (funds, campaigns, appeals, custom fields, ect) now
          have an option to stay alphabetically sorted when new values are added


        • Fixed a bug where searching for certain common words would not return
        • Fixed a bug that caused an account to display multiple primary addresses


        • Fixed a bug that caused recurring donation payments to process before the
          start date
        • Fixed an issue where inactive QuickBooks accounts would keep active accounts
          from appearing on the gift entry/edit page


        • Significant speed increase when loading the timeline
        • Users can now change the default fund
        • Renamed “Recurring Donation” as “Recurring Donation Schedule” and “Payment”
          to “Pledge Payment”


        • Added a testing mode for databases using BluePay processors
        • Fixed a bug where identical BluePay donation for the same donor would
          register as a duplicate and not process


        • Payment method on recurring donation schedules can be updated
        • Easy updating of credit card expiration dates
        • Fixed a bug where pledge write-off amounts were incorrect if a pledge had a
          refunded payment


        • Fixed an issue with drop-down menus on touchscreen devices


        • Tribute selection on gifts is changed a search window to help with managing
          a greater number of tributes
        • Added spell check in both letter and email editors


        • Added a new “Welcome” email template that is based off an interaction filter
        • Added the ability for custom acknowledgement emails to be generated on
          successful submission of new donation and email widgets
        • Consolidated and updated JavaScript Library


        • Fixed a bug where donation widgets couldn’t be created if an organization
          had a disabled default fund
        • Fixed a bug that didn’t allow custom fields to be removed from an email
          signup widget
        • Fixed a bug with number fields not properly displaying decimal numbers


        • Additional customization and management of online donation and email
          registration widgets


        • Removed limitation in mass email to only send if the Organization has a
          valid U.S. Postal Address
        • Fixed an error that caused household timelines to not display
        • Fixed an error when loading large timelines


        • Removed the requirement in the database for CCV when entering a credit card
          donation inside the app


        • Changed the API merge behavior for milt-select constituent custom fields.
          Previously, fields submitted via the API would overwrite values in the
          database. Now, values are the union of both sets (consistent with how the
          in-app and import merges work)
        • Fixed a error when loading very large timelines
        • Improvements to mass email service that will ensure the entire job will
          complete if certain messages fail
        • Fixed a bug that caused an error when viewing some recurring donations
        • Provided a fix for timeout error when finding possible duplicates via the


        • Fixed a bug where mailto: links weren’t working in mass emails


        • Upgraded index servers for improved speed & reliability


        • Support for EFT donations for online donations via bloomerang.js and the API


        • Added Organization’s website to the contact information footer of mass



        • Added the ability to filter on Transaction Note

Q1 2014

        • Automated Build Process
        • Additional Report Server
        • Backend for Bloomerang support (reset user passwords, better license
          tracking for customers)
        • De-duplication process updated for conversions
        • Transaction Note filter
        • Removed session state (laying groundwork for multiple hosting centers)
        • Report engine overhaul (can process millions of rows on reports in a few
        • Report column for “Transaction Number”
        • Report column for “All Phone Numbers”
        • Allow interaction records to accept custom fields over API

Defects that were fixed:

      • API issue with partner creating emails
      • Encoding issues with conversion utility
      • Allow non-admin users to change passwords
      • Copying letter with Giving History Filter didn’t copy that filter’s
      • Attached acknowledgement interactions do not display on recurring donation
      • API Constituent Search looks for each word (fixed to search the entire
      • Two memory leak fixes
      • Integration with Fundly error on primary phone.

iOS Changelog

5/23/2024 — 24.5.3

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s new:

  • If your subscription includes the Membership Management add-on, now you can now use the mobile to app to view membership information on constituent profiles.

4/25/2024 — 24.4.5

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s new:

  • App actions: Long-press app icon for shortcuts to Quick Donation and Create Constituent
  • Default Quick Donation fund selection to last-used
  • Look and feel: Add paperclip icon to timeline entries that have attachments, add pencil icon to constituent profile image, and make success/error messages more readable
  • Display a constituent’s assigned groups on their profile
  • Tapping the constituent’s Facebook username launches the Facebook app

3/28/2024 — 24.3.0

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s new:

  • Add and manage attachments on donations, interactions, notes, or tasks from the mobile app
  • New look and feel for the Payment Settings page

2/1/2024 — v24.1.1

Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s blossoming on the latest version:

  • Extended user permissions restrictions to mobile app (formerly only enforced on web)
  • Preserve processor selection even after log out
  • Automatically select processor for most users
  • Automatically enable Tap to Pay on login for all Bloomerang Payments users
  • Automatically re-enable Tap to Pay after app resumed from background

1/11/2024 — v23.11.3

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version also includes:

  • Resolved an issue that was preventing task-due push notifications from being sent
  • Tap to Pay automatic connection now happens on log in
  • Removed option to add constituent profile image from Twitter (now called X)

11/17/2023 — v23.11.2

In the Bloomerang mobile app, Quick Donation is now available on iPad.

