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Donor acquisition is crucial for the future growth and longevity of nonprofits. If you are unable to replace your lost donors with new ones, it won’t be long before you’re left with no supporters.
In this session, we’ll break down this seemingly daunting undertaking to help you manage your data, communications, fundraising, and other tasks to improve your donor acquisition.
Topics covered:
- The donor lifecycle
- The role and importance of donor acquisition in the donor lifecycle
- Building a strategy for donor acquisition
- Implementing technology in your strategy
Walk away with practical tips on:
- Segmentation
- Relationship building
- Online fundraising
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Diana Otero
Diana Otero is a Product Marketing Manager at Bloomerang. She served on the board of the Nantahala Hiking Club, one of the 31 trail maintaining clubs of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, a nonprofit organization driven and powered by volunteers.
Kristen Hay
Noreen Norton