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Unlocking The Secrets To Finding Your Best Donors For GivingTuesday

How to find new donors in 2024
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As we round the corner to year-end, nonprofits everywhere are gearing up for the big day: GivingTuesday. It’s the ultimate rush—your team’s prepped, your plan’s solid, and now the question is, who’s going to step up to make it a success? The right donors can make all the difference, but finding them—that’s where your challenge begins.

How do you zero in on the supporters who’ll make the biggest impact? You’ll need a blend of strategy, data, and smart relationship-building to find those key donors and maximize your GivingTuesday results. And spoiler alert: it’s not just about past donors—though they’ll be a big part of the plan. Let’s get to it.

Taking a strategic approach to GivingTuesday

Here’s the reality: a successful GivingTuesday campaign doesn’t happen by accident. You need a clear plan. Back in the day, you could maybe get by with a broad ask to your entire donor base, but today? Not so much. The trick is to be thoughtful about how to find top donors for GivingTuesday—ones who are likely to give and feel strongly about your mission.

By using data to target good GivingTuesday donors and paying attention to donor behaviors, you can make sure you’re focusing your energy on the right people. It’s all about working smarter, not harder, right?

What makes a good GivingTuesday donor?

The best GivingTuesday donors aren’t just random names on your list. They’ve already shown an interest or commitment in the past, and with the right nudge, you can inspire them to give again.

Look at previous donor history

Looking for an easy place to start? It’s your past donors. Someone who’s already donated is more likely to support your campaign again—especially if you’ve kept them in the loop and made them feel like their gift had an impact.

Tactic: Send personalized messages that mention their past support. Show them how their donation helped move the needle for your organization, and invite them to contribute again this year.

High engagement with your cause

You’ve probably got people who’ve attended your events, volunteered, or regularly open your emails. These are the folks who are emotionally connected to your cause. And yes, they’re perfect candidates for a GivingTuesday ask.

Tactic: Use your data to prioritize outreach to these engaged supporters. A quick, personalized email or a call can make all the difference in turning that connection into a donation.

Donors who advocate on social media

If you have social followers who consistently share your content, they’re already helping your cause in a big way. Have you ever asked them to donate? Many social media advocates just need a little push to take that next step.

Tactic: Turn digital support into real-world impact by reaching out to likely donors with a personalized note on social media or email, thanking them for their support, and inviting them to take the next step with a donation.

Community influencers

These aren’t just donors—they’re people who have sway in their communities and can bring others along with them. Engaging these influencers can help you amplify your efforts and reach new donors you wouldn’t have found otherwise.

Tactic: Get them involved early as peer-to-peer fundraisers or in leadership roles for your campaign. Their influence can go a long way.

Using generosity scores and engagement data

Data isn’t just for tech companies—nonprofits can also use it to their advantage. Tools like generosity scores give you a broader perspective of how involved donors are with your organization and how likely they are to give. It’s like having a cheat sheet for your campaign.

Understanding generosity scores

Generosity scores factor in a wide range of donor behaviors, from donation history to event participation. This scoring system lets you focus your outreach on people most likely to give—a lifesaver when time’s short.

Tactic: Prioritize high-scoring donors for the most personalized outreach. These are the people who can really move the needle on GivingTuesday, so make sure they feel the love.

Segmenting your donor base by score

It’s not enough just to look at overall scores—you want to break your list down into tiers: high scorers, mid-range, and lower scorers. This allows you to tailor your messaging for each group and maximize GivingTuesday donations.

Tactic: For top scorers, get specific with your ask. For mid-range donors, lean into emotionally driven content. Broader messaging will work for lower scorers as you build relationships for the future.

Layering engagement data for more precise asks

Generosity scores are great, but you can make them even more powerful by layering them with engagement data. Think about email open rates, volunteer hours, or event attendance. These details give you a clear picture of how and when to reach out.

Timing is everything

Don’t just fire off a bunch of emails at random times. If you know that certain donors open emails in the morning or are more active during specific events, use that to your advantage. The sweet spot for sending nonprofit emails is usually mid-week—between Tuesday andThursday—with late morning to early afternoon being prime time. And when it comes to big fundraising days like GivingTuesday, evening emails tend to get a better response. The best times to post on social media are also Tuesday through Thursday, between 9am and 3pm.

Tactic: Time your outreach based on donor engagement patterns. Check your email and social media analytics to see when your donors are most active—whether they’re opening emails or interacting with your posts. Use this data to adjust your timing and messaging sequence so it hits when donors are most likely to engage. With the right timing, you can boost engagement and donations in a meaningful way.

Using CRM data to identify top donors

Your CRM holds a goldmine of information. You can pull reports on everything from donor engagement to volunteer hours, which helps you build a targeted list of high-potential donors. This is crucial when thinking about how to find top donors for GivingTuesday.

Leveraging CRM tools

Drill into your CRM for reports on donor behavior, focusing on recurring donors, lapsed donors, and volunteers. Then, segment them so you can tailor your messaging to each group.

Tactic: Use a personal touch to create different messaging for each group—like thanking recurring donors for their consistent support while inviting lapsed donors to reconnect.

Layering in wealth insights with DonorSearch

Want to get even more out of your CRM? DonorSearch adds valuable insights to donor profiles, like past giving behavior and philanthropic tendencies. After running a Batch Screen, you’ll get details like largest gift size and last year’s donations, helping you identify potential donors who may not have been on your radar before.

Tactic: Run a Batch Screen with DonorSearch to add these insights to your CRM. Use this data to send personalized outreach to donors who are most likely to make a meaningful impact on your campaign.

Engaging potential donors before GivingTuesday

Make the most of the weeks leading up to GivingTuesday. Reach out with personal messages, recognize previous support, and make sure your donors feel connected to your mission.

Warming up potential donors

Remind your donors about why they’re connected to your cause before GivingTuesday. Whether you use thank-you notes or a simple check-in, these small touches can have a big impact.

Tactic: Send personalized emails, give donors updates on your work, or invite them to a pre-GivingTuesday event. The more engaged they feel, the more likely they are to give when the day comes.

Building long-term donor relationships

GivingTuesday isn’t just about hitting your one-day goal. It’s an opportunity to build long-lasting relationships with your donors. Think of it as a starting point rather than a single transaction.

Following up after GivingTuesday

The work doesn’t stop after GivingTuesday. Follow up with personalized thank-yous, updates on how their gifts are making a difference, and invitations to stay involved.

Tactic: Keep the momentum going by showing donors exactly where their money’s going and how it’s helping. If they see the impact, they’re much more likely to give again.

The last word

The secret to a great GivingTuesday campaign? Finding the right donors. Whether you’re digging into data to target good GivingTuesday donors, tapping into generosity scores, or focusing on your top supporters—taking a personalized approach can make all the difference. Don’t just aim for a one-day win—use GivingTuesday to spark relationships that keep growing long after the day is done. Keep your supporters in the loop, show them the impact they’re making, and you’ll set yourself up for success year after year.

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