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Making Online Strategic Planning Fun
Most people think of strategic planning as a marathon 8- or 10-hour or 2-day retreat.
You process lots of information, discuss, debate and brainstorm. You have lunch brought in so you can work without a break. You fill flip chart after flip chart with ideas.
Then, around mid-afternoon, when it’s time to start making important decisions, you’ve hit cognitive load. You’re mentally and physically spent. But there is a better way!
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- The advantages of doing strategic planning online
- How to make online planning work better and be fun!
- Why toggling between large group and small group work keeps the process moving
Additional Resources
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Speaker Carol Hamilton
Carol Hamilton, host of the Mission: Impact podcast, is an organization effectiveness consultant who helps nonprofits become more strategic and innovative for greater mission impact. She facilitates strategic planning - both online and in person. She is also part of a consultant collective focused on diversity, equity and inclusion, All In Consulting. Carol has more than 25 years of experience in the nonprofit and association sectors working with organizations with a range of missions. Carol trains frequently on leadership, strategy, organizational culture and design as well as innovation topics. She graduated from Swarthmore College and has her Masters in Organization Development from American University. She is a nonprofit Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant and trained with BoardSource.
Host Ann Fellman
As the CMO for Bloomerang, Ann is responsible for the company's marketing and thought leadership programs to strengthen relationships with the nonprofit community. Ann brings more than 24 years of technology marketing experience, including time at the Minnesota High Tech Association. Prior to Bloomerang, Ann was an independent marketing consultant for B2B SaaS businesses, served as Senior Vice President of Marketing at Code42, and was named one of the “Top Women Leaders in SaaS of 2018.”