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Did you know that volunteers who believe in an organization’s mission are 80% more likely to donate? Not only that, but they are also more likely to contribute 10 times more money to charities than non-volunteers. It’s clear that volunteers and donors go hand-in-hand, and every animal welfare nonprofit needs both to thrive.
Join us for an insightful session where we’ll delve into the art of turning your passionate animal welfare volunteers into loyal and engaged donors.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand why Donors and Volunteers Lapse
• Master Segmentation Strategies
• Activate the Power of Empathy and Emotional Connection
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Host James Goalder
With almost 20 years of experience working in nonprofit technology and sales and relationship management, James brings the perfect blend of experience for his role as Partnerships Manager at Bloomerang. In his 9+ years at Bloomerang, James has enjoyed helping nonprofits and those who work with them find success with Bloomerang, utilize software to increase their effectiveness, and ultimately achieve their missions