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Giving Tuesday continues to be a shining point in the end-of-year giving season. It is important to understand what you can do, as a non-profit organization, to stand out on a day filled with “noise” around fundraising. Giving Tuesday started out as a movement to encourage philanthropy, so how can we honor this intention while standing out from the crowd?
Topics Covered:
• What it means to be part of a bigger movement of generosity
• Best practices for a Giving Tuesday campaign
• How to utilize your CRM to maximize your strategy
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Micah James
Micah James is the Manager of the Coaching Team at Bloomerang/Kindful. She has experience as a non-profit development director and is a Certified Fundraising Executive. She serves on the board of the Oklahoma Council for Economic Education, whose mission is to promote economic education and financial literacy education in Oklahoma.