Donors make pledges when they feel committed and connected to your organization. Oftentimes, donors keep it simple: $50 a month for 12 months for a total pledge of $600, or something similar. Other times, the donor wants to pay $25 during a few months, $100 during the months that they have more cash flow, delay a couple payments here and there, etc. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes it’s hard to stick to a plan. Sometimes donors tell you they’ll be paying on a sporadic basis up front, other times it’s midway through the pledge. Plans change, we get it. That’s why Bloomerang makes entering and updating pledges easy!
Create New Pledges
When you enter a pledge in Bloomerang, you can create an installment schedule to fit your donor’s intentions. This means with just a few clicks and keystrokes, you can enter a pledge with simple installments based on a set frequency, for the same amount each time period:
Add Custom Installment Amounts and Dates
And even if the donor has told you that they want their pledge payments to be monthly, but during October they want the payment to be for $50 instead of $100, and on the 12th instead of the 10th, that’s no problem. You can easily adjust the installment date and amount prior to saving (or after saving, whenever the donor lets you know).
Or maybe the donor tells you that they plan to pay more sporadically: an initial payment of $500, followed by two $250 payments a few months later. This sort of custom-schedule pledge is a cinch to enter:
Easily See Pledge Progress
Once a pledge has been saved, you can conveniently see high-level information on the Pledge tab, and review payment history and installment information on the Schedule tab:
Make Changes to Pledges as Needed
And if your donor changes their plans midway through paying their pledge, no problem! You can make manual edits to make small tweaks, or efficiently mass-edit installments across the whole pledge. You can even mass-edit a portion of the schedule, even if the installments have already been paid. This allows you to easily accommodate a donor’s wishes, or correct pledges that may have been mis-entered. From rescheduling the dates of future payments, to changing the installment amounts, to adjusting past installments, or any combination of these actions, it’s easy in Bloomerang:
Pledges are a valuable way for donors to demonstrate commitment to your mission, and create an opportunity for you to deepen relationships with donors. When a donor makes a commitment to your organization, you can be sure that Bloomerang will help you easily and accurately track that pledge from initial promise to fulfillment.