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Are you looking to diversify your revenue stream? Would you like to increase organizational sustainability by creating recurring, predictable revenue streams for general operating?
In this training, we will introduce Social Enterprise for nonprofits and walk participants through the process of identifying organizational assets, strategically selecting an asset to monetize, and developing a business plan around your core competencies.
Topics covered:
- How to identify and monetize your organizational assets
- Examples of successful nonprofits with social enterprises
- Components of a social enterprise business plan
- How your social enterprise impacts your nonprofit mission
- Tax repercussions for nonprofit organizations that generate revenue through social enterprise.
Walk Away With:
- A list of your organization’s monetizable assets
- Examples of nonprofits that create their own revenue
- Examples of nonprofits that launched social enterprises in the pandemic
- A format for starting the conversation about social enterprise at your organization; and, inspiration and insight into potential revenue streams
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Stephanie Sample
In 2016, Stephanie Sample founded Fundraising for The Future to serve the nonprofit sector with grant writing, philanthropic advising, and social enterprise consulting. FFTF has raised millions of dollars for nonprofits of all sizes working to expand their impact in sectors including education, health and human services, arts and culture, environmental advocacy, animal welfare, and more. FFTF has engaged with funders to identify grant-readiness in nonprofit organizations to conduct sector-wide focus groups to determine capacity needs, clarify scholarship processes, fundraise for foundations, and establish endowments. FFTF draws on innovative perspectives, future thinking, and creative energy to personalize philanthropic advising, grant writing, and social enterprise services. Sample enjoys training nationwide on topics from fiscal sustainability to the impact of organizational culture on agency growth.
Host Ann Fellman
As the CMO for Bloomerang, Ann is responsible for the company's marketing and thought leadership programs to strengthen relationships with the nonprofit community. Ann brings more than 24 years of technology marketing experience, including time at the Minnesota High Tech Association. Prior to Bloomerang, Ann was an independent marketing consultant for B2B SaaS businesses, served as Senior Vice President of Marketing at Code42, and was named one of the “Top Women Leaders in SaaS of 2018.”