How to Select the Best Nonprofit Board Members

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The most important committee of any nonprofit board (after the Executive Committee is eliminated) is the Governance Committee.
The entire structure, spirit, productiveness and camaraderie of any board is based upon the people comprising that board!
Therefore, the careful recruiting and selecting process based upon insightful mixing and matching of skills, passions and personalities by the Governance Committee is critical.
Literally, one or two bad choices for board members who bring little passion or a being of indifference can slowly destroy the effectiveness of any board over time.
Great Advice From Another
Based upon a recent article I read entitled “How To Select First Rate Board Members” by Joan Garry a flood of ideas of how to help any Governance Committee emerged.
Joan seemed to have truly had some fun with the questions you wish you could ask. Here are a few of my favorites from that portion of her post:
…and my absolute favorite:
Yes, you will enjoy the rest when you read the full post!
The real meat and potatoes of Joan’s excellent post are the questions you can ask.
Here are my favorites from her superb list:
Notice how they go right to the heart of the matter when searching for the BEST nonprofit board members. They focus in on what I consider to be the five key traits of top-notch board members:
Honestly, aside from having special training in such fields as legal, accounting, HR or other areas of professional expertise, could any board filled with individuals possessing those five traits form various age and ethnic groups be anything short of marvelous?
Formulate Your Own Set of Key Questions
Using Joan’s questions as a starting point please take the time to formulate a larger set of questions that can be spread out across the multiple steps in recruiting board members. From the initial call to the one to two face-to-face meetings with others on the Governance Committee to the meeting with key staff of the nonprofit, such questions will illuminate the very best board members.
In fact, once in place all of you involved in the selection process will wonder how you ever achieved any results by doing it any other way!