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Raise more during your next hybrid fundraising event—learn how to engage more donors, reach broader audiences, and raise more money. This session will help you set up and run a successful hybrid fundraising event—don’t miss it!
Learning Objectives:
• Hybrid fundraising event best practices
• Ideas for standard, peer-to-peer, and auction hybrid fundraising events
• How other nonprofits are engaging donors with creative events
• A look at Qgiv’s peer-to-peer fundraising platform
• How to move your event guests’ data from Qgiv into Bloomerang so your records stay up to date
Sara Salako is the Marketing Coordinator at Bloomerang. Her passions include reading, traveling, and making people laugh. She supports organizations focused on animal welfare, social justice, and mental health. Outside of the office, Sara enjoys cooking with her husband and spending time with friends in cute coffee shops.