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The Arc of Chemung

collage of some beneficiaries of The Arc of Chemung, a Bloomerang customer

Founded in 1953, The Arc of Chemung serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the Chemung County area of New York. They are a chapter of the state agency NYSARC, Inc. and is nationally accredited by The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL).


The Arc of Chemung’s previous database was limiting their ability to track all the data they desired. “Fundraising is new to our agency. With many staff members doing different activities, we needed a system that would enable us to communicate better with each other about who was interacting in what way, with who,” said Missy Goetschius, Public Relations Director at TAC.


Missy had attended an AFP conference and the presenter, who strategically highlighted Bloomerang while presenting, piqued her interest to learn more. In mid-2015, they made the switch officially.

“Since we had such a small database prior to converting, the process seemed pretty seamless!”


With Bloomerang, Missy and her team have been able to corral numerous sources of data.

“I’ve been able to input many Excel documents so we can better analyze prospective donors. We also have a large number of volunteers and interns so tracking their hours and interactions was important to us as well. Bloomerang simplified the daunting data-entry needed to allow us to be more productive as we move forward.”

“Bloomerang is extremely user-friendly, even for those who may struggle with technology. It provides a wonderful snapshot of your efforts and enables you to track everything in one location. I love organization and this system helps me feel better equipped with the information I need when I need it.”