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New Bloomerang AI Content Assistant

Your Email Writing Powerhouse

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On July 16, we announced the arrival of the industry-first Bloomerang AI Content Assistant! This innovative feature is designed to overcome writer’s block and save you hours of writing time and effort while helping you craft even better messages.

No more staring at a blank page!

The AI Content Assistant is like having a helpful writing companion by your side. Whether you need a nudge in the right direction, a complete content overhaul, or just a quick grammar check, the Assistant is here to lend a hand.

Here’s what you can do with the AI Content Assistant:

  • Get a jumpstart on your email: Feeling stuck? Ask the Assistant to suggest email copy based on a particular theme or desired call to action.
  • Refine your writing: Let the Assistant improve your content by checking spelling, summarizing lengthy text, or even changing the tone and style.
  • Proofread with confidence: Ensure flawless grammar and punctuation with the Assistant’s spell-checking and editing features.
  • Personalize your message: Tailor your email for maximum impact. The Assistant can help personalize content and adjust the level of formality.
  • Translate with ease: Overcome language barriers by translating your email content directly in the editor.

How it works

You’ll find the AI Content Assistant within the email editor. Simply click the Write with AI button to open a chat window. There, you can ask your questions and receive real-time guidance. The Assistant will even “remember” your conversation, enabling you to refine topics and ask follow-up questions.

Peace of mind with your data

We understand the importance of data security. Rest assured, the AI Content Assistant operates independently and does not access any Bloomerang user data beyond what you enter directly into the chat window. And, the Assistant does not retain user-entered information after your chat session ends.

Getting started with the AI Content Assistant

The AI Content Assistant is available to all Bloomerang users with access to the email editor. There are no additional costs or limitations—it’s included in your Bloomerang subscription!

A few things to keep in mind

  • Think of the AI Content Assistant as a valuable collaborator, not a replacement for your own creativity. While the Assistant can offer fantastic suggestions and improvements, it’s always a good idea to review its recommendations and ensure they align with your message and brand voice.
  • The information the Assistant provides is based on its training data, which is current as of September 2021. It doesn’t access real-time information from the internet.
  • There’s no option to disable the AI Content Assistant entirely. However, you can choose not to interact with it by avoiding the Write with AI button.

We’re confident that the AI Content Assistant will become an indispensable tool in your email marketing arsenal. Stay tuned for upcoming resources designed to help you harness the power of AI content creation for even more impactful email campaigns!

What questions do YOU have about our new AI Content Assistant? Share them with us in the comments below!

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