Social Media Examiner

Interview with Jaci Feinstein, Event Manager
Social Media Examiner (SME) hosts their annual Social Media marketing world conference with thousands of marketers and influencers in attendance.
The World’s Largest Social Media Resource
Social Media Examiner® helps millions of businesses discover how to best use social media to connect with customers, drive traffic, generate awareness, and increase sales.
First-class Conference
Social Media Marketing World is three phenomenal days where social marketers, discover the latest tactics and master social media in beautiful San Diego, California.
SME offers an exceptional conference experience that starts with a fun volunteer program providing each attendee with a positive and inspirational experience the moment they arrive.
The challenge
Prior to InitLive, Jaci Feinstein, Event Manager, was scheduling volunteers through a Gantt chart in excel. “Then we would email people their schedule and also print out a huge Gantt chart on our internal staff wall.” With a team of 50 event staff, this process was maxed out and stunting their ability to grow their volunteer program.
On event day, Social Media Examiners would have to text message each leader and volunteer to communicate important information. When unforeseen cancellations arise. Jaci Feinstein, explained, “Our room host volunteers would text the person leading, who then have to go scrambling around and find the speaker team to communicate.” An efficient means to communicate with specific volunteers and teams in such a large event with an expansive venue was important to SME. Without the proper dissemination of information to volunteers, there was a higher risk of a stressful attendee experience.
The solution
The SME organizers chose InitLive – a dynamic and easy-to-use scheduling and communication tool that would work for their specific event needs and that would allow their event to grow.
Increased Efficiency
“InitLive really allows us to focus on the goals of our volunteers and the goals of events and not get bogged down with all the logistical details that go into scheduling tracking and communicating with 200 people.”
200% Increase In Volunteers
“With a team of 50 event staff, we were maxed out and stunting our ability to grow our volunteer program. InitLive has allowed us to grow our volunteer force from 50 to 150 and growing.”
Worth Every Dollar
“It’s worth the investment in your volunteers. InitLive is worth every dollar to be able to streamline and better manage, communicate, organize your volunteers. It allows you and your volunteers to focus on what is really important.”
"It's worth the investment in your volunteers...It allows you and your volunteers to focus on what is really important."



hours worked