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[ASK AN EXPERT] What’s The Best Place To Look For Grant Opportunities If Your Nonprofit Is New?

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Updated - 07/27/2023

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Our Ask An Expert series features real questions answered by Claire Axelrad, J.D., CFRE, our very own Fundraising Coach, also known as Charity Clairity. Today’s question comes from a nonprofit employee who wants advice on where to look for grant opportunities for new nonprofits:

Dear Charity Clairity,

I am a new nonprofit and want to pursue a grant(s) to fund our mission. Our nonprofit focuses on the mental health of teens and young adults and we would like to fund expeditions in some of the national parks in our state. Any advice on where to look for grants that fit our mission or other funding sources?”  

— Grant Newbie

Dear Grant Newbie,

I understand you’re asking for advice on to where to look for grant opportunities that fit your mission of focusing on the mental health of teens and young adults. One of the ways you’d like to do this is through expeditions in national parks in your state. Sounds great!

Where and how to look for grants is a broad topic that doesn’t lend itself to a quick Q & A. However, I can point you to some helpful resources.

Your best bet is the Foundation Directory. It’s searchable online. You can plug in your geographic area, the type of grant you’re looking for, and the dollar amount you’re seeking. You’ll get a list of funders that fit your parameters, including staff and trustees. This can be helpful in the event someone on your team knows one of these individuals. The Directory is extraordinarily useful, as 90% of foundations do not have websites, making them difficult to find using standard search engines.

There is a monthly subscription fee. However, if you live near a Foundation Center library you can do research on site for no cost.

You may find these resources helpful:

Best of luck to you as you move forward with your new nonprofit,

Charity Clairity

What other grant resources have you found helpful? We’d love to hear from you!

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