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Join us for the AFP and Charitable Gift Planners Spring Conference on May 18th!
The half day conference will be held from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Ritz Charles in Carmel, Indiana.
How can Bloomerang help your organization?
Beginner's Guide to Nonprofit Data Segmentation
Organizations that segment their donors into unique groups based on frequency and recency of giving, reasons for giving, interests, and other demographic information have taken a significant step toward increasing their donor retention rates. Learn how to segment your communication with this free guide.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada was looking for a donor database that could meet their unique needs, but still be easy to use. With the help of Bloomerang, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Northern Nevada eliminated several fundraising pain points and even increased event attendance with its seamless email marketing tools.
Can't make it to AFP Spring Conference but want to learn more?
Schedule a DemoDonovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.