Lapsed donors are complicated.
Some stopped because life got in the way. Some stopped because you got in the way. Some aren’t even actually lapsed, even if you think they are.
While prevention is the best strategy for tackling low donor retention rates, there’s a lot of value in taking action after a donor stops their support. But it can be hard to know where to start.
That’s why I’ve written this eBook – Win Them Back: The Fundraiser’s Guide to Loving Lapsed Donors – which outlines several strategies for saving money on donors who are never going to give again, and increasing revenue from those who stopped but could come back again.
What’s Inside:
- Defining a “lapsed donor”
- The reasons donors stop giving
- The reasons donors keep giving
- My 3-step approach to re-engaging lapsed donors
- Learning to love downgrades
- The 2-hardest-to-retain channels and what to do about them
You can download the free eBook here.
Happy fundraising!