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We all know that we need to have a plan. But often we don’t understand how to create a plan that can effectively guide our work to make the time invested in planning worthwhile.
Let’s go beyond a template, beyond a checklist of items that need to be included, and let’s dig into an approach to planning that enables you to craft a plan that allows your team to move forward cohesively, creatively, and with purpose.
Topics covered:
• Annual Planning
• Strategic Planning
• Grants Planning
Attendees will leave with practical tips on:
• Goals, Strategies, & Tactics Worksheet
• Balancing Detail Handout
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Amanda Mulder
Amanda has been working in nonprofits for the last 20+ years as a part of large and small fundraising teams, on an executive team, and as a leadership volunteer. In those roles, she has developed a passion for working with nonprofits to develop the plans, systems, policies, and processes necessary to build the strength, efficiency, and balance necessary to give nonprofit professionals the tools they need to succeed in the long term.
Host Margie Worrell
Margie Worrell is the Curriculum Manager at Bloomerang. She serves on the board of the Peace Learning Center in Indianapolis, and has worked extensively with nonprofits as both a staff member and a lead volunteer. Her passions include education, theatre, her two grown children and her two small dogs.