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Free eBook
Maximize the Lifetime Value of Your Donor Database
Your donor database fuels your nonprofit’s success, generating vital funding to bring your mission to life. Build a database that backs your cause year after year for a long-term success strategy with minimal effort.
In this guide you will learn:
- Why you should maintain your donor database
- The secret to building a healthy donor database
- 10 steps to help you maximize the lifetime value of your donor database
Grab your free copy
Keep your donors for life
Your donor database is one of the essential tools that helps your nonprofit thrive — all behind the scenes. It generates the funding that makes your mission come to life. By focusing on building a donor database that supports your cause year after year, you’ll have what it takes to create a strategy for long-term success — with less effort and in less time.
Discover how to improve your donor database and raise more funds!
Joshua Meyer is a passionate advocate for nonprofits. He has over 20 years of experience in fundraising, volunteer management, software, and marketing. As VP of Market Engagement at Bloomerang, Josh helps nonprofits acquire and retain donors through innovative marketing and fundraising strategies. He is committed to helping nonprofits make a difference in the world.