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Giving Tuesday continues to be a shining point in the end-of-year giving season. This special day of philanthropy is a great opportunity to partner with your community to raise funds for your organization. This class will dive into strategies of inviting community and corporate partners for Giving Tuesday.
Attendees will extend their knowledge of:
• What it means to be part of a bigger movement of generosity
• Why a matching gift is a great incentive for Giving Tuesday
• How to utilize your CRM to maximize your matching strategy
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Micah James
Micah James is the Manager of the Coaching Team at Bloomerang/Kindful. She has experience as a non-profit development director and is a Certified Fundraising Executive. She serves on the board of the Oklahoma Council for Economic Education, whose mission is to promote economic education and financial literacy education in Oklahoma.