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This webinar explored leveraging a strategic plan as a potent fundraising tool. Attendees learned valuable insights on maximizing their strategic plans for fundraising success.
Key Takeaways:
• Understanding the synergy between strategic planning and fundraising efforts.
• Implementing actionable strategies to align fundraising goals with the organization’s strategic objectives.
• Unleashing the full potential of a strategic plan to attract and retain donors effectively.
Review the organization website examples here.
View the 1-page strategic plan document here.
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Brooke Richie-Babbage
Brooke Richie-Babbage is the host of the Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast, and the founder and CEO of Bending Arc, an organizational design & strategy consultancy through which she works with mission-driven leaders across the country to launch and scale high-impact nonprofits. Brooke has spent 22 years as a nonprofit leader, social entrepreneur, and lawyer at social change organizations throughout the country. She has founded and led multiple successful organizations and social impact initiatives, and served as a member and officer of multiple boards. In addition to her social impact work, Brooke has been a featured speaker, visiting lecturer, and adjunct professor at numerous law and graduate schools, including Harvard, Columbia, NYU, and Fordham, focusing on issues of social entrepreneurship, nonprofit leadership, and community lawyering. Brooke received both her JD and MPP from Harvard and her BA from Yale. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two sons.
Host Kate Kramer
Kate Kramer has over 15 years of development and marketing experience. As the Partner Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, she continues to support organizations that are mission-driven and that positively impact the world. In her previous role as Foundation Manager for the VRMC Foundation, she managed the annual giving programs, including special events and mailing appeals, assisted and oversaw the annual budget and marketing plans, and managed a major gift donor portfolio of over 150 donors.