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Donor Retention Trends for YMCAs and YWCAs
In this webinar, you’ll learn why donor retention is important while gaining practical retention tips and real-world examples you can use to ensure that your donors keep giving.
Learning objectives:
- Tips to inspire donor confidence
- Best practices to engage and retain recurring donors
- Opportunities to deepen donor engagement in your cause
- Innovative ways to show donor appreciation and support
- Creative storytelling to inspire new donors to join your mission

What does the current state of donor retention in your sector look like and what can we learn from it? In a nutshell: The personal touch works. Creating a second gift strategy will help you make retention a priority.
Learn about donor retention trends for YMCAs and YWCAs!
Host Emily Kelly
With over 15 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector and in various roles focused on sales and relationship management, Emily Kelly brings the perfect blend of experience to her role at Bloomerang. As National Accounts Manager, Emily seeks to cultivate and preserve partnerships with new national nonprofit organizations, affiliates, and existing partners. She engages with prospects and current customers around the country to showcase solutions and unique offerings that Bloomerang provides for growing nonprofits.