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Free eBook
The Nonprofit Sustainability Field Manual
Use this field guide to discover where gaps might lie in your organization’s potential.
In this guide you will learn:
- What nonprofit sustainability is, and is not
- The current state of nonprofit sustainability
- What nonprofits need to implement to achieve sustainability
- The effect on major gift fundraising and securing grants
Grab your free copy
Why Sustainability?
The modern consumer is savvy and shrewd, and today’s donor is no different. Whether they’re an individual, a foundation or a corporation, donors have never been more judicious about who they give their hard-earned dollars to.
Unfortunately, many nonprofits fail to provide the information demanded by those who might consider supporting them. In this guide, we dive into uncovering essential information and more to help nonprofits better meet donor expectations.
Discover how to achieve sustainability and raise more funds!
Donovan Tesin is the Website Optimization Manager at Bloomerang.