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Affordable Ways To Delight Members If Your Nonprofit Has A Membership Model

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Lots of nonprofits have membership programs—art organizations, cultural institutions, advocacy groups, parks, clubs, and YMCAs, to name just a few.

In short, a membership program offers members exclusive benefits and perks for a recurring fee. While anyone can engage with you, members pay dues to get additional value.

A well-designed membership program has compelling perks that clearly show why people should join. If you’re brainstorming how to create or enhance your membership perks, here’s a blueprint to help you get started.

Step one: Get feedback on the benefits they value most

Do you know which perks your members value most? Which do they value the least? Are there benefits they want that you don’t currently offer? Member surveys are a great tool to solicit feedback.

A few short sample questions are:

  1. What inspired you to join [Organization Name]?
  2. Would you like to share ideas for new member benefits, activities, or events?
  3. How can [Organization name] improve or add to the membership experience?
  4. Is anything making it difficult for you to use your membership benefits fully?
  5. Do you have any additional feedback for us? We’re all ears!

Consider asking members to rate the importance of the following benefits:

  • Members-only events or publications
  • Early or private access or special pricing to events, workshops, classes, or activities
  • Exclusive discounts on products or services
  • Members-only merchandise
  • Networking opportunities with other members
  • Recognition

When conducting a survey, avoid making all questions mandatory. Invite members to take the survey several times and offer a compelling mission-related perk or incentive for their participation. At the end of the survey, always ask if they’d like to share anything. If you ask their name, be sure to do so at the end of the survey. Consider making that field optional in case a member wants to vent in confidence.

Step two: Offer value

Once you know what your members value the most, you can enhance your membership benefits. Reserve exclusive benefits to encourage people to opt for higher tiers.

Consider letting your members select their own benefits and pay for the perks they choose. For example, if you were a children’s museum, you could offer a ‘night at the museum’ benefit for a premium.

Step three: Steward your members

Look for ways to make members feel appreciated and recognized at every level. Solicit their feedback regularly, thank them publicly during events, and give them exclusive, behind-the-scenes experiences.

Make sure every member gets a welcome kit at each membership level with branded content that reinforces your mission. Simple items like branded goodies, stickers, bookmarks, a map of your museum, park, or trails, coupons for vendors your members might frequent, or free entry tickets to your event(s) can surprise and delight your members.

Cultivating a thriving membership community

A thriving membership program is about understanding and meeting your members’ needs. By regularly gathering feedback, offering benefits they genuinely value, and consistently showing your appreciation, you can create a community that members love. If they love it, you can bet it’ll make recruiting new members easy, ensuring your nonprofit’s sustainability and growth. The secret sauce? Keep innovating and engaging with your members, making them feel vital to your mission. Happy members are the foundation of a successful nonprofit!

What are your favorite membership perks? Drop them in the comment box below! 

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