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Keys to Record-Breaking Year-End Fundraising Success
Are you ready for year-end fundraising? In this webinar you will:
- Learn the essential elements of any fundraising campaign
- Understand how to engage your board in fundraising
- Level up email marketing and social media strategies
- Make a rock-solid plan for year-end fundraising

Learn the step-by-step process to a successful end-of-year fundraising campaign and finish your year strong. You’ll learn how to craft your story, engage your audience, and possibly double or triple your year-end giving results this year.
Discover the keys to year-end fundraising success!
Speaker Jesse Lane
Jesse Lane is the founder of goodmakerU and the creator of the Fundraising Masterclass. He is known for his passion for helping the helpers and his ability to drive results for nonprofits. He has launched countless communications campaigns and helped raise over $100 million working with hundreds of different nonprofit leaders. Jesse lives in Northwest Arkansas with his wife and three daughters.
Host Mary Crogan
Mary has spent more than 20 years in the technology space and has served the needs of nonprofit organizations throughout her career, most notably at Constant Contact and now as the Vice President of Product Marketing at Bloomerang, the complete donor management solution for thousands of small and medium-sized nonprofits. When not working, Mary tends to her flower garden, travels, and enjoys adventures with her dog and family.