11/9/2023 — v23.11.1

Supercharge your event and in-person fundraising with revolutionary new features in Bloomerang for iOS.

  • Introducing Tap to Pay! Accept donations right on your phone with the tap of a donor’s credit card or their phone’s digital wallet (Apple Pay or Google Pay) — no additional hardware required.
  • Also, say hello to Quick Donation! Process a donation and add or search for a constituent, all in one step, without leaving the Dashboard.

8/1/2023 — v23.7.3

This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

6/20/2023 — v23.6.1

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version includes these enhancements:

  • Updated Stripe payment processing infrastructure
  • Resized iPad login fields and button

4/29/2023 — v23.4.4

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version includes these enhancements:

  • Ability to edit household constituent basic information
  • Redesigned constituent header for iPad
  • Optimized custom field data entry on iPad

3/29/2023 — v23.3.7

  • The Bloomerang app is now supported on iPad!
  • Engagement and Generosity on the constituent profile now display correctly on iPad.
  • The login page is now formatted correctly when you rotate an iPad.
  • When your device has poor data connectivity, the app continues to run after you log in. Previously, in rare cases, the app crashed intermittently.

3/1/2023 — v23.2.7

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version includes enhancements to constituent records:

  • View Generosity Details if you have a DonorSearch subscription.
  • Tap to open the constituent’s LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. When you are logged in to the LinkedIn and Twitter apps on your device, profiles open quickly in those apps.
  • Tap to open the constituent’s website in your browser.
  • Tap the constituent’s address to open your default maps app and get directions.

1/12/2023 — v23.1.1

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version includes these enhancements:

  • Navigate to a constituent from an Activity Feed entry
  • Quickly create constituents or timeline entries from a new action button on the Dashboard

11/21/2022 — v22.11.3

  • Recent Search shows recently-searched constituents on the Search tab
  • New interaction channels – Video Call and Webinar
  • Create an interaction while viewing a task (assigned to a constituent)
  • Resolved an issue that caused not all funds, campaigns, and appeals to display in menus

11/09/2022 — v22.10.0

  • We’ve updated our mobile app with a fresh, modern look that reflects the same great experience you enjoy on the desktop version of Bloomerang. In addition to a fresh coat of paint, performance has been redesigned from the ground up to set you up for success when you’re connecting with your donors wherever you are.

2/2/2022 — v0.97.8

  • We’re so excited about the future, and we think our refreshed brand reflects that. We’re Bloomerang. It’s nice to meet you, again.

12/28/2021 — v0.97.7

  • Happy giving season! In this version, we made updates to ensure continued support for processing in-person payments with the card swiper. Please install this update prior to December 31, 2021, in order to continue using the Stripe Chipper mobile card reader with the Bloomerang app.

11/18/2021 — v0.97.6

  • Resolved an issue causing app freezes on iPhone 12 and newer.


  • iOS App Freezing/Not responding: We are aware of an issue impacting
    Bloomerang users with iPhone 12 or newer running iOS 15 or newer. We’re
    actively investigating. If you’re unable to log in, please email
    [email protected]
    so we can notify you when this issue is resolved. We will post status
    updates here.

7/26/2021 — v0.97.5

  • Fixed an issue with the timeline that was causing the app to crash for some

6/16/2021 — v0.97.4

  • The mobile app now supports Bloomerang Payments!
  • We also made updates so Stripe’s credit card swiper works with Bloomerang
  • New User Permissions options are now in mobile.

9/21/2020 — v0.94.1

  • Updated our app to make it compatible with iOS 14

8/31/2020 — v0.94.0

  • Fixed a bug where Mailchimp interactions were breaking constituent timelines
  • Changed the landing page of the app so that the Activity Feed is more
    visible and accessible. This is one of our most used features so we wanted
    to make it easier to find.
  • Changed how we have our font set up so that Pendo guides will work better
  • Updated the message that we use when we ask for permission to use the camera
  • Updated the AccountIntegrationProperty so that it works with the most up to
    date version of the API
  • Added a 429 error code message so that we can better debug rate limiting

7/13/2020 — v0.93.0

Now you can send emails from Bloomerang using Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook or Mail
rather than just the Mail app. This should allow you to take advantage of any
templates or other features that you use with your preferred email provider.

  • Benevon customers can now access the Bloomerang iOS app
  • You can search for Funds, Campaigns, and Appeals when editing or adding

6/3/2020 — v0.92.0

  • Added the First Time Donor Call List to the Suggested Task section in the
    task list
  • Updated the quick contact functionality to make it easier to call donors
    from the profile
  • You now can edit the payment method for existing transactions
  • Improved the dashboard to make it easier to read
  • Emails sent from the mobile app automatically autofill the BCC email
  • Fixed a bug where First Name and Last Name were required for organizations
  • Fixed a bug where the contact information was not refreshing correctly
  • Fixed a bug where inactive relationship roles were still being displayed

4/14/2020 — v0.91.0

  • Various improvements to the code
  • Added an “About” Section with information about the app including version
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the phone number extension from being
    cleared correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where timelines were not scrolling past 50 entries
  • Fixed a bug where the app would crash if you were on a household page,
    logged out, and then logged back in.
  • Fixed a but that would occasionally cause a crash to happen when a user
    deleted a primary address, phone, or email.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong name was displayed on the activity feed for
    soft credits.
  • Fixed an issue where large databases would not be able to load the mobile

Android Changelog

5/23/2024 — 24.5.3

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s new:

  • If your subscription includes the Membership Management add-on, now you can now use the mobile to app to view membership information on constituent profiles.

