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Free eBook
Stay Together: How To Encourage A Lifetime of Donor Loyalty
Discover how to boost donor retention and achieve more in less time with engagement strategies and donor-focused tactics to support your fundraising goals.
In this guide you will learn:
- Uncover fundraising and retention tips for efficient donor management.
- Gain insights on engagement strategies and effective donor retention tactics.
- How to make a significant impact on your organization’s mission with loyal donors.
- Understand the importance of teamwork and dedication in achieving fundraising goals.

There's a lot packed into this 170-page book
We designed it to be compact enough to serve as a daily guide on your donor retention journey.
More than likely, you’ll discover fundraising and retention techniques you had never considered, including tips on how to accomplish more with your fundraising efforts in less time and with less effort.
This book contains advice on engagement, donor retention, and other tactics to help you reach your fundraising goals.
Discover how to encourage donor loyalty and raise more funds!

Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.