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Fundraise smarter and more effectively by automating the entry of transactions processed by Classy in your Bloomerang database. Learn how you can use the Bloomerang Zapier app with Zapier to sync new successful transactions in Classy and how automation with Classy can be an integral part of your fundraising efforts.
Learn how the following works in Bloomerang:
• Classy integration with Zapier
• Dynamic workflows and custom automation mapping
View the recording of the Zapier 201 session on this page.
Explore Zapier’s apps here.
Learn more about Zapier’s work with nonprofits on this page.
Sara Salako is the Marketing Coordinator at Bloomerang. Her passions include reading, traveling, and making people laugh. She supports organizations focused on animal welfare, social justice, and mental health. Outside of the office, Sara enjoys cooking with her husband and spending time with friends in cute coffee shops.