4/25/2024 — 24.4.5

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s new:

  • App actions: Long-press app icon for shortcuts to Quick Donation and Create Constituent
  • Default Quick Donation fund selection to last-used
  • Look and feel: Add paperclip icon to timeline entries that have attachments, add pencil icon to constituent profile image, and make success/error messages more readable
  • Display a constituent’s assigned groups on their profile
  • Tapping the constituent’s Facebook username launches the Facebook app

3/28/2024 — 24.3.0

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s new:

  • Add and manage attachments on donations, interactions, notes, or tasks from the mobile app
  • New look and feel for the Payment Settings page

2/1/2024 — v24.1.1

Along with some technical updates to keep things running smoothly, here’s what’s blossoming on the latest version:

  • Extended user permissions restrictions to mobile app (formerly only enforced on web)
  • Preserve processor selection even after log out
  • Automatically select processor for most users
  • Automatically enable Tap to Pay on login for all Bloomerang Payments users
  • Automatically re-enable Tap to Pay after app resumed from background

1/11/2024 — v23.11.3

We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version also includes:

  • Tap to Pay automatic connection now happens on log in
  • Removed option to add constituent profile image from Twitter (now called X)

11/17/2023 — v23.11.2

Supercharge your event and in-person fundraising with revolutionary new features in Bloomerang for Android:

  • Introducing Quick Donation! Process a donation and add or search for a constituent, all in one step, without leaving the Dashboard.
  • Introducing Tap to Pay! Accept donations right on your phone with the tap of a donor’s credit card or their phone’s digital wallet (Apple Pay or Google Pay) — no additional hardware required.

8/1/2023 — v23.7.3

This release includes a fix for an issue that affected some users’ ability to connect and update firmware in the credit card swiper.

6/20/2023 — v23.6.1

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version includes these enhancements:

  • Updated Stripe payment processing infrastructure

4/28/2023 — v23.4.4

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, you can now edit household constituent basic information.

3/29/2023 — v23.3.7

When your device has poor data connectivity, the app continues to run after you log in. Previously, in rare cases, the app crashed intermittently.

3/1/2023 — v23.2.7

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version includes enhancements to constituent records:

  • View Generosity Details if you have a DonorSearch subscription.
  • Tap to open the constituent’s LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. When you are logged in to the LinkedIn and Twitter apps on your device, profiles open quickly in those apps.
  • Tap to open the constituent’s website in your browser.
  • Tap the constituent’s address to open your default maps app and get directions.

1/12/2023 — v23.1.1

In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, the latest version also includes these enhancements:

  • Navigate to a constituent from an Activity Feed entry
  • Quickly create constituents or timeline entries from a new action button on the Dashboard

11/21/2022 — v22.11.3

  • Recent Search shows recently-searched constituents on the Search tab
  • New interaction channels – Video Call and Webinar
  • Create an interaction while viewing a task (assigned to a constituent)
  • Resolved an issue that caused not all funds, campaigns, and appeals to display in menus

11/10/2022 — v22.10.0

  • We’ve been tending and watering another update to Bloomerang mobile, and it’s ready to blossom! The latest version includes bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as:
  • Added the ability to call associated constituent directly from a task

10/21/2022 — v0.45.2

  • Send a text message and navigate to a constituent from a task
  • Resolved an issue resulting in an app crash when using the credit card swiper

10/12/2022 — v0.44.2

  • Add or edit pledge payments
  • Add or edit recurring donation payments
  • Crop and resize while adding a new constituent profile image
  • Fixed a bug related to a discrepancy between custom field IDs in web and on mobile that potentially prevented users from logging in on mobile

9/16/2022 — v0.42.4

  • Dashboard Summary: view total amounts raised, donor retention, campaign goal progress, and first-time donor calls
  • Add or replace the constituent profile image from Twitter, camera, or photo library
  • Fixed bugs and patched a small security vulnerability we identified

8/3/2022 — v0.39.4

  • Favorite constituents: tap the star at the top of a constituent header for quick access to that record from the Search page
  • Create and manage households and relationships, and edit social media
  • Fixed an issue in which a donation might fail to save due to missing QuickBooks Account field
  • Fixed an issue causing inactive items (e.g. funds) to display in some select menus

6/23/2022 — v0.35.1

  • Improved device font size compatibility
  • Added editing capability for several constituent fields
  • Improved interaction prompts

5/17/2022 — v0.35

Everything you love about Bloomerang’s donor management software, now on your Android device! Access your database and steward donors from anywhere!

Download the app from Google Play.