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No more boring speeches! This webinar will discuss how to design your next event program to raise more money and keep people excited about your mission. At the heart of your event strategy should be storytelling. We’ll break down your event arc into five chapters so you can understand how each piece you put in your program builds on the next to hit your fundraising objectives.
Learning Objectives:
• Design your program for maximum fundraising and transform boring into exciting
• Sequence your program to create a compelling event arc
• Understand how videos can move your fundraising forward
• Integrate hybrid events
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Kristin Steele
As a writer and teacher by trade, Kristin Steele partners with nonprofits to increase their impact and fundraising by strategically improving how they tell their story at events. Kristin helped start the consulting firm SwaimStrategies in 2004 and co-authored the book "Planning a Successful MajorDonor Event." As a passionate nonprofit advocate, she speaks nationally to help organizations generate change in their communities through their events.
Host Josh Meyer
Joshua Meyer is a passionate advocate for nonprofits. He has over 20 years of experience in fundraising, volunteer management, software, and marketing. As VP of Market Engagement at Bloomerang, Josh helps nonprofits acquire and retain donors through innovative marketing and fundraising strategies. He is committed to helping nonprofits make a difference in the world.