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Building a Recurring-First Mentality With Your Supporters
How can we flip the downward trend of individual gifts into something good? We live in a subscription economy that’s projected to grow to $1.5 trillion by 2025! In this session, you’ll walk away with 5 practical strategies to build a donor acquisition plan that generates passionate monthly donors. Say goodbye to low donor retention numbers and unpredictable revenue!
View this session’s slides on this page.
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Host Kate Kramer
Kate Kramer has over 15 years of development and marketing experience. As the Partner Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, she continues to support organizations that are mission-driven and that positively impact the world. In her previous role as Foundation Manager for the VRMC Foundation, she managed the annual giving programs, including special events and mailing appeals, assisted and oversaw the annual budget and marketing plans, and managed a major gift donor portfolio of over 150 donors.