As a nonprofit leader, you’ve been told for so long that you must scrape by, are not worthy of real investment, and deserve only the leftovers – of money, of people, of time. It’s no wonder that a scarcity mindset – a fundamental belief that there is not enough – pervades the nonprofit and philanthropic sector. And it holds back your critical social change work.
But the truth is that there is more than enough.
There is an abundance of supporters, advocates, volunteers, board members, collaborators, partners, experts, influence – even MONEY! Everything you need to achieve your mission is waiting outside your walls. But you must first decide to switch from a scarcity to an abundance worldview.
This webinar will show you how.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify what a scarcity mindset is
- Recognize it in yourself, your staff, board and funders
- Adopt an abundance worldview
- Articulate what you’ll do with abundance
- Connect that articulation to your organization’s Vision and Mission
- Open your organization to receive all the money & people you need to achieve your goals
Webinar Slides: