End of year fundraising is the most lucrative, high-stakes fundraising there is. Many organizations raise 30%, sometimes as high as 50% of their individual giving in December.
But is your appeal ready to win your donor’s hearts, minds & wallets? Do you want a simple, step-by-step formula for increasing your year-end fundraising revenue?
Join nonprofit founder and fundraising expert Rachel Muir, CFRE, and her special guest, the immensely talented fundraising copywriter, Julie Cooper for a live workshop.
You’ll learn:
• The most common money-draining mistakes to avoid
• How to perform 5 critical tests: you test, welcome test, easy test, offer test and heart awakening test, to ensure your end of year appeal will get results
• How a copywriting Tinkerbell can makeover an appeal making all the necessary tweaks, nips, and tucks to take it from ‘meh’ to a money-raising machine
• We’re covering all your burning appeal writing questions LIVE
• You’ll get a 21-point end-of-year appeal checklist and a cheat sheet for you to take your appeal through all 5 tests
Access Rachel’s ‘end of year appeal’ checklist on this page.
View Julie’s cheat sheet here.
Access Rachel’s fundraising membership on this page.
View Julie’s free newsletter here.
Access Rachel’s end-of-year appeal rewrite offer on this page.
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