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Igniting Board Influence

Create a Better Volunteer Onboarding Journey and engage your board members
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Updated - 08/23/2024

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Are your board members unengaged? Do they show up at board meetings with about as much enthusiasm as a person waiting in line at the DMV? Are your board meetings about as exciting as watching paint dry? It’s time to shake it up, friends! Here are three ways to engage your board members and get them energized and enthusiastic about your cause!

Step 1: Engage your board members by making it fun

If you currently follow “Robert’s Rules of Order” and feel your board meetings are just that— bored meetings—toss it out! No rule anywhere says you have to run your board meetings with stuffy parliamentary procedural pomp. For the record, Robert’s Rules of Order was written in 1876!

To put some pizzazz into your board meetings, here are 14 killer ways to engage your board members from Carol Weisman, President of Board and author of Fundraising Superheroes:

  1. Start your board meetings by sharing celebrations of what’s going well in your member’s personal, professional, or volunteer lives.
  2. Use Photoshop to put your board members’ photos on a Wheaties box for your next annual meeting or board retreat. If you have a member with poor attendance and a really, really fabulous sense of humor, put their photo on a milk carton.
  3. Instead of the traditional gavel, give a new board chair a conductor’s baton, magic wand, or magic lamp.
  4. Before talking about fundraising, give every board member a 100 Grand or PayDay candy bar.
  5. Get a funny award from a pawn shop—like an old bowling trophy—and pass it on to the board member who asks the best question.
  6. Give a creative toy to celebrate outstanding service, like a stuffed roadrunner or the Energizer Bunny.
  7. On your board roster, list hobbies that may provide an opportunity for other members to connect.
  8. Give a “Life Saver Award” to the board member who jumps in to help at the last minute.
  9. For your shining stars, present a certificate for one month of shoe-shines or a piece of jewelry with stars.
  10. Provide a designated parking space for new board members or board members who’ve taken on extra responsibilities.
  11. Buy and present the board member who’s always putting out fires a real firefighter’s hat. Present several different hats to the board member who wears many hats.
  12. Create a “bright idea” award for the board members with the most innovative idea they’ve implemented.
  13. Buy a toy sheriff’s badge for the development committee and deputize them as fundraisers.
  14. Create a “Member of the Moment” award for behind-the-scenes leaders

Have you ever left a meeting and thought, “Jeez, that could have just been an email!” You shouldn’t feel like that after a board meeting. If your meetings are the same-old drone reading of reports by committee chairs, it’s time to change it up!

Here are five ways to kick up the fun factor on your board meetings:

  1. Split into small groups to brainstorm/present.
  2. Start with a fun icebreaker or thank-a-thon.
  3. Invite a client, staff member, or board member to share a client story or testimonial.
  4. Serve food.
  5. Bring in guest speakers.

Step 2: Make it easy

If your board members aren’t engaged in fundraising, it may be because they don’t:

  • Have any fundraising training, experience, or knowledge.
  • Fully understand your revenue sources or how critical fundraising is to your organization’s financial health.
  • Know what to say to a donor.

If that describes your board, take a step back to help them understand your revenue sources. Give them fundraising training at each board meeting and include it in your annual board retreat. Kick off each board meeting with goosebump stories about your mission and clients. Pick powerful stories they can’t wait to share with their friends and networks!

Another great way to make it easy for them is to ask them to invite you to be their guest at any professional or networking event or group. If you both wear your organization name tags, it sparks lots of conversations about board service and your mission and programs.

Step 3: Make it heartfelt and memorable

At the start of your next board meeting, invite your members to write down why they agreed to join the board and then share it. Why? That’s the elevator statement they can share with others.  

Another fun way to deepen board relationships and identify and recruit prospective board members is to host a Jeffersonian Dinner.

Jeffersonian dinners elevate the typical dinner experience into an unforgettable night of deep, meaningful connection. As Jeff Walker, who delivered a popular TED talk on the subject of Jeffersonian Dinners, explains, a small group discusses and explores a theme together, tapping into the wisdom of the room with ‘one mind’ conversation. Participants sit at one table and—unlike the typical dinner party—guests are encouraged not to engage in one-on-one conversations with their partners on either side. Instead, all conversation is directed to the entire group, as Thomas Jefferson, himself, ordained.

These discussions can result in deeper human connection, as attendees often share vulnerabilities and personal stories. When you help people create memories with one another, they’re more likely to help each other as colleagues and friends. The result is connections formed that last well beyond the shared meal and a conversation that lives on.

If planning and hosting a Jeffersonian Dinner is out of reach, here are 10 quick tips to motivate board members from The New Breed: Understanding and Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer:

1. Tap into their motivational drives

Get to know what makes each board member tick. Spend time learning about their passions, interests, and career goals. When you align their roles with what excites them, magic happens. For example, if someone loves community outreach, let them shine in public relations and engagement. When their work feels personal and meaningful, they’ll be more committed and energized.

2. Give them regular feedback

Feedback is the breakfast of champions! Schedule regular check-ins to discuss their contributions, celebrate successes, and provide constructive insights. This isn’t just about keeping them on track; it’s about making them feel valued and supported. When board members know you’re paying attention and care about their growth, their motivation soars.

3. Give rewards and recognition

Everyone loves a pat on the back. Implement a recognition program that celebrates your board members’ hard work. Think awards, certificates, or even small tokens of appreciation. Publicly acknowledge their achievements during meetings or in newsletters. Recognition not only motivates the individual but sets a positive, encouraging tone for the whole team.

4. Offer special privileges or incentives

Special perks can make board members feel extra valued. Offer them exclusive access to events, leadership development opportunities, or networking sessions with industry influencers. These incentives are powerful motivators, showing that their dedication is not just noticed but rewarded in meaningful ways.

5. Provide training

Investing in your board members’ professional development is a win-win. Offer workshops, seminars, and courses that enhance their skills and knowledge. This shows your commitment to their personal growth and equips them with the tools they need to make an even more significant impact. When they grow, so does your organization.

6. Give public affirmations

Shout it from the rooftops! During board meetings, publicly commend members for their contributions and achievements. Highlight specific actions and their impact on the organization. Public recognition boosts confidence, creates a culture of appreciation, and motivates everyone to strive for excellence.

7. Have fun with them

All work and no play? No way! Organize team-building activities, social events, and informal gatherings where board members can relax and bond. These fun moments build camaraderie, reduce stress, and make the board experience more enjoyable and fulfilling. A team that plays together stays together.

8. Thank their support network

Send a thank-you note or token gift to the folks who support your board members. Recognizing the people who cheer them on shows your appreciation and gratitude. This simple gesture fosters loyalty and commitment to your organization, making everyone feel valued and included.

9. Positive gossip (yes, brag to peers)

Spread the good word! Share positive stories and accomplishments about board members with their peers. Mention their contributions in conversations with other leaders or during public events. This positive gossip not only boosts morale but also builds credibility and influence within and beyond the organization.

10. Make yourself available

Accessibility is key. Make sure your board members know they can reach out to you at any time with questions, concerns, or ideas. Respond quickly and provide the support they need. Your availability shows you value their time and input and are committed to their success, fostering trust and partnership.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll engage your board members and ignite their influence, leading to a more dynamic and effective governance team. Remember, a motivated board is a powerful force for good!

Do you have a favorite way to engage your board members? Drop it in the comments below!  

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