Recently, I ran into the folks from Nonprofit Hub at the 2013 AFP International Conference on Fundraising in San Diego California. We chatted about a number of topics, one of which was common fundraising challenges I heard discussed at at the event. Donor retention has recently become top-of-mind for fundraisers, and it’s not going away any time soon!
Video Transcript:
NPHub: All right. Let’s talk a little bit about some of the challenges you were hearing for fundraisers here at the conference.
Jay: Well, you know what’s been interesting ever since we started Bloomerang up, we thought retention was going to be a big issue, and it really turned into that this time. Everybody was talking about donor retention and, “What can we do about it? Is there any way that we can help with that?” So the sessions on donor retention up in the education above us here, they were packed. They had to turn people away. We had more people than we could seat in the Bloomerang booth throughout most of the three days that we were here too.