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The donor experience matters, but automating donor relations can feel icky. It doesn’t have to. Gratavid’s integration with Bloomerang will help nonprofits to thank, celebrate, and engage with donors easier.
With these tips for creating better donor experiences with milestone automation, you can provide a more personalized approach for your supporters, increase engagement, raise more money, and, most importantly, improve donor relationships.
Learning objectives:
• Setup rules to create a Gratavid task so you can personally thank donors
• Send a video when giving milestones are reached
• Automatically send engagement data (video watched, video reply, etc.) back to Bloomerang
Diana Otero is a Product Marketing Manager at Bloomerang. She served on the board of the Nantahala Hiking Club, one of the 31 trail maintaining clubs of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, a nonprofit organization driven and powered by volunteers.
Kristen Hay
Rosalind J. Givens