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In 2019, $449.64 billion was donated to charities in the US. Last year, giving increased more than 10% — IN A PANDEMIC! AND – 80% of these contributions are made by people. Yet many nonprofits lose 1/3 of their donors each year. Are you ready to get off the treadmill (donors on… donors off… donors on… donors off…)?
One of the keys to building a successful individual giving program is by building and deepening rapport with your donors. This goes well beyond sending timely thank you notes and a quarterly newsletter. In this webinar, you’ll learn the techniques you can use to solicit larger gifts from your donors, while deepening their loyalty to your organization.
Webinar Slide Deck:
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Sarah Lange
Sarah Lange helps nonprofits raise more money, build better boards, chart an exciting course for the future and brag about the good work they’re doing. Her signature system – the Fundamental 5 for Revolutionary Fundraising has helped her raise more than $80M for over 200 nonprofits. Sarah has served as an adjunct professor at Clark University, Boston University School of Social Work, Worcester State University, and the University of Massachusetts in Boston. Her BA is from Colgate University; her Masters from BU School of Social Work. Her book, The Field Guide to Nonprofit Fundraising (Praeger), was published in December, 2017.
Host Steven Shattuck
Steven Shattuck is the Director of Engagement at Capital Campaign Pro. A recognized thought-leader in the nonprofit sector, he has over 15 years of experience advising nonprofits on donor communications, data management, and digital content. Steven Shattuck served as the Chief Engagement Officer at Bloomerang for 10 years. A prolific writer and speaker, Steven contributed to “Fundraising Principles and Practice: Second Edition.” He also supports the Association of Fundraising Professional's Fundraising Effectiveness Project, serves as an AFP Center for Fundraising Innovation (CFI) committee member, and sits on the faculty of the Institute for Charitable Giving. He is the author of Robots Make Bad Fundraisers - How Nonprofits Can Maintain the Heart in the Digital Age, published by Bold and Bright Media (2020).
You can find Steven Shattuck on LinkedIn
Kristin Baur
Building Donor Rapport – GReat Kreations