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Effective virtual presentations are crucial for fundraising success in today’s digital age. Discover how to connect with your audience, create compelling asks, and achieve your fundraising goals as we approach the giving season.
Learning Objectives:
• Compelling Virtual Asks: Learn the art of crafting persuasive virtual appeals that resonate with your donors and inspire action.
• Creating a Year-End Giving Plan: Discover how to map out your fundraising strategy for the giving season.
• Giving Tuesday or Creating Your Unique Giving Day? Which is the right choice for your organization? Learn the pros and cons of participating in Giving Tuesday or creating your unique giving day.
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Kristal Frazier
Kristal Frazier is the Founder of Assertive Ask®, a fundraising system used by licensed trainers, organizations, and universities to help programs fund, sustain and grow. Kristal has an innate talent for coaching critical thinkers and thought leaders to craft words and deliver speeches that cultivate investors, funders, and donors. As a result, thousands of fundraisers, students, entrepreneurs, program leaders, and collegiate executives benefit from the Assertive Ask®. As an influencer and expert in teaching others how to speak to audiences without fear, Kristal is an inspirational speaker noted for her outgoing personality, insightful teachings, professionalism, and expansive knowledge. In addition to her speaking expertise, Kristal also serves as the CEO of FundJoy LLC, which provides a proven fundraising framework that helps universities, start-ups, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and marketing teams.
Host Mary Crogan
Mary has spent more than 20 years in the technology space and has served the needs of nonprofit organizations throughout her career, most notably at Constant Contact and now as the Vice President of Product Marketing at Bloomerang, the complete donor management solution for thousands of small and medium-sized nonprofits. When not working, Mary tends to her flower garden, travels, and enjoys adventures with her dog and family.