What if there were simple tasks you could do every day to inspire your community to give more? AND you don’t have to beg for money. This session is not about spreadsheets, moves-management, or a new-fangled technique to get people to give.
This high-energy session is about the power of authentic, clear, word choices and easy-to-implement donor engagement tactics that MAY forever change the way you communicate the needs of your organization.
Takeaways for this session include 1) Worksheet and checklist to craft powerful new messages; 2) Coaching and feedback as you practice the power of word choices; 3) Time to discuss how you’ll share your impact to inspire action like never before. You’ll leave ready to harness passion from your community to cause them to give more.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn why donors stop giving and what you can do about it.
• Learn how to engage others (board & staff) in helping you harness the passion from your community.
• Identify up to 3 actions to take to quickly engage your community so they want to give more money