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Write Better Fundraising Emails: 3 Strategies To Make Your Writing More Compelling to Donors
Email is the best digital direct response tool available to non-profits. And yet, so many non-profits struggle with what to say in emails to get the donation.
With Giving Tuesday and year-end fundraising around the corner, now is the time to sharpen your fundraising email writing skills! Join fundraising email writer Vanessa Chase Lockshin for a webinar on practical strategies and tips to write emails that raise more money.
Learning Objectives:
• 3 strategies to write better fundraising emails
• Tips to optimize your email layout
• How to write a stronger call to action in your next fundraising email
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Vanessa Chase Lockshin
Vanessa Chase Lockshin is a consultant specializing in non-profit storytelling and email fundraising, and the author of The Storytelling Non-Profit: A practical guide to telling stories that raise money and awareness.
Since 2012 Vanessa has helped clients raise millions of dollars, including helping Variety BC build its email program from the ground up, which went on to raise over $1 million in 15 months. Vanessa's clients have included BC Women's Health Foundation, Win Without War, OpenMedia, Burnaby Hospital Foundation, and Surrey Women's Centre.
Host Kate Kramer
Kate Kramer has over 15 years of development and marketing experience. As the Partner Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, she continues to support organizations that are mission-driven and that positively impact the world. In her previous role as Foundation Manager for the VRMC Foundation, she managed the annual giving programs, including special events and mailing appeals, assisted and oversaw the annual budget and marketing plans, and managed a major gift donor portfolio of over 150 donors.