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Proving impact is hard.
Most nonprofits can’t do in-deptth program evaluations. They know the work they do is making a difference, but can find it difficult to prove with traditional metrics.
Luckily, there are many ways you can tell the story of your organization’s progress with these 18 creative (and true) metrics.
One of the most powerful tools to secure funding year after year is demonstrating momentum…that what you are doing is working. This training will show you creative ways to explain to donors, funders, stakeholders, and your board that the work of your organization is important and impactful.
During this training, you will learn:
- How to use feedback from your community.
- How to focus on areas of success you may have been missing.
- How to think differently about what constitutes “impact”.
- How to look across multiple dimensions of your organizations for success stories.
- How to stop devaluing some of the incredibly unique work you are doing for the field.
- Surprising things that count as assets in the eyes of donors.
- How to have more confidence in your body of work!
Additional Resources
Get Started
Solutions to help you raise, retain, & grow more
Speaker Sean Kosofsky, MPA
Sean Kosofsky is the Nonprofit Fixer! He is a coach, consultant, trainer, and strategic advisor. For the past 30+ years, he has helped causes, campaigns and candidates raise millions of dollars and transformed nonprofit organizations and leaders. He has served in a wide variety of roles in nonprofits, including policy, communications, development, grassroots organizing, direct service, board leadership, and five stints as an executive director. His work and advice has been featured by AFP, Candid, Idealware, Bloomerang, TechSoup, Wild Apricot, Funding for Good, Pamela Grow’s Motivate Mondays, and more. He is an author and the owner of Mind the Gap Consulting, which offers coaching and consulting services for executive directors, boards, and fundraisers, as well as a suite of online training courses. Sean is a proud Detroit native but lives with his husband and dog in New York City. Check out his resources at
Host Kate Kramer
Kate Kramer has over 15 years of development and marketing experience. As the Partner Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, she continues to support organizations that are mission-driven and that positively impact the world. In her previous role as Foundation Manager for the VRMC Foundation, she managed the annual giving programs, including special events and mailing appeals, assisted and oversaw the annual budget and marketing plans, and managed a major gift donor portfolio of over 150 donors.