[ASK AN EXPERT] What Are Top Tips To Retain First-Time Donors?

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Our Ask An Expert series features real questions answered by Claire Axelrad, J.D., CFRE, our very own Fundraising Coach, also known as Charity Clairity. Today’s question comes from a nonprofit employee who wants tips to improve first-time donor retention:
Dear Charity Clairity,
What tips would you give to a small to medium-size shop to improve first-time donor retention? Alas, we’re right on parallel with the Fundraising Effectiveness Project data and are losing roughly 8 out of 10 new donors. This isn’t sustainable, of course, but I don’t want to dial back on our acquisition efforts. What can I do to make the ROI better?
— Losing Too Many New Donors
Dear Losing Too Many New Donors,
You’re right to call this out as a problem, and you’re not alone. Even though donor attrition has been abysmal for over a decade, too few nonprofits are engaging in the best practices proven to improve results.
If you ask well, you may get one gift. If you thank well, you may get a lifetime of gifts. Thank you kickstarts the relationship-building process. Without it, you just have one stand-alone transaction.
If you’re small, and thinking it’s too expensive or time-consuming to thank first-time, small dollar donors this way, think again. When you’re small, you need every single donor to stick with you. And you never know. Plenty of organizations have received six, seven figure bequests from supporters who were low-level donors or volunteers. So, prioritize the thank you process.
TRUE STORY: I once worked with a client who was balking at sending thank-you letters to their small and online donors, let alone sending them a follow-up postcard or making a phone call. They thought it was overkill and, besides, their staff didn’t have time, but they only had 200 total donors. I could write and send postcards to every single one of their donors in a single evening (this could speak to why they have so few of them). If you’re small you have even more reason to treat every donor as precious!
If you’re larger, determine which donors are “must call” vs. “nice to call.” Perhaps you truly don’t have the bandwidth to thank everyone this way, but you certainly could select a subset of your best prospects among first-timers.
NOTE: According to Mal Warwick, author of Revolution in the Mailbox: Your Guide to Successful Direct Mail Fundraising, research indicates new donors of $15 or less are difficult to convert. On the other end of the spectrum, donors of $50 or more typically have the highest conversion rate. Warwick’s data suggests a high correlation between the level of the donor’s initial gift and the likelihood that donor will still actively support you more than a year later. If your organization has a limited marketing budget, you can use this to determine who receives additional follow up and who doesn’t. You also have a great opportunity to test whether those who receive more attention convert or upgrade at a higher level than those who do not receive this attention. If you do this, remember to take a random sampling (e.g. every fifth donor). A year later you can see if this group renewed at a higher percentage or dollar rate. If so, you can then justify putting more resources into this next year. Interesting stuff!
Channel an attitude of gratitude and I guarantee you’ll lose fewer donors next year!
— Charity Clairity (Please use a pseudonym if you prefer to be anonymous when you submit your own question, like “Losing Too Many New Donors” did.)
How do you channel gratitude to first-time donors? Please let us know in the comments below.