This week, we released a unique and innovative feature – the ability to measure a specific constituent’s pageviews on your website and automatically impact their Engagement Score in Bloomerang.
Engaging donors online can be a tricky proposition. Even with excellent tools like Google Analytics to perform website analysis, you can only get anonymous data about website visits. Bloomerang’s Online Engagement is a new platform created specifically for non-profits to see how their constituents’ online activity impacts their overall Engagement Score.
The first component uses a simple code snippet to record website visits and associate those visits with a constituent in your database.
Why this is useful
The average percentage of non-profit website visitors that make a donation is a paltry 0.6%. To look at it another way, almost 99% of nonprofit website visitors are not making a donation. Traditional techniques usually stop here because when you don’t know who is leaving, there is no way to determine why or how to recapture them.
With Bloomerang’s ability to match website visits to constituent records in your database, you can re-market to that group and convert what would usually be lost donors. By taking a segment of visitors that have multiple visits in the last 30 days and generating a subtlety targeted campaign to them, you would be able to increase the number that become donors. But why stop there? How about sending out a campaign for visitors that had never donated, another for LYBUNTs, and another for those that had made donations to a specific program area last time? Because we’re combining website visit data with your donor database, you can generate exceptionally specific and targeted campaigns to recapture abandoned visitors.
Let me give you something powerful to take with you: a small 2% increase in website visit conversions (which shouldn’t be hard coming from less than 1%) would mean an additional $74,370 in online donations annually for an organization that gets 1,000 visitors a month.
The best part of all this – it’s completely free to all Bloomerang users. Keep an eye out in the coming months for more elements that add additional dimensions to make Online Engagement even more robust.
Keep creating and experimenting!
*Based on the average online one-time and monthly donations from the 2014 M+R/NTEN Benchmark Study.
Ross Hendrickson
Ross Hendrickson
Ross Hendrickson
Marie Dallas
Ann Kensek
Steven Shattuck
Daniel Watson
Steven Shattuck
Marie Dallas
Ross Hendrickson
Jessica Prechtl