Strategies To Retain Recently Lapsed Nonprofit Donors

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In article #1 of this four-part series on donor retention and gratitude we discussed the benefits of thanking donors in a manner that resonates with them personally. In article #2 we looked at what will make your thank you stand out. In article #3 we looked at how donor retention strategies vary by different donor categories and segments, and specifically focused on renewing first-time donors. Today we’ll look at strategies for lapsed donor renewal. Because if you (or your predecessors) haven’t assiduously followed all the donor retention strategies discussed in the first three articles in this series, you’re going to have a bunch of lapsed donors.
Don’t despair! You can win some of them back.
But, just like with all categories of donors, so-called lapsed donors are not created equal.
Long-lapsed givers are not lapsed; they’re former donors. When it comes to securing another outright gift from them, you have to treat them, more or less, as brand new prospects. [Note this is not the case when it comes to securing a deferred gift such as a bequest. You may wish to keep some of these folks on your mailing list to receive limited communications, especially if they’ve received a rating as “Planned Gift Likelihood” in your own or purchased donor analytics].
Unlike ‘cold’ prospects who’ve never supported you, from whom you can expect anywhere from a 0.5% to a 2% return, recently lapsed donors have already demonstrated enough of a belief in your mission to have sent you a gift (or gifts). Per fundraising expert Kent Dove (Conducting a Successful Fundraising Program) charities typically can expect to receive an 11% response rate from a mailing to lapsed donors. So, not as “hot” as some prospects, but… they’re too valuable to let them fade away without making a concerted effort to win them back.
In fact, in my experience working in the trenches for three decades, I’ve found many such “lapsed” donors had no idea they’d lapsed. Some don’t remember they ever gave to you, and need to be reminded of their past generosity (which should make them feel good). Others just got busy, or distracted, or simply thought they’d written a check they never quite got around to writing. Many donors don’t fail to renew intentionally.
Assume they have the best of intentions. I find when you treat folks as if they’re generous, well-meaning and caring this often serves as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tell them they haven’t renewed yet and you miss them. Give them an easy way to make their gift. You’ll be surprised how many will follow through and renew.
All of the primary reasons donors leave are related to poor communication – both in terms of quality and amount – and the reasons are similar to why friendships frizzle and evaporate. You get busy; forget to call or write… even stop thinking about each other.
If you can figure out why your donors are failing to give again you stand a much better chance of renewing them than if you simply guess.
Don’t give up on folks who’ve supported you in the recent past! When you make an effort to let past donors know they’re important, appreciated and missed, you’ll be pleasantly pleased at the return on your investment.
Remember, your whole point of securing a donor is maximizing their lifetime value.
Your donor’s point is different, and varies.
Whether you’re dealing with a prospective, new, ongoing or lapsed donor, never forget your purpose, and theirs.
To paraphrase Lewis Carroll in “Through the Looking Glass,” If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll very likely get there. Your job is to facilitate your donor’s philanthropic journey so both they, and you, get to the happy ending you seek.
Donors deserve, and want, more than a one-time, pro forma receipt. They want to know how you value them and how their gift will add value to your mission. They want to feel they made a great decision in giving to you. And they want to keep feeling the warm glow they felt when they acted with caring and generosity.
Different donor segments may warrant slightly different road maps. Major donors will require more touches than smaller donors, for example. Ongoing donors will require different touches than brand new donors. So tweak your strategies accordingly.
Don’t forget donor gratitude needs to be repeated in order to be meaningful. Ensure your Donor Love & Loyalty Plan includes multiple touch points throughout the course of the year. If donors hear from you only once, they won’t be ready for an ask when you make one. So you’ll likely not find the treasure you seek.
People will continue to give when they feel doing so is a genuine expression of who they are. Help donors channel their values in a positive, expressive direction.
Your road map will guide you towards building the long-term relationships that are essential to sustainable fundraising.
1. Grab a complimentary guide to winning back lapsed donors here.
2. Read the entirety of this four-part series on donor gratitude and retention to get more actionable tips to help you build and sustain your base of individual supporters.
Increase revenue by bringing more donors back into the fold.