We’re always looking at ways we can make it easier for organizations to stay in touch with their constituents, so we created two new online forms that help track specific interactions:
- Volunteer Activity – to allow volunteers to submit the day and number of hours they contributed
- Constituent Information – to allow for easy non-paid registrations and ways to get and/or update contact information updates without affecting email interests
Volunteer Activity
One huge indicator of engagement is a constituent’s participation in volunteering opportunities. By adding a Volunteer Activity form on your website, Bloomerang can help you capture the volunteering that happened to allow you to see who volunteered, for how long, and on what day.
This also makes it really easy to generate reports and total the number of hours volunteered over a specific time period.
Constituent Information
This is a really powerful form that help organizations gather updated mailing addresses and phone numbers from their constituents, add new people to their mailing list, and even take registrations for free events.
Similar to the Volunteer Activity form, the Constituent Information form takes a submission and records it as an interaction in the database. The Subject and Purpose can be set when building the form and constituent & interaction custom fields can be used to gather information relevant to your needs.
Then, you can run a report for interactions with that particular subject and total the number of tickets purchased. Brilliant!
Free Events
To set up as a registration page for a free event, simply chose a Subject that is specific to the event. If you’re allowing multiple people to register with one form, then add a Ticket Quantity interaction custom field (even easier if you use the same one you’ve created for your paid events).