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Customer Story

Ballet Lubbock

Ballet Lubbock logo
Ballet Lubbock logo

It is through our educational and outreach programming that students learn not only the technique of dance, but also the value of creativity, discipline, and commitment, emerging as young adults who embrace the reward of a focused passion and creating with their community.

It is through our performances that we enhance the cultural vibrancy of West Texas by engaging with our community, inspiring new levels of imagination, and creating memories for generations.

The challenge

Ballet Lubbock was looking for an intuitive, easy-to-use donor management system that could help them take their donor engagement efforts a step further by focusing on relationships and retention instead of just data management. They needed a less clunky system that could give them clear access to their constituents’ data. “We were looking for an intuitive, easy-to-use system that would give us a clear picture of a constituent’s important information on one screen while also helping automate a lot of tasks,” said Nicholas Dragga, Executive Director at Ballet Lubbock.

The solution

With Bloomerang, Nicholas and his team found a system that could help them practice good donor engagement. “We moved from a database that felt clunky and like it was taking a sledgehammer approach. We were spending more time on data management than actual relationship building. Bloomerang’s focus on relationships and donor retention helped us do exactly that: focus on relationships and donor retention (instead of data management)!”

The team at Ballet Lubbock was drawn to Bloomerang’s “intuitive interface, automated tasks (and online donations), and price point,” but have come to appreciate the knowledgeable customer support team at their disposal. “The customer service is parallel to none. Seriously, Bloomerang’s Customer Service is ‘Zappos Level.’ They know and love their product, and will help you figure out how to accomplish your goals.”

Bloomerang has all the features we want and need for a price point that is doable. Plus, the native dashboard alerts help you focus on donor retention and engagement. You’ll spend less time on data management, and more time getting to know your donors.
– Nicholas Dragga

The results

Since implementing Bloomerang, Ballet Lubbock has seen improvements with several fundraising pain points. “Before Bloomerang we couldn’t process donations online, track email opens, or really easily track retention or engagement levels.” Now, Nicholas and his team can benefit from positive changes to their donor retention and dollars raised goals. “Since switching to Bloomerang we’ve doubled our annual fund revenue. Our retention rate is up, and our monthly recurring givers have increased ten-fold.

In addition, the team at Ballet Lubbock has been impressed with how Bloomerang fits into their donor retention and gift development processes. Processing donations and creating acknowledgement letters has never been easier. “Bloomerang’s native features that track and highlight donor engagement and retention strategies help us focus less on data management and more on building relationships with our donors. Processing donations and acknowledgment letters is a breeze – dare I say fun. (and takes half the time now!)”

Nicholas and his team have also seen improvements in both the quality of their constituent communications and their productivity. “The quality and frequency of constituent communication has increased because Bloomerang makes it easy. What used to take 6-7 clicks, now takes 2, so we can get to the data or important things quicker and easier.

It’s amazing what an intuitive, retention-focused tool and the passionate people behind it can do for the growth of an organization such as Ballet Lubbock. “Your customer service is stellar!”

"Bloomerang has all the features we want and need for a price point that is doable."

Nicholas Dragga
Executive Director

When you switch to Bloomerang, expect:


more raised year-over-year

15% higher

donor base growth

Try Bloomerang

See how our donor management software can empower your fundraising strategy.