10 Elements That Contribute To Fundraising Success

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Depending on your perspective, one of the most thrilling or terrifying realities of making a request for time, talent, and treasure is that you really never know the outcome. It can be a resounding “yes,” “no thank you,” or “I’ll need more time to think about it.”
By working hard and working smart, nonprofit leaders can increase the likelihood of a favorable response to a solicitation. But those of us who have seen the color of our hair change during the course of our careers in asking for gifts know there are no guarantees.
Attitude plays a huge role in determining how successful solicitors will be. This isn’t to be confused with cockiness, but rather a genuine sense of comfort in knowing that you are fully familiar with the art and science of fundraising, and you have a keen devotion to the mission or cause that you are serving.
“Mojo” is typically associated with an almost magic-like aura in which an individual has charisma, charm and confidence. When mojo is exhibited with humility and respect for others it can and will provide significant power.
This makes a compelling case that successful fundraisers possess and display mojo because they have earned it. There is no magic pill to take, rather it is a commitment to lifelong learning that is enriched by every solicitation of prospective donors — no matter what the outcome is.
In closing, there are no secrets for magic tricks to successful fundraising. It comes back to working hard and working smart. But there are certainly personality and character traits that position the solicitor for success. My list above is not exhaustive but can point professional and volunteer fundraisers in the right direction. Believe in yourself, believe in the nobility and merits of your cause, and finally, believe in the generosity of the folks you’re talking to, and you will find mojo on your side.
Cyrus Williams
Azhar Qureshi /ECI