When Does Human Authenticity Outdo AI In Philanthropy Facilitation?

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When does it make sense to use artificial intelligence in fundraising? When does it not? Mark Schaefer, branding and marketing guru, recently posted about how AI is taking the soul out of music. This sparked some LinkedIn commentary; one former radio broadcaster lamented the “money-saving” elimination of overnight DJs through automation in the late 1990s. This removed the soulful connection the audience had to the DJ. “No more local touch. No human touch, period.”
This individual went on to note: “You can buy a decent frozen pizza made by a machine but it is never going to be as good as one made at Sal’s Pizza by a guy who’s worked the oven for 30 years. His work has soul.”
Schaefer dissected this “soul-less” observation, looking to connect it to the “economics of human authenticity.” Sometimes the human connection is valuable (i.e., worth the expense of time and money); sometimes, not so much.
In the radio DJ example, people ended up not caring the playlists became automated. Mostly, they wanted to hear music. The DJs were cool, but people didn’t stop turning on the radio post automation. Spotify was convenient. With the local pizza maker, people went there for Sal. He was irreplaceable.
Do you know the jobs to be done concept? People don’t buy a drill because they need a drill. They buy it because they need a hole. Before you buy a tool (including an AI-enabled one), consider if it’s the best tool for your intended purpose.
If the job you need done is mostly in the background (e.g., copywriting, design, edits, FAQs, data collection, segmentation, report generation, donor identification, research, sorting and data syncing), AI can likely get the lion’s share of the work done more quickly and cost-effectively.
If the job requires authentic human connection (e.g., individual major gifts qualification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship), AI likely won’t fit the bill. Ask yourself: “Will our donors care?” If using AI won’t be noticeable to them, probably not. But if they want a closer connection to you in order to find greater meaning in their life, the human connection will matter.
There is room for AI in your work; you can’t stop a technological revolution. That being said, getting personal is key to building and sustaining relationships in an increasingly digital world. To improve engagement with, and investment from, major donors, a heart-to-heart, soulful connection matters.
Some aspects of major gift development can be personalized with a bit of an assist from AI. While it was once challenging to deliver personalized emails to every donor in your portfolio, it no longer has to be. There are a number of nonprofit AI tools that enable fundraisers to create individualized communications at scale. Whether it’s event invites, donation requests, or thank-you notes, AI can learn your writing style and your donor’s preferences to craft communications that resonate with each of your donors. You can also employ AI tools to identify your best prospects and tailor your approach accordingly, ensuring every interaction is meaningful and aligned with donor interests. There are a growing number of both generative (use of pattern recognition and analysis capabilities to develop new, original content like written copy, images, and videos) and predictive (leverages historical donor data to forecast future giving behavior and enable a more personalized and effective outreach) AI tools you can use. [Simply search on “major donor predictive AI” and “major donor generative AI” to find a host of options].
You can’t outsource the nurturing of personal friendships, or major donor relationships. The foundation of human relationships, and successful fundraising, is building and sustaining trust. This means getting to know your donors personally, and they you. Nothing tops the value of information and insights gathered through in-person visits. Layering in one or more technological tools isn’t a bad idea, but there’s a time and place. The time-tested principle of philanthropy — people give to people – should not be ignored. Or, as Steven Shattuck writes in Robots Make Bad Fundraisers, for mid-level and major donor retention and upgrading nothing replaces the value of a smile, handshake, or hug. The fundraising silver bullet is YOU — forging a personal connection with your supporter.
The donors I think of most fondly are those I got to know face-to-face. I hope some of them think of me fondly too. When I left organizations, I still continued relationships with some, while simultaneously passing them along to other fundraisers within the nonprofit I left. Here are some examples of authentic, personal human connection I believe are irreplaceable:
I love to bake, so I often brought treats to major and planned giving donors. I happened to be on a biscotti streak, so I gifted this particular donor with both almond and chocolate biscotti. I’d given her the almond ones before, but the chocolate was new. This time, when she called to thank me, she said: “Claire, they were delicious as always. From now on, don’t bother with anything but the chocolate ones!” She knew I tended to give cookies whenever she and her husband made a big gift! It struck me that she clearly anticipated continuing to be in relationship with me.
This donor, a Holocaust survivor, carried many traumas and had a lot of trust issues. She wanted to help others overcome similar traumas, but wasn’t comfortable sending a check through the mail. I listened to her. A lot. Over time, she became comfortable recounting her personal story to me. And when she was ready to make a gift, we arranged a personal visit where her identity wouldn’t have to be revealed to anyone else. When I left, I introduced her to my successor who I assured her was kind, caring, and discreet. I know she continued giving until her death.
I once worked at a nonprofit that felt forced into putting two of its most popular programs on the chopping block. Program staff came to me in a panic, not wanting to let down their clients! I developed a compelling, resonant online appeal for one program with curbside appeal. The other program was more niche, serving a distinct population of which not many donors were aware. I did know one donor who cared a lot about this population, and called her up. She said: “Claire, I’ll do this for you because I trust you.” She saved the program! Afterwards, I invited her to visit and see it in action. I could see how emotional she became.
Like coming to Sal’s pizza to hang out with Sal, major donors enjoy hanging out with you. Or your E.D., board president, program director, or other staff who help them feel connected to the work. You do the work every day, but donors can connect to it only through you.
You can do many things to show you’ve not only been listening, but you’ve also been remembering and processing what donors told you and showed you. AI can sometimes help, but AI can’t make the important connections a human can make.
Sometimes only a human being can deliver on the “job to be done.”