21 Ways To Make Donors Your Valentine

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Memories of nearly 60 years of Valentine’s Days flood my mind every February. Back in elementary school, all of my classmates worked diligently to make each other feel special in some manner.
Perhaps a few of them are outstanding fundraisers today!
A term which certainly seems to apply to Valentine’s Day and our donors is: “Loverizing”
The word says it all!
So let’s use the wonderful traditions of special treatment emanating from the holiday for lovers, Valentine’s Day, to provide the backdrop for some special donor treatment actions.
We can all be “loverizing” our donors before you know it!
More importantly your donors will feel loved…
By the way, I have been the donor recipient of every single on the actions listed above.
Did I feel loved?
Yes, in every single case I am still supporting the organization, who utilized one or more of these 21 methods!
What other methods have you used that you can share?
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!