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Free eBook
The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Donor Data Management
What’s Inside:
- Build a powerful database
- The big picture: Database essentials
- What’s working? What’s not? An internal assessment
- Collecting data that matters
- Setting SMART goals
Grab your free copy
Donor data management doesn't have to be impossible.
You can build a database that empowers you to develop better relationships, set realistic goals, deliver clearer reports, and execute great strategies. It’s time to get to work on an effective nonprofit data management plan so you can get on with the business of making the world a better place.
About the Author
Jay Love
A 30+ veteran of the nonprofit software industry, Jay Love co-founded Bloomerang in 2012. He currently serves on the board of the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and is the past AFP Ethics Committee Chairman.
Your Guide to Building, Maintaining & Leveraging an Effective Nonprofit Database
Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.