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Email is one of the cheapest and most powerful platforms you have to reach donors and raise money for your cause. But how can you stand out in a noisy inbox? How do you write click-worthy emails? What subject lines get opened? What call to action works best, as in “Here! Take my money!” How do you overcome your internal drama around pressing the send button or sending too many emails?
Learning Objectives:
- How to write and test winning subject lines
- The anatomy of a killer email appeal
- How to avoid the spam filter
- The basics of email segments and tagging
- Low-hanging-fruit email sign up strategies that work
- The #1 most read email you’ll ever send (and how to make it great!)
- List cleaning tips
- How to stop sweating unsubscribes
Webinar Slides:
Get More Gifts From Your Email Subscribers slide deck
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Rachel Muir
Rachel has worked every side of the Rubik’s cube that is the nonprofit sector. When she was 26 she launched Girlstart, a non-profit empowering girls in math, science, engineering and technology in the living room of her apartment with $500 and a credit card. Several years later she had raised over 10 million and was featured on Oprah, CNN, and the Today show. Today Rachel delivers workshops and offers a monthly membership, League of Extraordinary Fundraisers, transforming people into confident, successful fundraisers.
Host Josh Meyer
Joshua Meyer is a passionate advocate for nonprofits. He has over 20 years of experience in fundraising, volunteer management, software, and marketing. As VP of Market Engagement at Bloomerang, Josh helps nonprofits acquire and retain donors through innovative marketing and fundraising strategies. He is committed to helping nonprofits make a difference in the world.